Dear Parents and St Mary’s Community,
Mālō e lelei
Today we pay tribute to Her Majesty, the Queen Mother of Tonga who passed away earlier this week. Queen Halaevalu Mata'aho was a pupil of St Mary’s College from 1944 to 1946. Eternal Rest Grant Unto Her O Lord.
I received the following from a parent who has guided us through how to recognise her passing this week.
“The Royal family were all aware that St Mary's had a special place in Her Majesty's heart and the Catholic faith that she adopted and continued to practise. Her Majesty always had her rosary close to her side and she attended numerous Catholic events and functions. It was a very joyous occasion for Her Majesty when she learnt that the Holy Father, Pope Francis had selected the first Cardinal from the Kingdom and chose to personally greet him at the airport on Cardinal Mafi's return to Tonga. Her Majesty was very close to the Sisters of Carmalite, who recently established their Order a few years ago in The Kingdom. She had a Grotto of Our Lady and a statue of Jesus, blessed and erected in her garden at one of the Royal Residences in Tonga where she invited Sisters from the different congregations in Tonga to join her in saying the rosary on certain days of the week’.
We have been highly honoured to have a group of students from St Mary’s College pass on our condolences to the family through a meeting with Princess Pilolevu.
Mrs Stockman accompanied by Ms Hu'avai Clare Mafi and students Ma'ata Finekifolau, 'Utu'one Marilyn Mafi, Mellata Tatola, Fairwind Fehoko, Alakoka Po'oi, Fangafua Po'oi, Elizabeth Vete, Taualofa Totua.
Yours in Mercy

Bernadette Stockman
Principal |
EXCELLENCE - creating Hauora for one and all
"The simplest and most practical lesson I know is to resolve to be good today, and better tomorrow" - Catherine McAuley
Comfort me with Your love O God
Comfort me with Your love O God
Wrap me up in Your strong embrace
Shelter me from the storm O Lord
Envelop me in Your tender care
By day I pour out my heartbreak to You
By night I give you my racing thoughts
In You I take refuge
In You I will not be afraid
For you hold me strong, You hold me safe
Calm my fearful heart O God
Still my anxious mind O Lord
For all my life is found in You
All my being is given to You
All my hope begins in You
gathering in mercy mass 2017
On Wednesday 22 February we celebrated our 'Gathering In Mercy' Mass at St Patrick's Cathedral. The theme was “Excellence: Creating Hauora for one and all”. This inspires us to do everything to the highest standard of which we are capable, to live our lives fully by using our God given talents and gifts. Our wellbeing and a sense of balance are at the heart of this value. We are called to live holistically and to contribute positively to our community. Striving for excellence is a transformative experience, one which empowers us and others.
Our 'Gathering Mass' was a wonderful opportunity to welcome our new college chaplains: Pa Peter Tipene and Father Sherwin Lapaan. We look forward to journeying with them this year. During Mass we bade farewell to Monsignor Bernard Kiely who has been our college chaplain for the past 14 years. We give thanks for his faithful support and service.
As a faith community, we commissioned our Eucharistic minsters and our Year 13 Prefects and Kaiawhina. Our prayer is that God walks with them as they lead our school. Together we are the face of Mercy.
Marianne Bray, Director of Religious Studies |
lunchtime masses on thursdays
Each Religious Education class prepares a Mass throughout the year and these are held every Thursday at lunch time in our school Chapel. This is a wonderful opportunity for families to join us as we celebrate our faith. You are most welcome to attend. We will be encouraging our students to formally invite their parents the week that their class is on Mass.
The date for our first lunch time Mass for 2017 will be Thursday 2 March. We will start at 1.20pm.
Marianne Bray, Director of Religious Studies |
sacramental programme 2017
This programme is available for students who wish to become Catholic and receive the Sacraments of Baptism, Reconciliation, Holy Communion and Confirmation. If your daughter is already baptised but would like to be Confirmed or make her First Communion she is more than welcome to enrol in the programme.
It is a ten week course commencing in Term two on Mondays during lunchtime. The rite of Baptism, Reconciliation and Confirmation/Holy Communion will all take place in Term three.
We welcome all students, though if your daughter is in Year 7 we recommend to wait a year. This would allow her to settle into the liturgical life of our school community before undertaking such a faith and time commitment.
Please contact Mrs Marianne Bray for a registration form. All registrations need to be handed in by the Thursday 30 March.
There will be a compulsory parents’ information evening for all enrolled students on Thursday 6 April at 7.00pm. For further information or queries, please email mbray@stmaryak.school.nz.
Marianne Bray, Director of Religious Studies |
top scholars and nzqa scholarship winners

At our Top Scholars assembly for 2017 we honoured 5 Top Scholars at each senior year level for NCEA achievement and our NZQA Scholarship Achievers. Badges are awarded to our Top Scholars for achievement in all NCEA internal and external standards assessment results from 2016. All of these young women have Excellence Certificate endorsements. The majority gained over 97% of their credits at Merit or Excellence level in Levels 1 and 2 or over 91% in Level 3. They have the highest grade point averages overall in their year level. This makes them recipients of the Top scholar badges for 2016 – very well deserved. Scrolls were awarded to our Scholarship achievers who are now starting their tertiary courses.
Year 11 Top Scholars in 2016 NCEA Level 1
Nicole Alexander
Antonia Grant
Lara Speer
Sascha Vesty
Gertrude Yuen
Year 12 Top Scholars in 2016 NCEA Level 2
Meghan Drew (Level 1 in 2015)
Beatrice Everall (Level 1 in 2015)
Maeve Herd (Level 1 in 2015)
Nina Wilgar
Marinella Stollenwerk Cavallaro
Year 13 Top Scholars in 2016 NCEA level 3
Kate Arnold (Level 1 in 2014, Level 2 in 2015)
Alessandra Connell
Lupesina Koro (Level 1 in 2014, Level 2 in 2015)
Amy Lewis (Level 1 in 2014, Level 2 in 2015)
Josefien Van Dael (Level 1 in 2014, Level 1 in 2015)
Our Top Scholars are photographed with our Scholarship winners at the celebration event.
Christine Barlow, Deputy Principal
Collecting information on student ability is important near the start of the year to help with planning in Teaching and Learning practice. The Progressive Achievement Tests (PATs) assess students' Mathematics, Listening Comprehension, Reading Comprehension, and Reading Vocabulary. PATs are a series of standardised tests developed specifically for use in New Zealand schools.
The e-asTTle assessment tool supports the understanding that education practice should focus on assessment for learning in the areas of mathematics and reading. Over the next 3 weeks all Year 7 – 10 students will be sitting the four PAT tests and e-aTTle tests.
All of this assessment will provide useful information on your daughter’s current level to help teachers in their classrooms.
Christine Barlow, Deputy Principal |
This term the students will be filling in their Gratitude Diaries. Every morning for five minutes one student in the class leads the others in prayer and then the students are asked to write down the things they are grateful for. The aim is to encourage students to think positively and to encourage them to be resilient. Students will receive a gratitude diary next week and will be invited to write three things they are grateful for each day. This involves a quiet time of 5 minutes in period 1 each day throughout Term 1. It creates a quiet time in the day to still one’s thoughts and reflect on things for which they are grateful. Just 5 minutes will enhance well-being, focus awareness and improve resilience! The aim is to improve the mental wellness of students as part of the Mercy Value of Hauora.
There are lots of benefits to keeping a gratitude journal, science has proven it!
“Teens who have high levels of gratitude when entering secondary school have less negative emotions and depression and more positive emotions, life satisfaction, and happiness …later when they finish school. They also have more hope and a stronger sense of meaning in life”
This practice can build stronger immune systems, higher levels of positive emotions, and bring more joy, optimism and happiness. It teaches more generosity and compassion and leads to more connectedness with other people.
This is also a great thing for parents to do. For more information visit http://www.livemoreawesome.com/gratitude-in-schools-programme
Maree Underhill, Counsellor |
beware this APP! YELLOW!!
We wanted to make you aware of the above app, a feature of Snapchat. It’s original intention is to be like a digital “pen pal” but in fact it is really a junior version of Tinder. You connect with people, you have to give your location, you indicate your sexual preference, you sign up and have to say you are 13, and pictures can be requested. Our intention is to make you aware of it. When you check your daughter's devices check that she is using it appropriately or you may choose to ask her to DELETE it.
Elena Grant, Deputy Principal |
Our new Physiotherapist, Peter Lee started on Monday. He will be available Monday and Thursday 2.30pm - 4.00pm. Bookings can be made by contacting him via phone or email. Peter's business is Baseline Physiotherapy in 3 Lamps.
Clinic Details: Director - Peter Lee
Baseline Physiotherapy
37 Jervois Road
021 866 867
Elena Grant, Deputy Principal |
If your daughter is having IT issues with her BYOD device there is IT support in class via the student tech angels or at breaks by our IT technician. The students need to take responsibility to seek help so the issue can be resolved. If your daughter cannot bring her device to school temporarily due to a bigger technical fault please provide her with a note. Loan devices are available from the Library. Students need to pick up the device before school and return it at the end of the day.
Elena Grant, Deputy Principal |
The event was held for the Year 7 students on the field on 24 February at lunchtime. The Year 13 peer support leaders organised games and a great time was had by all.
Elena Grant, Deputy Principal
Parents now have the option of using our new and preferred method of reporting their daughters’ absences. Please provide students name, year level and the reason for their absence to attendance@stmaryak.school.nz
Elena Grant, Deputy Principal |
Changes to Year 8 School Based Immunisation Programme for 2017
The School Based Immunisation Programme are offering the Human Papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine. This is a two dose vaccine programme with a 6 month gap between the doses. If you would like more information on this important Immunisation Programme please go to www.health.govt.nz/hpv
Our vaccination talks took place on Tuesday 21 February for students in Year 7 and Year 8. Information and consent forms were given to your daughter. Please read, sign and return. If you decision is a non-consent please still return the form indicating your decision. If you give consent for your daughter to have the vaccinations they will occur on the following days.
Elena Grant, Deputy Principal
open evening for 2018 students - early close for students
Our St Mary's College Open Day will be held on Tuesday, 7 March 2017 - in two separate sessions 2.30pm & 6.30pm. We welcome prospective parents and students 2018, at all class levels, to visit the school.
After a welcome, there will be a guided tour of the college with our Year 13 students. All welcome, including prospective students, parents, grandparents and whanau. A Prospectus and Enrolment Forms will also be available. NB There are stairs on the tour route.
Closing Dates for Enrolments for 2018 - Friday, 24 March 2017.
See our website at www.stmaryak.school.nz for more enrolment information. Enquiries to Kim Lockhart - klockhart@stmaryak.school.nz
Classes for current students will finish that day at 12.20pm. Buses will be at the college gate at this time.
Brian Nolan, Deputy Principal |
student timetables on a friday
The students timetables have classes which rotate on and off each Friday. To see their timetable, with the rotation, the students need to go into the Student/Parent portal on Kamar to check what classes they have that day. A number of the students are not using this portal so could you please encourage your daughter to access it if they are not doing so. In a short while an App will be available that you can download to your phone so access will be easier still.
Brian Nolan, Deputy Principal |
clean glass jars needed - RECYCLE RECYCLE RECYCLE
The Technology Faculty is having a sort out and would really appreciate some clean glass jars (jam jars would be perfect) with lids and/or plastic containers with lids. Can they please be delivered to the office.
Debbie Morrow, Faculty Leader Technology |
sport at st mary's in term 1

Hockey – Registrations have now closed
Netball – Registrations have now closed
Pre-Season Trainings: Next week is the last week of Pre-Season trainings
Year 7 Mondays 6, 13, 20 March 3.30pm-5.30pm
Year 8 Tuesdays 7 March 1.00-3.00pm, 14 and 21 March 3.30pm-5.30pm
Year 9 Wednesday 8, 15, 22 March 3.30pm-5.30pm
Seniors Saturday 4 and 11 March 1.00pm-3.00pm
Friday 17 March 3.30pm-5.30pm (if needed)
Umpire Course on Tuesday 28 February, 3.30pm-5.30pm in PK4. Open to all Year 9-13 students as well as parents and other family members who would like to umpire for our teams this season.
Basketball Registrations have closed
Tennis Beginner tennis tomorrow 3.30pm and 4.30pm. Please check your time. Saturday competition teams, draw is on the PK Gym noticeboard
Waterpolo Registrations have closed. Premier Results: 19 February – St Mary’s 3 vs Rangitoto 6
Football Registrations have closed
Cycling Cycling Introductory Programme runs on Mondays 6.30am outside the PK Gym. Please email the Sports Coordinator if you would like to give it a go.
Pesio Matiseni, Sports Co-ordinator
donation thank you - water polo goals
The Water Polo Committee and Community would like to express their gratitude to the St Mary's College parent who anonymously gifted $1,000.00 towards the new Water Polo goals. We thank you for this very generous gift. The girls love having the light weight, easily disassembled goals. It's making Water Polo practice even more of a pleasure!
Micheala Rooney, Secretary of the Water Polo Committee |
Annual Twilight Picnic - St Mary’s College field - Friday, 3 March, 4.00pm - 7.00pm
An invitation to students, families and friends of St Mary’s College. Come and celebrate summer at our annual community picnic with fun games, yummy food and live music. Friends and family welcome. |
BUNTING - donations please!
Would anyone in the community have BUNTING that they could donate?? We need some to decorate the trees and stalls for the PTFA Twilight Picnic and at the pop-up Art Café in April and of course then we can use again at other functions. Please contact Andrea Stevens 0275 444 502.

SAVE THE DATE - 29 April 2017 - SMC PTFA will run a pop up cafe at Rotary Westhaven's inaugural Art Mart, to be held at the Freeman's Bay Community Centre. The Art Mart will be a cross between an art show and a market with a variety of high quality arts and crafts for sale. More details to follow but in the meantime we need sponsors. Please contact Rebecca Grbin on 021 398 278 or rebecca.grbin@gmail.com if you'd like to sponsor the event or you have sponsorship suggestions.
Lou Dowd, PTFA |
Diocesan Youth Mass | Hosted by the South Region
All are welcome to the February Diocesan Youth Mass hosted by the Southern Region on Sunday 26 February, starting with praise and worship at 6.30pm followed by Mass at 7.00pm at St Patrick's Cathedral. The theme for the Mass is "Lean on the ROCK" and it will be celebrated by Fr Manoj Kunnath. All are welcome.
lenten vigil - St Patrick's Cathredral
Friday 3 March
Rain Day 17 May
OPEN DAY for 2018 students
Tuesday 7 March. PK Gym.
2 sessions - 2.30pm and 6.30pm
Buses will be running.
5 & 6 April
Term 1 - 31.1.7-13.4.17
Term 2 - 1.5.17-7.7.17
Term 3 - 24.7.17 - 29.9.17
Term 4 - 16.10.17-8.12.17
Whats in the newsletter this week?
*Open Day
*Twilight Picnic
*Top Scholars
*Attendance/Late email
*Early Finish 7 March
*Teddy Bears Picnic
*SMC Facebook