The weekly newsletter of Falcon Heights Church, UCC.
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Falcon Heights Church, UCC
Week of March 12, 2017
Welcome to the Tab* ("Toward and Beyond"), the weekly newsletter of Falcon Heights Church, United Church of Christ. 

"No matter who you are or where you are on life's journey, you're welcome here." Join us for worship, faith exploration and friendship, and read more in the March Connections newsletter.

In this issue:

This Sunday

Second Sunday in Lent

Daylight Saving Time begins this Sunday. Remember to set your clocks an hour ahead when you go to bed Saturday night.
  • Nursery care begins at 9 a.m.
  • First Hour classes for all ages, 9:30 a.m. Adult Lenten study, "Who is this Jesus?" begins at 9:30 a.m. (see the article below).
  • Worship at 10:30 a.m. Be part of our Membership Covenant Litany as we welcome Abe Holte, Esther Holte and Molly Hoffman into membership at FHC. 
  • Join us in the Gathering Room after worship for refreshments and conversation. 
  • During coffee hour, make your voice heard on issues of the day at our postcard-writing table. We provide postcards and other materials you can use to share your opinions with elected officials. This week's issue is gun violence. Kyle Roeckeman of our Outreach Ministry Team is hosting the table. 

From the interim pastor

Rev. Anne Swallow Gillis
On this second Sunday in Lent, we move into a shadowy encounter between Jesus and a religious scholar of his day. The Pharisee Nicodemus comes to visit Jesus under cover of darkness, and their interchange leads us into paradoxical depths regarding the possibility of human transformation.

This passage of John 3:1-17 contains verses that have divided Christians down through the ages, and are often used as a litmus test for who is a “real” Christian and who is “saved” (see 3:16). But Jesus seems more concerned with changes on the earthly level, and often used “eternal life” as synonymous with “abundant life” in the present moment.
If we relegate this discussion between Jesus and his nighttime visitor to simply being about life in the hereafter, we lose both the point and the challenge of the text. 

As always, Jesus seems much less interested in who someone has been in the past. Who are we going to actually become, he asks, in a world that desperately needs us to become more inclusive and more loving? Join me as we explore what it might look like to be born again and again, throughout our lifetime. 

In ministry with you,
Pastor Anne

Question for Lent: Who is this Jesus?

The Worship Ministry Team's Lenten display at the back of our Sanctuary poses the question: Who is this Jesus? Every Sunday through the five weeks of Lent, our First Hour adult group will examine a series of encounters Jesus had with different individuals, each interaction helping us to consider who Jesus is for us today. This scripture study will be based on the passages used in that Sunday’s worship. Sessions will be led by Pastor Anne, Rachelle Roeckeman, Larry Schumacher and Bonnie Schumacher. Drop in at 9:30 a.m. for an interesting exchange of views!

“Spiff the Biff” project begins today

The men’s and women’s bathrooms in our Court area are undergoing a major renewal project and will not be useable until early April. Initiated by our Properties Ministry Team last fall, with approval and funding by the Executive Board, this work will update and make more spacious the facilities in both bathrooms. It is funded by a generous gift received last year from a trust established by Helen Kelsey, who died in 2010. Helen and her husband, Arnie Kelsey, were longtime members of Falcon Heights Church. 
This project is scheduled to be completed by Palm Sunday, April 9. Bob Olsen is tracking the project for the Properties Ministry Team, so you may address further questions to him. In the meantime, we will use the upstairs and downstairs handicap-accessible multi-gender bathrooms located near the elevator.

Highlights of the week ahead

The Generous Spirit Food Drive is under way now through March 26 (see below).

Tuesday, March 14: Bible study with Pastor Anne, 10 a.m.-noon. Biblical text: John 4:5-52  Everyone is welcome!

Wednesday, March 15: Join us at 6 p.m. for a Lenten soup supper, followed by a rehearsal for our spring musical and a new midweek adult study series (see below).

Next Sunday, March 19: Congregational meeting after church (more information below).

Generous Spirit Food Drive this month

The Generous Spirit Food Drive is part of the Minnesota FoodShare March Campaign. During the month of March, every dollar or pound of food donated to the Department of Indian Work food shelf will be multiplied, thanks to incentive grants from Minnesota FoodShare. This is a major source of their funding for the year, so it is the time to give generously.

Bring your donations of canned or dried food, especially canned protein, to our church lobby by Sunday, March 26. Checks can be made out to FHCUCC, with "Interfaith Action" in the memo line.

Lenten suppers & midweek study on Wednesday evenings

All ages are invited to gather at 6 p.m. Wednesdays during Lent for soup supper, provided by the Adult/Intergenerational Ministry Team. Soup and bread provided; bring a salad or dessert to share if you are able. All are welcome!  Contact Sue Gramith at if you can help with making soup.

At 6:30 p.m., kids will head to the spring musical rehearsal in the Sanctuary.  Adults will join Pastor Anne in viewing and discussing the PBS Frontline series, “From Jesus to Christ.”

"Table for Five...THOUSAND!"

Rehearsals for our all-ages spring musical, "Table for Five...THOUSAND! The Miracle of the Loaves and Fishes," have begun. We rehearse Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m., following the soup supper. Performance will be at 10:30 a.m. Sunday, April 23, during worship. People of all ages are needed!

Here's the flyer with rehearsal details.

There are a variety of roles, including storytelling, singing, dancing, puppets (marionettes) and bread-baking. Plenty of opportunities to join in, even if you can't attend every rehearsal. Contact director Margot Olsen at of 651-646-2983 if you're interested.

Congregational meeting Sunday, March 19

Please stay after worship March 19 for a congregational meeting. There are three items on the agenda:

1. Vote on the proposed expansion of our “Open and Affirming” statement. The new statement proposed by the Executive Board’s working group reads:

“As seekers and servants growing in God’s transforming love, Falcon Heights Church, United Church of Christ joins with the 15th General Synod of the UCC in recognizing and affirming persons of any sexual orientation, gender identification, and gender expression as equal recipients of God’s love.

"We celebrate the proclaimed truth in Galatians 3: 26, 28: 'In Christ Jesus we are all children of God, through faith. There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female: for we are all one in Christ Jesus.'

"We pledge to covenant our four core values of inclusivity, love, community, and spirituality as a congregation of faith to work for full inclusion of all. We commit ourselves to making justice and inclusivity a reality in this congregation and in the world.”

2. Update on the work of the Foundation Board and vote on extending the 5 year terms of current Foundation Board Trustees Bonnie Russ and Joe Vance.

3. Update on progress from the Pastoral Search Committee.

Sign up to build a house with Holy Hammers

Falcon Heights Church is part of Holy Hammers, a group 16 local churches that share in building a house each year through Habitat for Humanity for a family in need.

This year's house is in Blaine, and the foundation is already in, capped and waiting for Holy Hammers volunteers to come and help build the rest this spring (see the picture at right).
You do not need any special experience to help with the build--just a willingness to spend one day, or more if you can, working with friends old and new from Falcon Heights and other churches.

To find out more and to sign up, please come to the Gathering Room after church on Sunday and talk to Lynne Meyer or Carol Meeter.

Sing with the choir for Holy Week

Deepen your Holy Week experience by singing with our Falcon Heights Church choir and a professional brass ensemble. It’s a short-term commitment: 
  • Three Wednesday rehearsals, beginning March 29 at 7:30 p.m. 
  • Three Holy Week worship services: Palm Sunday, the deeply moving Maundy Thursday service and the triumphant Easter Sunday service with professional brass ensemble.
Contact Music Director Joel Johnson at or 651-426-4505, or speak with any choir member. We’ll pair you with a friendly singer who “knows the way.”

Pastoral search update

Since FHC’s lead pastor position was posted through the UCC Conference about a month ago, we’ve received profiles from 17 candidates from all over the country – Arizona, California, Washington, Ohio, Minnesota, Vermont, Nebraska, South Dakota, Pennsylvania and North Dakota – and more profiles are expected to come in. Committee members are reviewing each one carefully and meeting as a group at least weekly to discuss profiles and reach consensus on whether to ask for further information from candidates.  

The Pastoral Search Committee (Jenica Domanico, Carol Holm, Joe Vance, Mike Bradbury, Kari Willey, Margot Olsen and Pat Bohman) truly appreciates the trust the congregation has shown us by respecting the confidentiality necessary to retain integrity in this stage of the process. We are doing our best to follow the “three P’s” that Associate Conference Minister Rick Wagner gave us: be patient, practical and prayerful. We ask that each of you be especially prayerful with us too.

--Carol Holm and Jenica Domanico, co-chairs

Time, talent & sharing 

Check out these current opportunities to help, serve and support our church’s ministries.

Outreach donations: Individual packs of instant oatmeal and snack bars are needed for weekend food packs for students at Falcon Heights Elementary School. Read more

Help immigrants practice English: Every other Wednesday, 10:30 a.m., Fairview Community Center. Read more

Strike up a conversation with Karen weavers: A group of older Karen women who meet weekly to weave and talk need conversation partners for simple English practice. Read more

Meals for church families in crisis: Prepare and deliver meals. Read more

Sunday First Hour and nursery volunteers: Help out at 9:30 a.m. Read more

Sunday worship leaders: Readers, greeters, ushers, communion servers. Read more

Prayer list

Please hold the following people in your prayers:
  • Pat Moore, residing at Johanna Shores Home
  • Faith Ohman, sister of Joanne Carlson, health concerns
  • John Paulsen, recovering at home from recent liver transplant surgery
  • Nancy Duffrin, in the recent death of her sister Marcia VanScoy in Phoenix, Arizona
  • Sue Lillehei, as she recovers from hip replacement surgery
If you have a request for prayer, please contact Helen Brown (, who will pass on your request to the Prayer Group. If you would like prayers for someone other than yourself, please obtain permission from that person first.   

Meetings & programs calendar

This week  
  • Tuesday, March 14: Bible study with Pastor Anne, 10 a.m.; Communications Ministry Team, 11 a.m.; Pastoral Search Committee, 7 p.m.; Executive Board, 7 p.m.
  • Wednesday, March 15: Youth group, 5:45 p.m.; soup supper, 6 p.m.; spring musical rehearsal and adult study, 6:30 p.m.; NO Chancel Choir rehearsal.
  • Thursday, March 16: Children's Ministry Team, 6:30 p.m.; deadline for April Connections.
Coming up
  • March 20-27: Pastor Anne will be on study leave.
  • Monday, April 3: Falcon Heights community conversation at our church, 6:30-8:30 p.m.
  • Sunday, April 9: Palm Sunday
  • Thursday, April 13: Maundy Thursday.
  • Sunday, April 16: Easter Sunday.

Our Vision, Mission and Covenant

The Vision of Falcon Heights Church, United Church of Christ, is to be a church of "Seekers and servants, growing in God's transforming love."

Our Mission Statement

This is our Covenant with each other:

"We will--
  • SPEAK the truth in love,
  • CELEBRATE each other's gifts and perspectives,
  • CHOOSE the good of the whole church over our individual preferences and comforts."


March Connections newsletter
Falcon Heights Church YouTube channel
Online church directory [PDF] (contact the church office to get a password)
Pastor Anne's sermons
"Gathering Room" private Facebook group (ask administrators to add you)
Photo album on Flickr
Daily Devotional
Contact us
Constitution and Bylaws of Falcon Heights Church, UCC

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Contacts and leaders

  • Office Administrator Colleen Degnan:
  • Interim Pastor Anne Swallow Gillis: 651-646-2681, ext. 100; For pastoral emergencies, contact Pastor Anne on her cell phone at 218-370-9318.
  • Moderator Lynne Bradbury:
  • Church staff and lay leaders
  • Newsletter editor Linda Owen:
Office hours
The church office is open 9:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. Monday through Friday.

For minutes of Executive Board and ministry team meetings, see the red notebook in the Gathering Room.
Copyright © 2017 Falcon Heights Church, United Church of Christ, All rights reserved.

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