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Weekly Newsletter

February 20, 2017


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India’s precipitous fall on international freedom ranking under Modi’s regime

India has always been one of the most unfree nations in the world, but it was slowly moving back towards the world average. However, in the newly released freedom rankings by the Heritage Institute it appears that the Modi government has delivered a severe shock to India and taken it back by a decade.
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Towards sanity: Why we need less government

We have survived another important election season. And there are state elections in major states in India. We have witnessed savvy politicians further propelling religious and cultural divisions and emetically theorizing how they will expand executive power to control our lives.
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Our Westminster model is good but we need to fix its incentives

A range of electoral systems can provide democratic representation. These include Westminster proportional or first-past-the-post (FPTP) system, and the presidential system. India’s follows the Westminster FPTP system.
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Intro image features opinions on Indian current affairs, policies and the economy.

Thomas Sowell

Giving leaders enough power to create "social justice" is giving them enough power to detsroy all justice, all freedom, and all human dignity.
