
Members' Newsletter  - February 2017
Quote of the Month

“Movies will make you famous; Television will make you rich; But theatre will make you good.”
The thoughts of Chairman Mo ...

We are through the worst – of winter, that is! Looking forward to the spring and summer – think we all are......

So what’s going on with MDG right now? LOADS!!!!! Re the quote, we must be the most “good” people ever, as we are soooo into theatre.

We are right into The Regina Monologues and our Festival entry The Red Balloon and more about both of those later in the newsletter. We are also have the preview for the Summer Classic – The Picture of Dorian Grey, on Sunday 26th February. The preview is absolutely the best way to see what the play is about, how the Director plans to stage it and what the opportunities are for each of us to be involved, in whatever capacity. So do come and find out all about it!

It won’t be long before we will be having our AGM and it will be time to make some changes – and what those changes are will be very much up to you. One thing is for sure, you will need to elect a new Chair to take the group forward from where we are at the moment. I will have come to the end of my promised 2 year stint and will be handing over the position to someone else. Sad but true! If you want to invest in, re-invest in and support this fantastic group, can I urge you to think about the future and what we all need to do to ensure that we build on the foundations that it has taken so much effort to put down over the last 2 years. And when you’ve thought about it, decide how you might contribute and then – just give it a go! There are  always things that need doing, always positions on committee that fall vacant for one reason or another. We have some tremendous committee members, working their socks off and still we have so much to juggle from one week to the next. Let me tell you that the constitution says that one of the responsibilities of the Chair is to pick up all the jobs that no-one else is doing – believe me, I’ve been busy! We need to share the load people, share the load ......

Anyhoo – read on, enjoy the news, digest the info, put the dates in your diary and let’s make ourselves good!


Spring Production

Rehearsals for The Regina Monologues are going really well. You mustn't miss this right royal bunch making holding court in the Studio at Norden Farm from 22nd-25th March at 8pm.

Click the flyer to go directly to the box office.

The Red Balloon (Festival entry)

The Red Balloon – Directed by Zoe Roberts
Girl                     Grace Pearson-Hall
Woman               Ros Joynes
Man                    Mick Craig
Lighting design  James Berkeley
SM                     Maureen Bukht 
Stage Crew       Cameron Kinross

Performance on the evening of Saturday 18th March.

Details of the whole Festival are below. Seeing the work of others and hearing the adjudication of each piece will always inform our own practice. Obviously you will be there to support the home team on Saturday evening but lets use the whole Festival to expand our knowledge and experience of making theatre.
The Picture of Dorian Gray - Preview

Dates for your Diary

Preview Sunday 26th February 2pm at Babbage House
Auditions Sunday 9th April from 2pm at Babbage House

Performances Wednesday 12th to Saturday 15th July
in the Courtyard Theatre at Norden Farm

About the play
Set in the decadent world of Victorian London, a beautiful young man called Dorian Gray becomes infatuated by the exquisite portrait that Basil Hallward has painted of him. He makes a Faustian pact which gives him the capacity to explore every possible vice and desire while his moral decay is hidden away in his painted portrait that reflects all the marks of his increasing degeneration.

“The only way to get rid of temptation is to yield to it.”
Oscar Wilde, The Picture of Dorian Gray

For more information please contact

This amateur production of “Picture of Dorian Gray, The” is presented by special arrangement with SAMUEL FRENCH, LTD.

MDG "Christmas Dinner"
For those that didn't go to our 'Christmas meal' on Saturday, you missed out! As one of the 'new girls' I was made to feel so welcome. It was a fun, relaxing evening with great company. Bianco Nero is a cosy, friendly restaurant and everyone seemed to enjoy catching up with one another and chatting about productions past and present.

The alcohol flowed and the food went down well. I am already looking forward to our next meet up. Hope to see you there.....

Monday Morning Club
The Monday Morning Club has begun meeting, believe it or not on Monday mornings at 10am. We have begun setting up a library in the members' room in Babbage house. If you would like to come and join us, please let me know

We need your help!
This year Maidenhead Drama Guild is 70 (what a year 1947 was!) if you have any interesting tales to tell, or have any details or photographs of any production please let me know. We want to get our Archive up and running. We will let you know how we are progressing in the Newsletter.
MDG AGM - Advance Notice

This year's AGM is on Tuesday 16 May 2017 at Babbage House

The timetable is below:
35 days – Officially announce date of AGM 11th April 2017

21 days – Secretary to have received proposals & resolutions 25th April 2017
7 days – Circulate Agenda 9th May 2017
7 days – Secretary to receive nominations for election 9th May 2017

Please make a note of these dates in your diary.

If you wish to attend and vote, please check that your membership is up-to-date. Details of how to pay are on the website HERE.

We want to hear from you!

If you have anything you would like to be included in next month's newsletter; photos from an event or rehearsal, a newspaper article, a review, or anything you think would be of interest to the MDG community then please email me HERE

If you would like to get in contact with another MDG committee member, you will find all their email contacts HERE
Copyright © 2017 Maidenhead Drama Guild, All rights reserved.

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