
notes on silence // february 2017

quietly curated news + reflections from the team behind in pursuit of silence
Some writings from Greg Hindy during his cross-country silent walk
  • WASHINGTON D.C. PREMIERE - The film will screen on March 17 @ 6:30 pm at the National Museum of Natural History as part of the largest environmental film festival in the U.S., the "DC Environmental Film Festival in the National's Capital". Q&A with Patrick and Cassidy follows the screening. Other upcoming screenings include Hastings UK, Boulder, Iowa, and Montreal. MORE

  • ACOUSTICS OF AN ANCIENT SPACE: On a recent trip to Italy to attend the SeeYouSound Music Film Festival where the film was honored with a Best Storytelling award, Patrick paid a visit to the Duomo di Milan, one of the largest churches in the world, and brought back some recordings with him.  Have a listen to this sample.

  • MEDICINE FOR YOUR EARS: Do yourself a favor and have a listen to our friend Alex Kozobolis's new album Weightless which features 4 new gorgeous solo piano pieces. Also available on vinyl. 

  • AUSTRALIA BROADCASTING CORPORATION: ABC National Radio ran a piece about the film recently ahead of its sold-out Austrlian premiere at Transitions Film Festival. No word yet on when the film will release in theaters in Australia but we'll keep you posted.

  • "Of all the ridiculous things the most ridiculous seems to me, to be busy - to be a man who is brisk about his food and his work." -Søren Kierkegaard

  • SPECIAL THANKS to Fabrizio Modonese Palumbo for gracing us with a special performance of John Cage's 4'33" at our recent screening in Turin, Italy. Check out his excellent track "Funeral March" set to archival footage of old funerals.

  • A checklist for every day from Goethe (via Austin Kleon)

  • SUPPORT SILENCE: We're working hard to bring this film to communities around the world and could use some help. If your foundation could use a tax write-off we are accepting tax-deductible donations here (then scroll down) and PayPal donations (NOT tax deductible) here. Alternatively, purchases from our online shop are helpful too. Thank you!

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