Ignite, Meet the New Band Council, Post Marching Band Season, Banquet Recap
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Farewell from the Third Editor
All good things must end, and the same is true of my tenure as editor for The Pride. I’ve been a part of the newsletter since 2014 and working on it has been one of my favorite things I’ve done as a part of the UCMB. I’ve been in charge of thirteen issues of the newsletter, and have seen such growth in it over that time. What started as a team of two has become a full-fledged committee, with nearly a dozen active members, and I could not be more excited about its progress. With issues coming out with increasing regularity, I believe the newsletter will become an even greater institution in the coming years, allowing alumni and current members alike to stay up to date on current band happenings.

There have been so many people who have contributed in one way or another to the newsletter, and I thank all of you for your help. Of course, I would be remiss if I didn’t thank you, faithful reader. Our humble newsletter is still young, only about five years old, but it’d be nothing without the people who read and enjoy it, so thank you all.

It’s been an honor to work on such an important part of what the UCMB does, and I’m so thankful for the opportunity. As I move on and graduate in a few short months, I will always fondly remember my time in the UCMB and the time I spent working The Pride. 

So good luck to the next generation of newsletter creators, and now that I’ll be the one receiving the emails, I can’t wait to see what you achieve!

Daniel Fasciano
Introducing: The 2017 Band Council Officers
By Samantha Morales

On Saturday, January 21, 2017, at the annual UCMB Banquet, former President Stephanie Miranda inducted one returning and eight newly elected 2017 band officers. Congratulations and welcome, 2017 Officer Board! With a full year ahead of them, the officers are excited to take on projects and challenges that await them. We asked the O-Board to answer some questions so we could get to know them as our officers a little better, and here is what they had to say:

Meghan Wood- President

Q: Why do you think your position is important to the band?
A: I think my position is important because it helps to bridge the gap between the business operations of the band and the student aspect. My position is one that works very closely with the logistical side of the band while also being visible to all members of the UCMB as well as the university, so it’s a really unique situation to be in!
Q: What is your favorite UCMB memory so far?
A: Definitely the Battle of the Bands in St. Pete! It was really cool to be able to interact with another college marching band on such a friendly level, while being able to represent UConn in Florida with my band family!

Brett Rasile- Vice President

Q: What do you think will be your biggest challenge coming into this position?
A: I think my biggest challenge coming into the position of Vice President will be finding a path to take in terms of improving and revising the Constitution. There are many great ideas on the table, but in the end I must make the decision as to which revisions are most beneficial for the band and the band council.
Q: What is your favorite UCMB memory so far?
A: My favorite memory during my time with the UCMB has got to be the St. Petersburg trip. My section held a Secret Santa and it was so nice to see how thoughtful all of the gifts were, and how happy every single member was to receive their gift. I truly felt like a part of a family at that moment, and because of St. Petersburg my bond with the whole band has skyrocketed. TUP!

Brett Simms- Historian

Q: What experiences have you had that made you want this position?
A: I have always been interested in history. History in general, but specifically history of the marching arts. I am very interested in how drum corps got their starts and what they had to do to get as popular as they are currently. During preseason, when the freshmen got to learn about the history of the UCMB, I was fascinated with how the band started out so small and grew to the size that it is today.
Q: What are you most looking forward to in your upcoming term?
A: I’m looking forward to informing others about the incredible history that this band has, telling the freshmen next year some information about the band, and getting to plan another fantastic history day during the 2017 season.


Sammi Swistak- Secretary

Q: What are you most looking forward to in your upcoming term?
A: In my upcoming term as UCMB Council secretary I’m really looking forward to becoming part of the behind the scenes work with the officer board on upcoming projects and events, making sure they run smoothly. I’m also super excited to utilize my voice as secretary to send personal UCMB thank you and postcards to the extraordinary people who work with and help our band!
Q: What is your favorite UCMB memory so far?
A: Singing the Alma Mater for the first time- full band, in 102- everyone had just (re-)learned their parts. We were reminded to sing with genuinity, with intention of our pride in our university and our band. I remember it as the moment I knew I’d joined something truly spectacular. Rather than the band splitting up as section, part, or friend group, we are sopranos, altos, tenors, and basses- all important. We bow our heads together, and shake our best friends’ shoulders for friendships that ever remain. It’s unifying. I love the Alma Mater, and the whole band was extra aware of their musicality and intention that rehearsal. I felt the strength of 300+ voices for the first time that day… so it was a really great moment for me.

Kayla Little- Treasurer

Q: What are you most looking forward to in your upcoming term?
A: What I am looking forward to most is seeing and hearing about all the events that the band does that most people don't know about. Also excited to be even more involved in helping out with all of said events.
Q: What is your favorite UCMB memory so far?
A: My favorite UCMB memory would be the first time of many that Susanna, my now best friend because of band, ended up on the Jumbotron at a football game. It's a good memory that always makes me think back to all the other good memories I've had with the band so far.


Megan Ennis- Communications Coordinator

Q: What are you most looking forward to in your upcoming term?

A: Sending emails of course!! Hahaha as fun as emails are I am totally kidding. I am most looking forward to heading the newsletter and seeing what type of new modern direction it will take. The newsletter is a pivotal piece to our UCMB culture, and I believe strengthening it with more writers and fun articles will keep it well read throughout the band and alumni.

Q: What is your favorite UCMB memory so far?

A: Preseason. Plain and Simple. Every year it's the best week because everyone is coming back to campus, the hype for the new season and school year is high, people are super positive and happy (and tan), it's my birthday, you get to meet some really awesome new members and you feel so active.

Emilyn Tuomala- Alumni Liaison

Q: What experiences have you had that made you want this position?
A: History Day and the Homecoming game were the two reasons I decided to run again for the role of alumni liaison for this coming year. Watching Christine and I's brainchild come to life and to see how dedicated the freshman reps were, as well as so many people showing up, made me feel like I had actually accomplished something. Also, meeting so many new and enthusiastic past members at the Homecoming game made the band feel a little smaller, especially as they shared their memories with me.
Q: What is your favorite UCMB memory so far?
A: My favorite memory was definitely being in the front of the BOWIE during the big push in the closer. I definitely should have used better breath support but the times I was taking huge breaths allowed to me to really listen to everyone playing. I always love power in music, whether it's the reverberations in a low note or just an incredible amount of volume, which we had. I wish I was able to be on the receiving end at least once and witness the sheer sound we created.

Maddie Geerlof- Social Coordinator

Q: What do you think will be your biggest challenge coming into this position?
A: Planning and preparing for Homecoming will definitely be my biggest challenge as Social Coordinator. From my own experiences and involvement with homecoming over the past few years, I have witness how much work goes into both the tradition of homecoming as well as the competition.
Q: Why do you think your position is important to the band?
A: When you are a part of an organization as large as the UCMB it is very difficult to know every single person within the group. My role as  Social Coordinator is important to the UCMB because I am able to help members of the band get to know each other in an aggregate of ways which promotes the welcoming atmosphere of our band.

Sydney Fogarty- Merchandise Coordinator

Q: What do you think will be your biggest challenge coming into this position?
A: I think my biggest challenge is going to be to fill Emily's shoes. She left me with sliver of her legacy in the UCMB and I am excited to get going. Emily has really helped me so much and wants me to succeed, which makes all of this a lot easier.
Q: What is your favorite UCMB memory so far?
A: My favorite UCMB memory so far is how lovely and caring my section is. They are such a caring group of people and such a fantastic support system. I am so lucky to call the mellophone section my family. #H4L

Surving Post Marching Band Season
By Nicole Ware
Got the post marching band blues? Miss the music and friends? Have no fear, there are other band ensembles to see! Concert Band meets on Tuesday and Thursday, directed by the marvelous Marvin McNeil. The concert band's concert is Tuesday April 18th at 8pm. There is also Symphonic Band directed by Dr. Mills. Their concerts are March 7th at 8pm and April 25th at 8pm. Or is your true passion watching people throw things in the air and catch them? Check out the Winter Guard almost every Saturday.  Ask any member of guard for more details!! Don't forget to check out the UConn Winterline during halftime performances at basketball games. Try and stay involved in music in the off season!
Got Alumni News?
Are you an alumnus?  Has something exciting happened concerning you or other alumni?  If so, the Newsletter wants to hear about it!  Contact with your news and get it published in future newsletters!
The Winner of the Reverse Caption Contest: Carolina Quinones!
UCMB Participates in 2017 Ignite Crowdfunding Competition
by Meghan Wood

The 5th annual UConn Foundation Ignite competition is well underway, and we need your help! The UCMB, fundraising for new percussion equipment for the Drumline, is competing against 30 other student groups. Your $5 (or more!) donation could push us over the edge to win a portion of $20,000 in bonus prize money as we compete in biweekly donor competitions.

For students, your donation is “most valuable” from NOW until February 26th.
For graduates of the last decade (’16 – ‘07’), your donation is most valuable from February 27th - March 12th.
For “everyone else” (all other alumni, parents, siblings, friends, faculty, staff, etc.) your donation is most valuable from March 13th – March 26th. 

Donations must be given online at and are tax-deductible.

Banquet Recap
By Megan Ennis

January 21st, 2017: The Greatest Day of the Year…Banquet! Or if you're a goober like me you call it "Bandquet" (I know it's cheesy but I just couldn't resist). The night of Banquet consists of lots of music (obviously), photos (no surprise here), food and sentimental speeches/media presentations. Members began entering the Rome Ballroom doors around 5 pm to start off the social hour of the night. As everyone arrived, you were greeted by the Sophomore Reps* and given your coordinating table place card. The beginning of banquet also included members of the Brass Band playing lots of upbeat entertaining charts. The social hour felt like a giant family reunion, everyone was so happy and excited to see each other. Friends updated each other after a long winter break, sections hugged, and Seniors reminisced on the season.

As the presentation and speech portion of the night began, everyone was settled in their seats surrounding by friends with smiles on their faces. Of course the highlight of the night was when Dr. Mills took a more unconventional approach to his annual speech and individually named every person in the UCMB to thank them for a wonderful season. This was a wonderful way for the members to really feel apart of the band and important, even if there was 10 other people with the same name as yours (I'm looking at all the Emilys). 

The evening closed out with, of course, some dancing! The music ranged from current Pop Hits to throwback childhood classics like the Cotton Eyed Joe.  The dance floor allowed for everyone to mix up sections and age groups and just enjoy themselves. No matter what you did in the band or what you major is, you could bust out a dance move to your favorite toon.

Although Banquet symbolizes the end of the UCMB 2016 season, it also symbolizes the love we have for one another and music. I thank everyone for making Banquet 2017 so memorable and enjoyable. Special shout out to Owen Logios, Brett Rasile, Joe Ludemann and Amberly Lao for planning and executing it extremely well! And I can't wait to see what the next Banquet has in store for us, perhaps a reappearance of Courtney in the shark costume? 

The Pride Poll
by Oliver Kochol

Since February is the month for love, we'd love to know what your plans for Valentine's day were! 

Vote Now
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Current Staff
Editor: Daniel Fasciano
Staff Writers: Megan Ennis, Oliver Kochol, Samantha Morales, Nicole Ware
Contributing Writers: Meghan Wood
Copyright © 2017 UConn Marching Band, All rights reserved.

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