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Welcome to Fishcare Victoria's E-News

Hello Fishcare Volunteers and Supporters!

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Here at Fishcare we have had a lot going on around the State, with many in class programs in the Winter time and also quite a few around the State during the school holidays between Term 3 and 4. We have been to Portsea, Albert Park, St Leonards, Melton and Anderson Inlet. 

Currently, we are in need for more volunteers; if you are interested in volunteering with fishcare, please feel free to contact

For more information, check out our website and fill out the volunteer application form at the end of the page 

Jacinta Early
Port Phillip Facilitator
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Species of the Month

Victoria's favourite whiting species is both fun to catch and great to eat. Learn more here.
Click here to Volunteer Now with Fishcare

Winter Fishy Fun with East Gippsland Primary School students


The local schools,  Lakes Entrance Primary School and Toorloo Arm Primary School engaged Fishcare East Gippsland to conduct educational  fishing workshops to the Grades 3, 4, 5, 6, as part of Fishcare EG Winter program.

Lakes Entrance Primary School commenced with rain and windy conditions cancelling the first outdoor fishing workshop which all the Grade 3 and 4 students back  into the classroom for an incursion class. In the classroom, each student was given a copy of the Victorian Recreational  Fishing Guide where they learnt about identifying  local fish species and their size and bag  limits. Also included in the incursion class was the best practice in handling and releasing  undersize fish back to the water to maximise their survival rate. Discussion also included  introduced pest species such as European Carp and  the invasive pest, Northern Pacific Seastar and to inform students what should do if they  catch or see one in the Gippsland Lakes. This incursion session finished with the students being broken up into groups, each given a giant fish puzzle which they had to put together with each group delivering  a presentation to the rest of the class about how the fish functions from the information under each puzzle piece. All groups did very well with their presentations with a great deal learnt on how each part functions to assist the fish’s movement.

The next week saw  weather conditions improving  with the Lakes Entrance,  Grade 5 and 6 students able to walk to a local waterway to undertake an outdoor workshop before going fishing. These “FishRight” workshops include fish identification, size and bags limits, how to measuring fish, how to release fish properly back into the water , hook removal and how to tie the appropriate fishing knots. Then the students  participated in a casting clinic and then go fishing for over an hour to put all the newly acquired skills into practice in the waters behind the Lake Entrance Angling Club rooms.

In September, the Grade 5 and 6 students from Toorloo Arm Primary School  walked to Fisherman’s Landing on Lake Tyers to take part  in perfect spring conditions in a morning and afternoon “FishRight” educational fishing workshops.

Fishcare East Gippsland have previously had students from both these schools on-board with their fishing programs and great to see that students had retained  learnt knowledge and quickly answered all the questions in regard to the  fishing regulations and sustainable fishing practices.

Navan Park Lake Family Day

Spring weather was out on show at Navan Park Lake for our first event on the September school holidays. Fishcare Central Highlands teamed up with Melton City Council for the 4th Kid's Fishing Day. We loaned out up to 40 rods for kids of all ages during the day, with around 10 or so children bringing their own rods and learning on how to rig up for the first time.

Our casting lanes enabled first timers to learn how to cast like a Pro, where we had a few kids able to cast into the buckets we had set up making a few of the Fishcare crew a bit jealous of their natural talent. Navan Park Lake is stocked with Rainbow trout at the start of every school holidays by the Victorian Fisheries Authority. All registered participants were given a container of powerbait to increase their chances to catch a nice big rainbow trout! This proved fruitful with a few kids able to snag a few rainbow trout with William catching his first fish ever and was thrilled with his catch just before they were about to pull their lines in! Needless to say he stayed until the end of the day beaming like many others, enforcing again why we here at Fishcare do what we love to do.


Fishing at Portsea's Charity Camp!

For the last 8+ years, the Fishcare Mornington Peninsula and Westernport group has been providing our services to Portsea Camp. Recently, we have changed the way we ran our workshops which have been a hit success. At the camp the participants have various "licences", such as bike and beach licences which makes sure that the participants have an acceptable level of competency. We decided to fit in with this method by the day previous, running a session with Rules and Regulations, How to rig a rod, invasive species and with a large casting competition. Once participants had done this session with us, they could come out onto the Portsea Pier with us as many times as they wanted the following day. 

This was an absolute blast for the Fishcare Volunteers. As we were able to spend 1.5hrs with the participants giving them in depth knowledge of all the aspects of fishing on the Tuesday 3rd of October, then spend four 1.5hr sessions on the pier fishing all day Thursday 5th of October. Once they came out with us on the pier, they were able to cast, rig up and even try some different techniques. There were a few of the guys who were from the Murray river region and really wanted to try their hand at squid fishing - something they never have had the chance to do. Some participants even tried out different rigging techniques to see what worked best for them. The most exciting part of the day is when a local fisherman caught a huge Port Jackson Shark (and promptly released it) which gave all the children motivation! 

The Portsea Camp runs four week-long camps in school holidays for disadvantaged, special needs and rurally isolated children. The one that was in October was for 13-16 year old teenagers. Costs are heavily subsidised and Fishcare provides all of our services free of charge over the 2 days. 

If you would like to learn more about the amazing work that Portsea Camp does, check out their website

Saturday 21st October 
Eildon Fishing Competition
10am - 4pm
Lake Eildon
Saturday 21st October 
Eildon Fishing Competition
10am - 4pm
Lake Eildon
Saturday 28th October
Churchill Kids Fishing Day
10am - 12pm
Lake Hyland, Mathison Park
Sunday 29th October
VFA Fishing Day
10am - 12pm
Marybourough Lake Victoria
       Sarah Van Stokrom                                       Jenny Allitt                                             Jacinta Early                     State Coordinator                              East Gippsland Facilitator                     Port Phillip Facilitator              0437672242                                            (03) 5152 0456                                        0423588345   
Fishcare Victoria is a community based not-for-profit organisation promoting responsible and sustainable attitudes and practices amongst recreational anglers and the wider community. 
Copyright © 2016 Fishcare Victoria Inc. All rights reserved.

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