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Contributing to Make Positive Change

Alumnus Jaime Lizarraga ’88 works diligently in the nation's capital

When Jaime Lizarraga was named to Huffington Post’s 2013 list of most influential Latino staffers on Capitol Hill, the Division of Social Sciences alumnus had been working quietly in and out of government positions in Washington for more than 20 years – five of them as director of member services and senior adviser to United States House of Representatives Party Leader Nancy Pelosi. Read More


Facing the Future

a letter from Dean Carol Padden

What should be the role of the university in challenging times like today? Do we wait for more clarity? Or do we move to grapple with the complex issues roiling our nation and the world? We take seriously our public mandate in UC San Diego’s Division of Social Sciences. As social scientists, we work hard to find correct information and provide potential solutions – actionable facts for people and policymakers facing the future. Read More


Social Sciences News


The Wrong Way to Stop Terrorism
Claire Adida of Political Science co-writes a piece for Foreign Affairs on what the data show about attacks and immigration: “[T]he key to the United States’ security is the successful integration of a diverse population eager to become productive members of society.”

Puzzle of the Maya Pendant
Archaeologist Geoffrey Braswell and his graduate students found a precious jewel once belonging to an ancient Maya king. It was buried in what we think of as the provinces of that world. Why?

What Apple, Google and Tesla Get Wrong
Design Lab director Don Norman offers cutting criticism of Silicon Valley’s brightest.

Finding Pixar
Sociology alumna Becky Neiman-Cobb helps to bring beloved Disney/Pixar characters to life.


Study Finds Sanctuary Counties Are Safer and Economically Stronger
Political scientist Tom Wong released a report through the Center for American Progress that analyzes the effects of sanctuary policies on crime and the economy. Wong’s previous work on DACA’s positive economic effects was also covered.

UC San Diego Named Among Best for Upward Social Mobility
Among highly selective public universities, UC San Diego excels at moving low-income students into the middle class and beyond.

Coming Home: Alumni Faculty Share Why They Came Back to Campus
It’s no secret that UC San Diego’s reputation is a major draw for prospective students, but it’s also pulled many graduates – including Social Sciences alumni Grant Goodall of Linguistics and Mike Callen of Economics – back to campus to serve as faculty members.


The Blue-ing of America
Writing in The Hill, sociologist John Skrentny, co-director of the Center for Comparative Immigration Studies, predicts that the processes that turned California into a Democrat stronghold are occurring throughout the United States.

#Calexit – Fun Hashtag, Bad Idea
In a Los Angeles Times op-ed, Thad Kousser of Political Science looks to “inject some political reality” into calls for California secession.

Three Challenges for Teachers in the Era of Trump
“We need to lead a charge for accurate information about our country and its people,” writes Mica Pollock of Education Studies and CREATE in this guest piece for the Washington Post’s Answer Sheet blog. Pollock is the author of “Schooltalk.”


Reimagining the Working Class
Curtis Marez of Ethnic Studies participated in an LA Review of Books roundtable discussion on economic and racial justice.

UC San Diego Opening Permanent Downtown Outpost
A Union-Tribune story on the new campus building to open in East Village at Park and Market – the “Innovative Cultural and Education Hub”– includes Keith Pezzoli of Communication and Urban Studies and Planning, Mary Walshok of Extension and Sociology, and Political Science alumnus Christopher Yanov.

Mandarin Makes You More Musical?
Mandarin makes you more musical – and at a much earlier age than previously thought. That’s the suggestion of a study led by Sarah Creel of Cognitive Science.

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Upcoming Events


Fourth Annual Teaching & Learning Conference for Educators
If you are an educator who is actively reshaping educational experiences for P-16 students, join us Saturday, March 11 for our annual educator conference. This year’s theme is “Breakthrough Teaching for Student Success.” Register now.

UC San Diego & You, Silicon Valley
Thursday, March 16, 7-9 p.m.: We’re bringing UC San Diego to your doorstep in Palo Alto! Hear about how our researchers and faculty are making a global impact. Network with university leadership. Join fellow Tritons from your area for an inside, inspiring look at how UC San Diego shines. Learn more.

Financial Professionals Network Alumni-Student Mixer
Join UC San Diego’s Financial Professionals Network in San Francisco on Tuesday, March 28, 6-7:30 p.m. for an evening of socializing and networking with fellow UC San Diego alumni working in the field of financial services and current Economics and Management Science students and recent graduates aspiring to break into the industry. Learn more.

Grab some friends and join TEAM SOC SCI for the Triton 5K
Sunday, April 9, 2017: The campus will once again rally together to raise funds for student scholarships by way of the Triton 5K! TEAM SOC SCI is a Triton 5K team comprised of Division of Social Sciences students, staff, faculty, alumni and friends. Are you ready to help grow the team and raise more dollars for students? Register now.

NAIOP Challenge: The Next Generation of Real Estate Leaders
The UC San Diego Urban Studies and Planning program will compete with University of San Diego and San Diego State University in the NAIOP Student Challenge to redevelop the San Diego Courthouse. Join us to watch the final presentation and awards on April 27, 2017 at 3 p.m. at the San Diego Hall of Champions in Balboa Park. Contact Morgan Richert for information.


Giving Updates


Alumni Play Integral Role in Campus Fundraising

In March, the university will celebrate the kickoff of the public phase of The Campaign for UC San Diego, a bold, ambitious and historic $2 billion fundraising effort. Our alumni are playing an integral role in the campaign, led by Kenneth Kroner, Economics Ph.D. ’88, a renowned global finance innovator who is chairing the International Leadership Committee.

Kroner is an enthusiastic and committed UC San Diego champion who has continuously remained connected and engaged with students, faculty and academic leaders. He and his wife, Jennifer, established the Kroner Family Endowed Fellowship in 2013 to help recruit and support outstanding Social Sciences graduate students. Just last year, Kroner received UC San Diego’s Distinguished Alumni Award, and he recently began service as a UC San Diego Foundation Board trustee. Read More

Related: In fiscal year 2015-16, UC San Diego received nearly 46,000 gifts totaling $212.9 million to help ensure the university’s position as an academic and research powerhouse.


Alumni Updates


UC San Diego’s Division of Social Sciences 70,000 alumni – over 50 percent women – are making positive impact on a global scale. Join us in celebrating Women’s History Month in March and International Women’s Day on March 8 by sharing in the accomplishments of several of our astounding alumnae.

We are advancing the arts.
• Manuelita Brown ’76 (Psychology) professional artist and sculptor
• Debby Buchholz ’84 (Political Science) general manager, La Jolla Playhouse
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We are shaping education.
• Jenny Chien ’06 (Education Studies) honored as one of five 2017 California State Teachers of the Year
• Carol Padden ’83 (Linguistics) first alumna dean and Sanford I. Berman Chair in Language and Human Communication, UC San Diego
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We are evolving entertainment.
• Emmy Chang ’97 (Communication) senior vice president of publicity, Broad Green Pictures
• Becky Neiman-Cobb ’97 (Sociology) production manager, Pixar Animation Studios
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We are influencing finance.
• Sara Baxter Orr ’90 (Economics) senior vice president of finance and CFO of Verizon Wireline, Verizon
• Loren Mahon ’80 (Anthropology) vice president of finance systems and CEO of Office, Oracle
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We are impacting law and policy.
• Stephanie Akpa ’06 (Political Science) policy counsel, office of U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren
• Yolanda Orozco ’76 (Ethnic Studies) judge, Los Angeles County Superior Court
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We are transforming media.
• Kristina Audencial ’06 (Communication) news anchor, FOX5 News San Diego
• Hillary Whittington ’04 (Communication) national speaker and author
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We are revolutionizing tech and business.
• Emily Castor ’05 (Political Science, Critical Gender Studies) director of transportation policy, Lyft; one of their first hires
• Vivienne Ming ’00 (Cognitive Science) theoretical neuroscientist, technologist and entrepreneur; co-founder of Socos
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We are creating a better world.
• Alicia Garza ’02 (Anthropology, Sociology) activist and co-founder, Black Lives Matter; special projects director, National Domestic Workers Alliance
• Laura Gomez ’05 (Latin American Studies) founder and CEO, Atipica; co-founder, Project Include
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