Word on the Street: March 2017 - Bike Month Call for Volunteers, Whiskey for WOBO, 1st Ride Like a Girl Workshop
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Whiskey for WOBO Fundraiser this Thursday

(and throughout the month of March)

Seawolf supports local community groups each month through interesting and creative events.
This month they're! 



Thursday, March 9th, 5:30pm-8:30pm


Seawolf Public House, 402 Webster St, Oakland


In addition to whiskey tastings, the bartenders will be mixing up a special "WOBO Old Fashioned" and a percentage of all profits will go to WOBO.

Check out the Facebook event page for up-to-date details.

If you happen to miss this event, please stop in to Seawolf any time during March. The WOBO Old Fashioned will be a month-long special and $1 of every drink sold will go to WOBO. Cheers!

First workshop this Sunday, 3/12


WOBO, with support from Bike East Bay, presents RiDE LiKE A GiRL, a 3-part bicycling skills workshop series designed for every woman who wants to ride.

March 12 – Workshop #1: Commuting Basics

Just enough chatting to get the fundamentals and rules of the road etched in our brains; and a 5-mile skill-building, confidence-boosting ride to test out some of the basic skills.


  • 10am – 1pm @Uptown Bicycle Coffee (1745 San Pablo Ave, Oakland, CA 94612). Come by 9:30am and get a quick visual safety check by our fabulous League Certified Instructor, Kelly.

  • First hour of workshop will be a discussion and interactive Q&A.

  • At around 11, we’ll head outside, try out a few riding skills and visit bike storage options around transit and on the street.

Our Goal:

To get more women comfortable and confident on their bicycles, and feel connected with a community of women who want to bike!

Join in any or all of the workshops: 

March 12 – Commuting Basics 

June 11 – Finding the Best Bike for You
 September 9-10 – Bike Camping 

Each workshop includes instruction time and time on your bike. A donation of $15 for each workshop or $35 for all three is suggested (free for current WOBO and Bike East Bay members). Purchase tickets here.
For more information, visit


WOBO has officially designated May 2017 as Bike Month! We have lots of activities planned (especially on Bike to Work Day) and

Lots of fun opportunities including:
Pancake Breakfast  Energizer Stations  
Pedal Pools  Raffles   Bike Share 
and much more!
Stay up to date with Bike Month and Bike to Work Day.
Lots of fun stuff will be announced soon!

Want your company to sponsor and be recognized as a leader for Oakland's No Pollute Commute movement? Email us.

WOBO Wants You!  

WOBO is Seeking Board members: How could you resist? Be a part of this amazing team of public health, urban planning, advocacy and policy, landscape architects and marketing specialists.

We're looking for talented, self-motivated folks to lead the charge on WOBO's exciting programs.  Love working with community members? Got some organizing chops for events like Love Our Neighborhood Day and WOBO Weekends? Have some mad people skills and are comfortable using contact and donor management databases? Learn more on our VolunteerMatch posting.

We'll See Ya There!
3/9: Whiskey for WOBO Fundraiser @ Seawolf

3/11: WOBO Weekend OUP Walk: Downtown Murals

3/12: Ride like a Girl Workshop: Commuting Basics

3/16: BPAC Monthly Meeting

3/23: Women Bike Happy Hour @ Drexl
Let's Get Together!  

We're Looking for folks to join our 2017 planning teams. Got great ideas for campaigns in your neighborhood? Itchin' to help develop next year's Bike Month (May) activities? Want to be on the Ride Like a Girl and Women Bike Happy Hour support crew? Email us 
Become a WOBO Member today with just the click of a button! Starting at $35 per year, you get a team of policy, community and advocacy champions who will stump for safe and accessible walking and bicycling in Oakland for all.
The Membership Button!
Equity in Oakland Infrastructure Investments
WOBO is working hand in hand with other community leaders and the OakDOT to formulate investment decision frameworks so that great walking and biking is accessible, and deserved, for ALL Oaklanders.
Twitter Highlight:
Great Piece by @NextCityOrg on the new OakDOT Pedestrian Safety Lead, Nicole Ferrara. She'll be bringing her impactful work with Vision Zero over from Walk SF. Check out the article here.  
Quote Of The Month:
"Walking is empowering. When we walk, we say that we are taking back our power to move as equals in society."

-Jess Young, PHD, Assistant Professor in the Department of Health Studies, American University.
Don't be shy...

1330 Broadway 3rd Fl
Oakland, CA 94612
Copyright © 2017 Walk Oakland Bike Oakland, All rights reserved.

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