Where the Grace of God Awaits You!
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Midweek Update for February 22
Coming Soon at FCC


6:30 p.m.
Choir Practice
7:00 p.m.
Easter Cantata Practice

Thursday, February 23
6:30 p.m.
Young Adults at Mugshots

Sunday, February 26
9:00 a.m.
Sunday School 
10:15 a.m.
Morning Worship
11:30 a.m.
Mardi Gras Luncheon
5:00 p.m. 
Children & Youth

Monday - Thursday 
9:30 a.m. - 1: 30 p.m.
The Adventure Nook Preschool & MDO​​

February 27

7:00 a.m. 
Men's Bible Study
11:00 a.m.
Staff Meeting
6:30 p.m.
Mission Council

Tuesday, February 28
10:00 a.m.
Ladies Bible Study
Prayer Requests 
Prayer requests are
regularly shared 
through our
CareLine telephone 
messages. To share
a prayer request or
to add a telephone
number to receive
CareLine messages,
please email the
church office
or call
Prayers for Health & Healing:
Martha Johnson
Dotsy Kennedy
Mary Nelson
Ron Owens
Nickey Rudd
Don Wurner
Prayers for Those Receiving Long-Term Medical Care:
Jane Belcher

Janet Clark
Marlene Dillon
David Hamilton
Kathie Owens
Susan Smith
Sunday Servants for February 26

Elders on Call
Kathey Long
Jill Pasky

 Kallie Blakemore
Linnea Blakemore
Linda Browning
Deb Carpenter
Bob Frederickson
Bruce MacKenzie
Sue MacKenzie
Bruce Moon
Marian Moon
Madi Payton
Art Varvoutis
Regena Varvoutis
Barbara Wyrosdick

Molly Springfield

Sunday School Greeter
Bruce Moon

Worship Greeters (Door)
Bob & Janice Lamb

Sanctuary Greeter
Ginny White 

Aiden Johnson
Colton Chandler
Children’s Worship & Wonder 

Ashley Chester
Jennifer Powell
Jenny Long

Nursery Volunteer
Kimberly Jones
Forward to Friend


Sometimes it is easy to convince ourselves that good fences really do make good neighbors.  After all, life is less complicated with a clear line between us and them, ours and theirs, mine and yours.  We prefer things to be nice and simple, black and white...we have little patience for shades of gray.  Yet as disciples of Jesus, we follow one who had little use for the lines and labels we use to separate ourselves. Men and women, Jews and Samaritans, sinners and Pharisees: all have a place around Christ's table.  The question is, are we willing to follow Jesus across the lines and beyond us and them?  To learn more, join us on Sundays at 10:15 AM for Rev. Troy Tatum's newest sermon series, Crossing the Line.

Audio recordings of recent sermons are available to stream or download here.
It's not too late to sign up for the Mardi Gras Lunch! Call or email the church office by Thursday February 23. You can choose from an entree of chicken or fish, and enjoy a wonderful feast. We'll have a Mardi Gras themed photo booth, beads, and moon pies. See you there!

Lenten Supper and Worship Series

We invite you to make worship a priority this Lenten season by attending Eventide, our Lenten supper and worship services on Wednesday, March 8, 15, 22, and April 5 (we will not meet the week of Spring Break).  Following supper at 5:30 PM,  we will worship in the sanctuary at  6:15 PM.   Worship will feature singing, interactive prayers, reflections on scripture, and communion. We will receive donations to offset the cost of meals. Come join us for this special time of devotion and worship.

We are registering for our 2017/18 school year.  It is going well but we would like more to register.  If you know of anyone who might be interested, please tell them about us.

As always, I thank you,


FEBRUARY 27, 6:30 P.M.

In an effort to make plans for future Outreach ministries, we are having our annual Outreach Mission planning meeting on Sunday, March 5th.   We will start after church service. 

We will discuss past events and share new ideas on reaching out to others. Lunch will be provided. Please join us.

RSVP to:  Steve Pasky

FCC Car Decals Available

We now have First Christian Church car decals available to anyone who would like to help spread the word about FCC in our community.  You can pick up a sticker in the church office during the week, or in the narthex on Sundays.  Thanks to a generous gift, there is no charge to you.  Enjoy!  
This Week:
Join us Sunday evenings from 5:00 - 6:30 pm.  Activities for ages 3 years - 5th grade include music, games, stories, and crafts.
This Week:
Join us Sundays from 5:00-7:00 pm for 6th -12th grade. Each week we'll share supper, games, bible study, conversation, and faith!
Now Hiring
First Christian Church is actively seeking to fill two staff positions.  We are searching for an additional paid nursery worker for Sunday mornings. Interested applicants should contact Robin Blakemore.  We are also searching for a music director.  More information about the music director position, including how to apply, is available here.
February Church Calendar & Serving Schedule
Please click here to download the February calendar and schedule. Printed copies will also be available in the narthex on Sunday.
Electronic Giving:
Fast, Easy, & Secure

We respond to the Good News of God's love by joyfully bringing our tithes and offerings to God, and giving online is a fast, secure, and easy way to do just that.  You can even schedule your offering for carefree, automatic withdrawal.

To create a secure login and schedule a recurring gift, please click here.

To login to your existing profile, please click here.

For help and more information, please click here.

Thank you for considering this option for giving, and thank you for your generosity and support of what God is doing at First Christian Church!
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