Need more Focus?  
On occasion I'll send out an email to the list.  I assure you, the email will always come from me, it won't be spam, and you can reply directly to me at anytime.  It's my way of reaching out and helping a community that I love!  If you want to keep in touch - sign up!

One of the things I know is that for most of us, joining WW isn't a ONE time thing. It took me signing up 5 times. The brain plays tricks on us. We quit the program when we shouldn't for a lot of different reasons, and sometimes it takes a long time for us to be reminded to come back.

My hope is that you subscribe - NEVER unsubscribe and when and if you fall off the plan, this nagging email will remind you to come back.

I know there will be many times when you simply delete the email because your brain says, "Not now" - I've been there too - but if you truly never leave the list, at some point it will bring you back to your journey.

After all you joined for a reason, it doesn't go away, unless you solve the problem that got you started in the first place!

So set yourself up for success, defend yourself against yourself!

Your Wingman,

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