The committee have attended several meetings this month to discuss the development of Pasda and how we can improve the lives of our families. Here is a summary
1 Cath Purdie and Chris Griffiths met Maureen Watt Minister of Mental Health with an autism portfolio on the 9th February at the Scottish Parliament.
2 Cath Purdie and Susan Chambers met staff from City of Edinburgh Council and others to discuss the plans for World Autism Awareness Day (WAAD) or week.
3 Louise Middleton and Susan Chambers met Duncan McIntyre (lead for Autism in ML) to discuss how we can find more support for the Mid Lothian Group facilitation.
4 Louise Middleton and Susan Chambers met Siobhan Mack, a speech and language therapist, Queen Margaret University and NHS, to discuss how we can work together to improve the communication between the autistic person and their peer group.
5 Cath Purdie and Susan Chambers met Andrew Tweedie, Carers of East Lothian, to discuss a partnership to develop volunteers to meet carers in a similar situation.
6 All the committee met to discuss changes to the web site and how we can improve the content and design to meet our future needs. This is a time consuming task and will require specialist knowledge and some funding.
Scottish Autistic Media or SAM radio is an internet radio station. To listen click here.
Pasda interviews the first Tuesday of the month, 2-3pm
Lorraine Hill was interviewed by Colin Williamson for his regular monthly session with Pasda. Lorraine talked about the experience of her son working at the Tapa Bar and hoped to inspire others. Cath Purdie will be interviewed on 7th March. The Edinburgh studio is a wonderful set up by people with autism to broadcast to the world the issues they want to discuss, football, music, films, diagnosis, relationships – anything.
If you are interested in discussing any topics or concerns please contact
4 April 2017
At Norton Park on 4th April we will be in the reception area to distribute information about Pasda and what we do in Edinburgh and the Lothians. All welcome –especially to help.
Central Library 30 March 2017
A range of events are being held and include a presentation by Alan Gardner the Autistic Gardener on 30th March, 7:30. Tickets are free but booking is required. Contact Edinburgh Central Library.
There will also be a book display by autistic authors and illustrators.
A poster display about Pasda will be available.
Number 6 6 April 2017
A WAADstock event of loud music by people with autism to be held at the Cav, 3 West Tollcross, EH3 9BP. Details:
Funding for Pasda MidlothianGroup
Currently, there are no volunteer facilitators for the Pasda Midlothian group. Midlothian council does not have a budget for our project and instead suggested we submit ideas about autism to the Influence programme. Meanwhile, Midlothian wants to develop 4 expert panels to which Pasda carers were invited to attend and contribute suggestions. The Expert Panels will be asked to explore and address the questions developed by the strategy group. The 4 areas to discuss are as follows:
Easy and better access information and improved communication.
A better range of social opportunities for people with autism.
Increased employment opportunities for people with autism.
The need of increased autism awareness and skills training for staff.
The Expert panels will be asked to explore and address the questions.
March Walking Group
The March Walking Group will take place in Galashiels on Saturday 18th March. The meeting point is outside WH Smiths at Waverley Station, 9.30am. We will travel by train to Galashiels on the recently opened Borders rail line, then walk to Scott Park and explore the woodlands around Gala Policies before returning to the town centre for a light lunch. After which we will return to Edinburgh on the train to arrive about 3:30pm. Travel cost and lunch paid for by Pasda. Contact Cath Purdie to register your interest or for more details
The group on their February walk through the city centre in the sunshine.
Social events: Curling and Abseiling
Curling Murrayfield 4 March
Carers Gordon & Maureen Wood have arranged a game of Curling for a maximum of 8 carers on Saturday 4th March at Murrayfield Ice-rink. Thanks to those who have signed up, we look forward to good photos and to hear how it all went.
Abseil at South Queensferry, 28th May.
We have 4 abseilers registered for the fund raising event but more are welcome. No previous skills required or fitness levels tested. All you need is the motivation and £30 registration fee which Pasda will pay but we hope you will raise at least £150 in sponsorship. After the abseil there will be a picnic at Craigies Farm in the Pasda community garden.
Carers Information Meeting
All meetings held on the 2nd Wednesday, at 7pm, 24 Hill Street,
8 February
At the February meeting the invited speaker Katie Bennet, a speech and language therapist from the NHS and Aspire was very informative. This led to a wide ranging discussion about the nature of communication and autism and how better understanding could reduce anxiety in people with autism. Very few people had had a speech and language assessment since school and maybe the time was right to request an assessment as the training and knowledge had improved a lot in the last 20 years.
8 March 2017
Sharon Ledger from the Personal Assistant Network is coming along to the Carer Information meeting. Sharon would like to know how personal assistants can help our families and what training do we think is required. There is also potential to employ a personal assistant to engage with your family member.
East Lothian Group
Cath Purdie was unable to attend the February group as she was representing Pasda in Glasgow at the "Gathering". This is an annual event for people in the third sector to showcase what they do and network to learn from others. Cath attended to find information about marketing, digital inclusion and fund-raising and was very successful. The image is of the presentation by Scottish Charity Voluntary Organisation which is relevant as we are members.
The East Lothian guest on 23 March will be Siobhan Mack who is a speech and language therapist based at Queen Margaret University in Musselburgh. She will be attending to find out how she can help with communication issues carers may have with the person they care for.
West Lothian Group
At the first West Lothian carer information meeting Siobhan Mack, NHS speech and language therapist, was invited. Siobhan wanted to engage with carers about ideas to reduce anxieties around communication difficulties. There is more to communication than speech and many carers were inspired by new approaches for their family member. Information requested from Siobhan will be sent out soon.
At next month’s WL carers meeting 15th March, Linda Sanders from ENABLE has been invited to discuss the West Lothian Autism Strategy. This is an opportunity for carers to ask any burning questions on how it has or has not impacted on them as carers.
The first WL coffee morning is to be held on Wednesday 1st March 10:30, in the Topiary Café, Klondyke garden centre, Livingston – hosted by carer Roz Peters.,-3.5306286,17z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x4887deac60c9a94f:0xe15352913a904e97!8m2!3d55.8814103!4d-3.5308614
The Waggy Dog Project is a new group set up in West Lothian, and meets in Winchburgh – for all age groups. There is only a Facebook page currently, and we will get back to you with more details soon, and hopefully a website too.
Here is a list of the carer support groups you can attend: Partners & Spouses Group
Thursday 2 March, 6:30pm - 8:30pm -
Vocal, 8-13 Johnston Terrace, Edinburgh EH1 2PW.
Singing Group
Wednesday 1st & 15th March, 2:00pm - 3:00pm
The Morningside United Church, 15 Chamberlain Rd, Edinburgh EH10 4DH.
Mid Lothian Carers Group
Tuesday 14th March, 7:00pm - 8:30pm
Penicuik Town Hall, High St, Penicuik EH26 8HS.
Edinburgh Carer Information Meeting
Wednesday 8th March, 7:00pm - 9:00pm
No.6, 24 Hill Street, Edinburgh, EH2 3JZ,
Craigie's Community Garden
Every Thursday, 10-3pm
West Craigie Farm, South Queensferry EH30 9AR.
West Lothian Carers Group
Wednesday 15th March, 6:30pm - 8:30pm
Almond House, Quarrywood Court, Livingston, West Lothian, EH54 6AX.
West Lothian Coffee Morning
1st Wednesday 1st March, 10:30-12:00 Topiary Café, Klondyke garden centre, Livingston – hosted by carer Roz Peters. Complex Needs Group
Monday 27th March,10:30am - 12:00pm
Norton Park, Albion Road Edinburgh EH7 5RS.
East Lothian Carers Group
Thursday 23rd March, 6:30pm - 8:30pm
Carers of East Lothian, 94 High St, Musselburgh EH21 7EA.
Weekend Coffee Morning
Saturday 25th March,10:00am - 12:00pm
Omni Centre Greenside Row, Edinburgh EH1 3AA.
New carers are always welcome, and tea and coffee is provided at the beginning of every meeting.
Report of meeting with Minister for Mental Health
Pasda were introduced to the Minister by Iain Gray, MSP for East Lothian who had agreed to set this up at the October East Lothian Meeting. The main purpose of the meeting was to alert the minister to the gaps in service provision in Edinburgh and the Lothians. This included, employment, FE&HE education, support staff qualifications and training, diagnostic pathways, post diagnostic support and the implementation of the Autism Scottish Strategy for Autism.
Sponsored Walk
Pasda Carer Sandy Sutherland has organised our Annual Sponsored Walk at Holyrood Park. It takes place on Sunday 21st May 2017 at 2pm.
For more information from our Facebook page clickhere
Please contact Cath Purdie at if you are interested in attending or would like further details.
Craigies Community Garden
We are hoping to be at Craigies Farm every Thursday from 2nd March, weather dependent. Some things are still growing, salad leaves, Cavolo Nero, garlic, parsnips and broccoli. It will not be long before the 100s of bulbs we planted last year are flowering. There are seeds to plant in the poly-tunnel and plans for the year. Please contact Louise who will liaise with Chris Griffiths who leads the garden group. If you require transport or have difficulties let Louise know
Do you know any Asperger's women over 25 who would like to meet for an informal chat over coffee in a quiet place? The venue will be in Edinburgh city centre, date and time to be agreed by those who are interested.There is a successful group in Glasgow who meet on the last Friday of the month to provide an opportunity to chat and exchange experiences with others in a quiet space. If you know someone who may be interested in an Edinburgh group contact the office
Pasda Questionnaire
Pasda is developing and expanding the unique support service to their carers and we would appreciate some thoughts and ideas to enable this to happen. Feedback and input is the first step and completing this survey will enable us to start the ball rolling. At Pasda we are also trying to identify carers who can share their skills, experience and any expertise to build on the resources we already have. The questionnaire should only take 5 minutes to complete which would really help our planning. Your comments will be invaluable.
Goodbye to Richard Fry
Richard has left Pasda due to unforeseen circumstances. We wish him good luck for the future.
Apologies to all those who had planned to attend the IT workshops. We are contacting other providers to see if they can run some workshops. We will also contact carers to see what they need from IT training.