Good Shepherd Plus Opportunities This Weekend, February 24-26
Invite friends and join members at Luther’s ‘Music in the Shape of a Pear’ festival events, Friday evening - Sunday morning. This semi-annual concert series is directed by faculty member, Composer-In-Residence, and our Music Director Brooke Joyce. All events are open to the public with no admission charge. Note below that two events are being held at Good Shepherd: Saturday morning’s “Music For Children” concert; and the final event at our Sunday worship service.
- Friday evening, 8:00 and 9:30 - “Musica Electronica”, Luther’s Planetarium, Valders Hall of Science, first floor
- Saturday morning, 10:30, at Good Shepherd - “Music For Children (To Play, Sing, and Listen)”. Music made by, played by, and/or composed by children is featured in this low-key, kid-friendly way to introduce young ones to classical music.
- Saturday afternoon, 2:00 - "Chamber Music from Iowa and Environs”, Noble Recital Hall, Jenson-Noble Hall of Music
- Saturday evening, 7:30 -"Even More Chamber Music from Iowa and Environs”, Noble Recital Hall.
For additional information about the events and performers in this weekend’s series, click here.
Worship and Opportunities on February 26, Last Sunday after Epiphany - Transfiguration of Our Lord
This Sunday we celebrate Jesus' transfiguration on a mountaintop, an experience that sustained him as he prepared to choose love in the face of oppression, hatred and violence. On the mountaintop, Jesus heard God's voice calling him beloved. His disciples then heard Jesus saying to them, "Get up and do not be afraid." We, too, are called beloved and told to get up and not be afraid. These words help us to choose love.
- New music by three guest composers will be featured at our service in what also is the final event of Luther’s ‘Music in the Shape of a Pear’ festival. Luther faculty member Jill Phillips and several students will sing and play as part of the service.
- New members will be welcomed during worship and at our Fellowship Hour.
- Adult Forum - Davis Project for Peace: Supporting Education of Young Women by Providing Safe, Sanitary Facilities at Schools. Luther student Mwayi Pankuku, from Malawi and recipient of a Davis Project for Peace Award, and fellow student Sharon Nyamande will tell us about this project promoting education of young women and girls.
February 26 Worship Leaders & Ministry Team -
- CANTOR: Megan Buckingham
- ALTAR GUILD: Judy Schoel, Bev Sheridan, Glendalu Wuest
- USHERS: Sharon Drew and David Judisch
- GREETER: Gail Judisch
- FELLOWSHIP SERVERS: Liz and Jim Fritz, Sara Hanssen (F), Lindy and John Moeller
“White Privilege: Let’s Talk” Small Group Conversations continue this week on Part 3 of the curriculum, The Cash Value of Whiteness or Whiteness As a Tax-Exempt Status. Pastor Amy, Jon Ailabouni and Sara Hanssen are leading the Tuesday evening sessions hosted by Good Shepherd. Refer to Decorah Congregational UCC's website ( for additional information, the possibility of future sessions, and a link to downloadable study resources.
Lent Begins with the Ash Wednesday Service, March 1 at 7:00 p.m. The service includes Imposition of Ashes and Holy Communion. Our theme for Lent is What Does This Mean: The Importance of the Reformation for Our Lives Today. Mid-week Lenten services will continue on Wednesdays, March 8 - April 5, at 5:30 p.m., followed by Simple Soup Suppers. Signup opportunities for Worship Leaders and Soup Supper servers are available at church.
Ash Wednesday Worship Leaders & Ushers -
- USHERS: Jeri & Reg Laursen
- ASSISTING MINISTER: Megan Buckingham
- CANTOR: Reg Laursen
- ALTAR GUILD: Chris Hick, Bob Larson, Linda Wolfs