CAE Notes - March 2017
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Fellows in the News

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Upcoming CAE Activities

11-12 April 2017:
OTTAWA - Reshaping Energy 2017: Opportunities and Impacts of Reducing Canadian GHG Emissions

19 April 2017:
Executive Committee

26 April 2017:
Board Meeting

26 June 2017:
Annual General Meeting

Financial Support

We appreciate the financial support provided by our organizational donors and by individual Fellows.

Please consider making a tax deductible donation on our website.

Join Us on Social Media

The CAE has a private group on LinkedIn for CAE Fellows. Follow this link and click the 'Join' button to request membership in the group today! You may also follow our activities on Facebook and Twitter.

Voting for New Fellows

In February, all Active Fellows will have received emails describing the process for voting for new Fellows .

As was previously noted, the voting process has been revised this year; all Fellows will have to examine the citations for the nominees put forward, and hopefully cast votes, before they pay their 2017 dues.

The Board hopes that this new process will increase the participation for the annual election which historically has been in the mid 30% range. Emeritus and Honorary Fellows will also be invited to examine the slate of candidates.

Please note that the deadline to pay your annual fees without incurring the late fee is 1700 EST, 17 March, 2017 and the last day to vote is 1 April, 2017.

Dr. Angus Bruneau (1935-2017)

It is with much sadness that we received news of the passing of Dr. Angus Bruneau.

Dr. Bruneau was the founding Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science at Memorial University in 1968. He introduced one of the first co-operative education programs in engineering in the country and created C-CORE, today a world-renowned research organization in remote sensing, ice engineering and geotechnical engineering.

After leaving Memorial, Dr. Bruneau founded Fortis Inc. in 1987 and served as its President & CEO from 1987 – 1996 and Chairman of the Board of Directors from 1998 – 2006. Today it is one of the top 15 power utilities in North America, with over $48 billion in assets, 3.2 million customers, and revenues of over $6.8 billion per year.

The CAE is very grateful for Dr. Bruneau's considerable contributions over the years. He was one of the original 44 founding engineers of the CAE and served as our President in 1995-96.

Reshaping Energy 2017: Opportunities and Impacts of Reducing Canadian GHG Emissions, April 11-12 2017, Ottawa

As follow-on from the CAE’s 2016 Report of the Trottier Energy Futures Project (TEFP), the CAE and the Conference Board of Canada are in the midst of a techno-economic study on how to de-carbonize Canada's economy over the next 35 years.

This study will introduce more evidenced-based work into what has largely been, until now, high-level commentary. It will add detailed economic analysis to a range of technical pathways identified by the CAE as part of the TEFP.

The results of this work will be released for the first time at this April event, forming a key part of the agenda and discussion.

Governor in Council appointments

The Government of Canada is applying a more rigorous approach to Governor in Council (GIC) appointments.

The selection process will reflect the fundamental role that more than 1500 Canadians play in our democracy as they serve on commissions, boards, Crown corporations, agencies, and tribunals.

If you are interested in serving in any these capacities, please visit the GIC's website. Thanks to the RSC for pointing out these opportunities for Fellows.

2017 Annual Meeting

On Monday 26 June 2017, the next Annual Meeting will take place at the Ottawa Convention Centre and the Induction Ceremony at the Canada Aviation and Space Museum.

2017 Annual Meeting

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