Liam Walker - Working Hard All Year
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It was nice to meet local residents in Church Hanborough who are concerned about potholes in the local area. Whilst it is good news that Oxfordshire is to get £1.3m from a £1.2bn pot of Government funding to help fix more potholes, we must do more to make sure necessary work is carried out. Road repairs are a key part of my plan. Find out more here:‬

Please don't forget you can help us combat potholes by reporting them here:

I had the pleasure of meeting the Defence Secretary, Sir Michael Fallon who was in West Oxfordshire supporting our County Council election campaign. 

It was a good opportunity to talk with him about the importance of supporting our Armed Forces. Oxfordshire has a huge number of people that are employed by our Armed Forces and in particular here in West Oxfordshire which is home to our largest military base.

I continued the battle of cleaning up our road signs by taking my bucket and brush to the village of Church Hanborough. I'm pleased to report the signs in the village are now sparkling! 

‪It was good to meet Andrea Leadsom MP, the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs in West Oxfordshire. We had a good chat about the importance of flood defences and farming. 

In particular we spoke about the importance of dredging rivers to ensure that our towns and villages are protected. I'm pleased that since this work was carried out for the River Windrush, places like Old Minster are much safer from flooding. 

I have been out and about in villages across the Division speaking with local residents about any issues or concerns they may have. Pot holes and lack of infrastructure in our area continues to be a concern. 

Please feel free to fill out my residents survey clicking here and tell me what matters most to you.

Over the last seven years Conservatives have been working hard to create more opportunities for working people. That starts by helping more people into work so that they can earn a living and provide for themselves and their family. 

Five years ago there were more than 2.6 million people who were unemployed. Today that number has fallen by almost a million. 

And there’s more good news – since 2010 almost 2.7 million more people are in work. That’s millions more people going to work, earning a living and better able to provide for themselves and their family.

I attended a pubic meeting in Witney on the Oxfordshire Clinical Commissioning Groups Consultation on local healthcare for Oxfordshire. The closure of Deer Park Medical Centre was rightly a key concern from angry residents at the meeting who asked lots of questions and raised their concerns about the closure. 

We shall now await a decision on the centre as it's been referred to the Secretary of State for Health to be looked at. Our MP Robert Courts was also at the meeting and has been helping to ensure residents views are being heard in Westminster on this issue. 

There was a really useful Witney Vision meeting held this month at the Corn Exchange, Witney. It was good to discuss ideas with Witney Town Mayor, Cllr Chris Holliday and people from our community who are also keen to play a part in putting together improvements for Witney and the surrounding area. 

A massive thank you to everyone who joined us for my campaign Action Day in Long Hanborough. We had a really great day with helpers getting our positive message and local newsletter to homes across the community. If you would like to help play your part in my campaign, please click here.

Great news that Oxfordshire County Council have added extra money for grass cutting this year. If elected as your County Councillor I would ensure key road junctions and footpaths aren't hidden by long grass. 

This is key for areas like the A4095 in Hanborough where the grass by the footpath in 2016 was severely overgrown. I can work with Conservative colleagues and the County Council to make sure this work is carried out. 

This year, along with the OX5 Run I am running the Bath Half marathon in just a few weeks to again raise money for military charity SSAFA. Please feel free to check out my page here:

Any support would be greatly appreciated!

I can only deliver on my 6 point plan if you make a plan to vote.

Make your plan to vote here today -

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