At our recent Schools' Soiree, we announced
the fantastic Zeraffa Giraffa as our Winter show this year! 

We are incredibly excited to be partnering with Little Angel Theatre, Sabrina Mahfouz and The Katherine Low Settlement to bring Dianne Hofmeyr's retelling of this true story of an incredible journey to the schools of South London. 

Below you will find information about other upcoming events and news that may interest you!

Our next Schools' Soiree will be on Wednesday, June 21st 2017, 04:30-07:00pm.
Please do let us know if you are interested in coming along for drinks, nibbles, offers and conversations about how we can work together. 

All the very best, 

Rhian Davies
Producer (Creative Learning)
Our 2017 Winter Show: Zeraffa Giraffa
This Autumn sees Omnibus bring Dianne Hofmeyr’s beloved children’s book Zeraffa Giraffa to life. Inspired by the true story of a giraffe who was sent as a gift from the Great Pasha of Egypt to the King of France in 1826, Zeraffa Giraffa follows the epic journey of Zeraffa and a young boy named Atir across land and sea, accompanied by a band of singing sailors.

The show is still being created, but you can expect original music, hand-made puppetry and a strikingly visual style of storytelling that will transport the audience to the tall plains of North Africa.  

Omnibus is situated in a part of London with a tangible French community; as they are in the book, France and French culture will be championed throughout the production's script, set, costume and music. This wonderful story will also be used to explore migration and the refugee's journey; accepting difference; and living in a multicultural London. Our supportive educational material will be designed to offer engagement in the Expressive Arts and an extensive selection of activities to support your pupil's learning and creativity in Understanding the World, Literacy, Geography and other core curriculum subjects.

Ticket prices will be dependant on funding we receive, however if you pencil in a trip to see the show now we will put you top of the list for the free workshops we hope to have funded by Arts Council England. We have a limited number available, so don't miss out!
We want to hear from you
We have listed a few of the ways in which we can hopefully work together below but if any others come to mind please do not hesitate to be in touch- Nobody knows what you need better than you!
Our practitioners in your schools

We have a wonderful pool of practitioners across a range of art forms who are DBS checked and able to come along to enhance your teaching or enrichment programmes. One of our Visual Arts practitioners is heading into a local school this Summer term. We have a literacy programme in development, if you are interested and would like to receive more information, please let us know.
We can come to your PTA events and Summer Fairs

We are often happy to offer free tickets as a raffle prize and love coming to meet your staff, students and parents. We want you all to become part of the Omnibus family and what better way than for us to come and say hello?
Your pupils starring in a large scale community event 
We work on 4 large scale community commissions each year and love having your choirs, ukulele orchestra or Maypole troupe as one of our highlights! Do let us know if any of your groups would be interested in performing at the Clapham Old Town Fete on 2nd September this year.
Your concert in our Theatre

In the coming months we have two schools bringing choirs and theatre performances into Omnibus. We have a fully equipped theatre that can seat up to 110 and our Music Room suitable for up to 80. We can hire our spaces to you at a discounted schools rate. If you require more information, please do not hesitate to get in touch with our Hires Manager, Hannah at
Our Primary School Newsletter brings you the latest education and family theatre news at Omnibus
so you able to stay in the know. As we are all working in the same community to teach rounded and happy children we want to know if there’s anything else you would like to know or hear about. If you do have any ideas or suggestions, please do drop us an email:
We look forward to welcoming you into the building soon!

Charity No: 1143709 | Company No: 07032543

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