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February 2017

Welcome to our first 2017 newsletter.

The latest copy of our printed newsletter 'Centrelines' can be accessed from our office or on our website here.

We would like to share the following information with you:

Welcome Back
Health and Learning Expo - Monday 3rd March
Early Learning Centre - Terms Dates and Places Available
Glenfield Rotary Quiz Night - Friday 13th March
Auckland Community Law Centre - Free Legal Education Series
New Legal Clinic Starting

GCC Facebook PageDon't forget to like us on Facebook and keep up-to-date with what is happening in your local community.

Hub Logo  Welcome Back

It's February already and things are in full swing here at the Centre. We would like to take the opportunity to offer a big welcome to all of our new and returning Hirers and User Groups. Things are busy and it is great to see you all here using the facility.
Don't forget to check our website for new listings and to share the information with your networks.

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Hub Logo  Health & Learning Expo: Friday 3rd MarchHealth & Learning Expo



For the second year, Our Early Learning Centre is partnering with Plunket's Glenfield Clinic to coordinate a FREE Health and Learning Expo aimed at Parents and Caregivers of children from 0 to 5 years living in and around Glenfield.


In our Mission Hall and car-park on the corner of Glenfield Road and Bentley Avenue.


11am - 2pm with activities, giveaways, goodie-bags, and a BBQ.

Who's Coming:

Toy Library,  Plunket's Free Parenting Courses, Health checks, Pepe, Car Seat checks, Nurses, Glenfield Library, NZ Fire Service (smoke alarms), and our own Early Learning Centre, with other groups still to be confirmed. Watch this space.

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Hub Logo  Term Dates and Places Available

GELC LogoWelcome back to all our families after the Summer Break. Our first term runs from 7 February to 13 April (just before Easter).
We have immediate places available for children over 3 years, and offer 20 free hours per week for children attending our Centre who are aged over 3 years.

Check out the website for more up-to-date information around upcoming activities, booking sessions, times and prices or ring us directly: 09-4140818.

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Hub Logo  Free Legal Education Series - "Know Your Rights"

Auckland Community Law CentreAuckland Community Law Centre continues its FREE Legal Education Series starting next week.

All sessions run for 2 hours starting at 1.30pm.

* Thursday 23 February - The Law of Wills
* Thursday 2 March - Family Law
* Thursday 9 March - Consumer Law
* Thursday 16 March - ACC Law
* Thursday 23 March - Immigration Law
* Thursday 30 March - Residential Tenancy Law

Bookings are on a first-come, first-served basis so register now.
For more information, call Maddox Ahuja, Community Education and Information Officer: (09) 3779449, or email:

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Hub Logo  Rotary Quiz Night - Monday 13 March, 6.30pm

Rotary Quiz Night
Glenfield Rotary are holding a Quiz Night at the Postman's Leg to help fund its Community Youth Services arm for 2017.
Teams of 4: $120, Teams of 8: $200. Click here to book a table or phone 021 435869.

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Hub Logo  New Legal Clinic Starting: Monday 20 February

Adrianne McLean BarristerAdrianne McLean Barrister are approved Legal Aid Providers offering legal advice for all your family needs.

They will be offering a free-walk in clinic at the Centre on Mondays and Fridays from 9:30am-11:30am (except for public holidays).
By-appointment only (paid) appointments from 12.00 noon - 3.00pm (bookings essential - see phone number below).

They offer a full range of services and can assist with your Relationship Property, Domestic Violence and Child Custody related matters, Wills, Estate Planning and Administration, Enduring Powers of Attorney (EPA’s), Protection of Personal and Property Rights (PPPR) applications, Rest Home Care applications and Residential Care Subsidy applications, as well as Occupation Licences for retirement villages.

The service operates on a first-come, first-served basis or, if you prefer you can call and talk to them directly on (09) 8692097.

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