February 2017 Newsletter       View this email in your browser           

February 2017 Newsletter

News, events, developments and items of interest in the City South Precinct. Join our Facebook group here for updates!

Open Committee Meeting Wed Mar 1 with Lord Mayor

City South Association is pleased to announce Lord Mayor Martin Haese will be attending the next Open Committee Meeting on Wednesday March 1 at The Saracens Head Hotel (Boardroom), 82 Carrington St Adelaide at 6.15pm for 6.30pm start. The Lord Mayor will be discussing the current open consultation for the Central Market Arcade redevelopment.
If you are planning to attend the meeting, please RSVP to 
by Monday February 27.

Finger food and some beverages will be provided. We look forward to seeing you there!

City South History Exhibition Update

Over recent months, City South put a call out to venues interested in hosting a City South History Exhibition during History Month in May 2017. We would like to thank Mache (a co-working space on Whitmore Square), the South West Community Centre and Pulteney Grammar School for putting forward their venues as possible locations. After visiting these premises, City South decided upon Pulteney Grammar's Wheaton House on South Terrace as the venue. The exhibition will consist of up to 30 canvas prints of City South streetscapes dating back to the late 1800s, and will be displayed alongside Pulteney's War Memorials of alumni who lost their lives in conflicts over the last 100 years. The Exhibition will be open from Monday to Friday,  May 1 to May 26, 10am-3pm. We would like to thank Mark Bourchier from Pulteney Grammar for his time and efforts in making this happen. More info to come closer to the date.

Fringe 2017 in the
City South Precinct

It's great to see a large number of City South Precinct venues participating in this year’s Fringe Festival!. To make it easier to identify where to experience Fringe events in our patch, we’ve scoured the Fringe Guide and have compiled links to each venue’s event details on our website. We encourage you to check out our listings here, and book in for some great shows this February & March!

Winter Applications
Now Open for Splash

Splash Winter applications are now open until Fri March 10, for events and activations happening between May 1 and Sept 30. Apply now to receive great support from the ACC for your next gathering!

The City South Precinct is bordered by West Tce, South Tce, Pulteney St and Gouger/Angas Streets.

City South Traders: Task Group Update

At the first Traders Task Group Meeting held on Wed Jan 18, it was decided that the first project to be implemented will be a Business Directory on the City South website.
The Directory will aim to have basic listings for most businesses in selected Industry Groups, with priority listings for City South Business Members (including photo and description). Work will begin on this project shortly.
In other news, our first Quarterly Open Forum & Networking Event is pencilled in for Wed March 29 with venue being confirmed and Cr Alex Antic attending. More details to come soon.

Neighbour Day Event Registrations Open

Neighbour Day is being held on Sunday 27 March 2017. If you are interested in hosting a neighbourhood event in your patch, the Council would love to hear from you and offer support. All the information is available at the Neighbour Day website. You will need to get a hurry on , as registrtions close Monday 27 February. City South would love to help promote any Neighbour Day events happening in our Precinct, so please drop us a line!

Have Your Say on new Community Garden

In addition to the Walyo Yerta Community Garden in Veale Gardens, another Community Garden is being proposed in the City South patch. A Social Enterprise Garden is being slated for Mirnu Wirra (Park 21W) in the South Parklands near Greenhill Road. For more info and to have your say, click here to go to the YourSay website.

Have Your Say on the Central Market Arcade Redevelopment

The Adelaide City Council is seeking to redevelop the Central Market Arcade (including a portion of the Central Market U Park car park directly above) for a public/ private mixed-use development including an expanded retail and market offer which is complementary to the adjoining Adelaide Central Market. This redevelopment should not negatively impact the buildings or activities of the neighbouring Adelaide Central Market. For more information and to voice your opinions at the YourSay website here.

City Makers Grants applications open

Renewal SA's City Makers is a grant program to support the entrepreneurial and creative communities of Adelaide and the part they play in the making of our vibrant city. The State Government is launching Round 4 of their City Makers place making and building compliance grants for the CBD.  These grants will be open for an extended period until approximately June 2017.  
City Makers provides funds to help with building compliance issues such as noise, fire safety, heritage and accessibility. Up to $10,000 in funding is available. City Makers also provides funds for imaginative place making projects – public art, street art and events – which encourage community use and interaction. Up to $7,500 in funding is available. You can find the grants’ guidelines here.

Coordinator: Andrew Peters 0438 526 517
Post: PO Box 6733 Halifax St Adelaide SA 5000

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