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Latest Articles

Nat sustainability rating

Help create a new national sustainability rating for apartment buildings

Christine Byrne, Green Strata
You’re invited to participate in a Data Collection Survey to facilitate the creation of a new national sustainability rating for apartment buildings. Survey open --> 22nd March.

By completing the survey, you will go into a draw to win a $200 Visa gift card and your building will go into a draw to receive a free NABERS rating during the pilot stage of the project.

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Prox Access security systems installer and solutions against Airbnb
leaking balcony

If It Has a Balcony, It Will Leak

Paul Evans, Findlay & Evans Waterproofing
Why is my balcony leaking? This article looks at reasons your balcony may be leaking and some successful remedial waterproofing systems to solve your problems.
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VIC strata fees

VIC: Q&A Strata Management Fees - What is Fair?

Stuart Mellington, Select OwnersCorp Management
Question: I just found out from my body corporate manager that every time an email is CCd or 'carbon copied' to them, we get charged 69 cents. Are these standard strata management fees?
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QLD change ownership BCM

QLD: Q&A Change Of Ownership of Body Corporate Management Company

Frank Higginson, Hynes Legal
Question: Why weren't we advised of the change of ownership of our body corporate management company? Is this reasonable, and how does this affect the finance accounts?
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WA Strata Bylaws

WA Strata ByLaws; Friend or Foe? The Final Solution

Strata GP
Legislation in your state has considered the complexities of managing shared resources and created by-laws enforceable by law. These by-laws are impartial and based on requirements for fair and due process in carrying out set obligations.
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NSW parking

NSW Q&A Strata Parking Laws

Leanne Habib, Premium Strata
Question: My elderly mother is being locked in by the other strata title owner’s visitors. What should our next steps be?
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Adding to Common Property

NSW: What is the real cost of adding to your Owners Corporation?

Aylie Brutman, Economos & Co
With the recent NSW changes to the rules for collective sale, many Owners Corporations - who may not want to leave their homes entirely - have been sparked into thinking about adding to, or changing the existing buildings for the benefit of all owners.
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Last Week's Star Article

NSW Capital works quotes

NSW: Q&A Capital Works Fund - How Many Quotes Are required?

Leanne Habib, Premium Strata
Question: Is it a requirement that managing agents in NSW solicit and present three competitive quotes for any work requiring Capital Works Funding to the Strata’s executive committee?
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Site Sponsors

Premium Strata


QIA Group

News of the Week

Airbnb Sydney

Airbnb to hold ‘secret’ briefing for NSW state MPs

Jimmy Thomson, Domain

Airbnb is ramping up its efforts to gain access to Sydney’s apartment blocks by holding a private briefing for NSW state MPs ahead of new legislation on the short-term holiday letting industry.

Have Your Say

Help Create a National Sustainability Rating for Apartment Buildings - Survey

You’re invited to participate in a Data Collection Survey to facilitate the creation of a new national sustainability rating for apartment buildings.

For more information, see Green Strata's article. The Survey is open until the 22nd March. Great prizes are on offer for participating. Get involved! 

QLD: Body corporate reforms up for discussion

The Palaszczuk Government has called for public submissions on an independent report setting out 29 recommendations on body corporate by-laws, debt recovery and community titles scheme terminations.

Queenslanders have until 5 May 2017 to have their say on the Government Property Law Review report, prepared by the Queensland University of Technology (QUT).

“Before considering any changes to the current laws, the Palaszczuk Government wants to hear people’s views on QUT’s recommendations,” Mrs D’Ath said. 

“These include improving the ability of bodies corporate to make and enforce by-laws dealing with vehicle towing, pets and second-hand cigarette smoke drift between units."

The full media release from Attorney-General and Minister for Justice and Minister for Training and Skills
The Honourable Yvette D'Ath can be read here

The report and information on how to make a submission can be found here.

Breaking News

For the most comprehensive stream of strata news in Australia - follow us on Twitter.

Living alone: The fastest growing trend that’s outstripping supply  Domain

New fire code requires builders to reduce cladding flammability in UAE buildings TheNational

How future electricity shortages will affect NSW and Victorian apartment dwellers Domain

NSW: Apartment Building Takes Shape To Become Sydney’s Most Luxurious The Urban Developer

VIC: Lendlease gets the nod for another 1500 Docklands apartments The Age

QLD: Queensland Apartment Owners Need Defect Bond  Sourceable

What you can expect to pay for Gold Coast beachfront (it may be less than you think) Domain

How To Search Adjudicators Orders & When and Why You Should


WA: Survey results show apartment investment confidence WA Apartment Advocacy

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