
Greetings from the Opioid Task Force Coordinator 

March 6, 2017
Greetings All - 

I am delighted to have officially joined the Opioid Task Force (OTF) of Franklin County and the North Quabbin region as of February 13, 2017. 

I've hit the ground running and wanted to share some key highlights: 
  • OTF Executive Council - The OTF Executive Council will be meeting on Thursday, March 30 to continue its good work to ensure the OTF's strategic priorities are carried out through its working committees.
  • Housing and Workforce Development Committee Meeting - We had a big turnout for the February 17 meeting of the Task Force's Housing and Workforce Development Committee. More info is below but we look forward to developing an action plan to increase the supply of sober housing and employment opportunities in the region. Stay tuned!
  • Joint Meeting of the Healthcare Solutions and Treatment & Recovery Committees - Another huge turnout occurred for the March 3 joint meeting of the Healthcare Solutions and Treatment & Recovery Committees to discuss the evidence behind alternative treatments for substance use disorder. Many exciting ideas were explored and we'll be working to turn those into an action plan. More information to be forthcoming.
  • Law Enforcement and Justice Committee - This committee will be meeting on Monday, March 20, 1 PM to 2 PM at the Franklin County Sheriff's Office. 
  • Education and Prevention Committee - A meeting of this committee will be scheduled for later this month or early April.
  • Franklin County Family Drug Court's MISSION-Hope Project - I had the pleasure of being part of a team that wrote a SAMHSA grant, which if successful, would bring $2,125,000 to the region over five years.The grant would increase treatment and recovery services to parents, their children and other family caregivers for the newly created Franklin County Family Drug Court, presided over by First Justice Beth A. Crawford. Many thanks to the Task Force's partners who responded to urgent calls and emails for Letters of Committment (required for the grant), data, resources, and proofreading. We'll find out in September if the grant is awarded. Click here for the grant abstract.
As I am coming up to speed on the Task Force's work, it is clearly evident that you and others are part of an incredible team who have been working tirelessly to address the opioid epidemic in the region. I have been scheduling meetings to help me better understand the breadth and depth of the Task Force's work, which has been so helpful. As I continue to make the rounds, don't hesitate to reach out to me with your ideas, questions or concerns at

I look forward to working with you to blunt the impact of the opioid crisis in our communities.



Debra McLaughlin, Coordinator
Opioid Task Force of Franklin County and the North Quabbin Region

Housing and Workforce Development Committee Update

Our Housing and Workforce Development Committee met on Friday, February 17, 2017, to discuss how our community can work together to increase safe, supportive sober housing options in Franklin County and the North Quabbin Region. We had a terrific turnout to participate in this important discussion. 

Special thanks to panelists Benjamin Cluff (DPH-BSAS), Maureen Cavanagh (Magnolia New Beginnings), Shawn Hayden (GAAMHA) and panel moderator Dr. Ruth Potee for contributing their knowledge, lessons learned and best practices. As a result of this dynamic panel and subsequent small group work, several concrete action steps emerged for the Committee to consider, which can be found here as part of the February 17th Meeting Summary. Two subcommittees are forming to work more deeply on increasing the supply of sober housing in our rural region as well as increasing employment opportunities. If you are interested in joining one or both of these committees, please click here to fill out the form. The Committee will be meeting again on Friday, March 24 from 10 AM to 12 Noon at the William B. Allen Meeting Room, Olver Transit Center, 12 Olive Street in Greenfield, MA.

If you would like to be added to the email list for this committee, please contact Tess Jurgensen at

Thank you for being a part of the solution to this crucial topic for our rural region!

Latest Quarterly Report on Opioid Overdose Deaths

“Today’s data release underscores the need to continue our daily fight to bring this epidemic to an end. Our sustained efforts are building a strong foundation to fight substance misuse, rooted in the public health framework of prevention, intervention, treatment, and recovery.”
DPH Commissioner Monica Bharel, MD, MPH.

On February 17, the Massachusetts Department of Public Health (DPH) released the latest quarterly report on opioid-related deaths in Massachusetts. Selected findings include:
  • There have been 1,465 confirmed cases of unintentional opioid overdose deaths for 2016 (an estimated 469-562 suspected opioid-related deaths may be added to this total when the review of cases is complete)
  • 1,579 is the number of confirmed cases of unintentional opioid overdose deaths in 2015
  • In 2015, narcan was administered more than 12,000 times during EMS opioid-related incidents
  • The number of fentanyl-related deaths continues to increase; 75% of 2016 deaths that had a toxicology screen showed positive results for fentanyl
Click here to review the entire report and an overview of the Baker-Polito Administration’s ongoing efforts to address the opioid crisis through prevention, intervention, treatment and recovery efforts. 

Montague Catholic Social Ministries March Calendar

The Montague Catholic Social Ministries (MCSM) is offering many great programs and events throughout March 2017:
  • Women's Center open hours 
  • Fathers groups
  • Emergency basic needs
  • ...and more!
Click here for details and to view the entire calendar.

You Lead! Youth Conference

There is still time to register for the Northwestern District Attorney's (NWDA) youth leadership conference! 

When? Wednesday, March 29th
8:00 am - 1:30 pm
Where? Greenfield Community College, One College Drive, Greenfield

This is a great opportunity for youth to explore making healthy choices, support a drug-free culture and develop leadership skills.
Click here to register.

Click the image above for details and a PDF flyer. 

Addiction & Recovery in Our Community 

Baystate Medical Center’s (BSMC) Department of Medical Social Work and Westfield State University’s (WSU) Department of Social Work are partnering to present the 1st annual Addiction & Recovery in Our Community Symposium on March 22, 2017.

The theme for this year’s Symposium is Many Pathways to Recovery:
  • 8:00 am - 8:45 am: Registration and light refreshments 
  • 9:00 am - 11:00 am: Presentation from Robert Roose MD, Vice President of Mercy Behavioral Health at Sisters of Providence, followed by a panel discussion from leaders in our community
  • 11:00 am -11:15 am: Presentation/demonstration of Narcan
  • 11:15 am -12:30 pm: Vendor fair
To register for this event, click here

Ounce of Prevention Conference

The Massachusetts Department of Pulic Health (DPH) presents the Ounce of Prevention Conference:

Tuesday, March 28th, 9:00 am - 3:30 pm 
DCU Center, 50 Foster St.
Worcester, Massachusetts 01608

For conference details and registration, click here

Monthly Grandparent and Kinship Care Support Groups

Did you know the United Arc offers Grandparent and Kinship Care Support Groups? Support groups are offered in Turners Falls, Greenfield, Williamsburg, and Huntington, MA. 

The goal of these groups is to provide support to relatives and friends who are raising others children. 
  • Share good times and difficult expriences
  • Help each other learn about resources
  • Learn about parenting
Click the image for a PDF flyer and details. 

The RECOVER Project's Pancake Fundraiser

Don't miss the RECOVER Project's first pancake breakfast fundraiser! All proceeds go towards supporting the 14th Annual Recovery Jam Sober Music Festival, held in celebration of National Recovery Month
Saturday, March 11, 8 - 11 AM
  • Kids under 3 FREE 
  • Kinds 10 and under $3.00
  • Adults $6.00
  • Seniors $5.00
Check out the fundraiser event on Facebook

To learn more about this year's Recovery Jam, click here

Understanding DCF and the Child Welfare Lens

"Through use of case studies and didactic methods, participants will receive a basic comprehension of the child welfare lens and how the Department of Children and Families works."

When? Monday, April 3, 9:00 am - 4:30 pm

Topics to be covered will include: 
  • Mandated Reporter 51-A training
  • Substance Use Disorders and Child Welfare
  • Case Presentations: Samples for Community Providers, Protective Factors, and Confidentiality, Communication, and Collaboration. 
Click here for the event summary and here for registration. 

Sponsored by the Massachusetts Department of Public Health and AdCare Educational Institute

GARDEN Program

The GARDEN Project 2017 is a partnership among Greenfield Community College, Montague Catholic Social Ministries, NELCWIT, and Seeds of Solidarity through a grant from the Women's Fund of WMass. Learn how to:
  • Grow your own organic food in small spaces
  • Can, freeze or preserve food
  • Create a food focused cooperative
  • Install and maintain a permaculture garden
Spaces are still available in this great program! For more information or to apply, contact Christine at
(413) 863-4804 x 1003 or
Donna at (413) 772-0871 x108.

Click the image above for details and a PDF flyer. 
Do you have information, resources or upcoming events you would like to include in our newsletter? If so, we want to hear from you! Newsletter content can be sent to Tess Jurgensen at 


And Resources
Click below for overdose prevention materials that can be downloaded, printed and shared at your community organization.
Click here to download our one-page Drug and Alcohol Addiction and Recovery Resource Guide 

Click here for online educational materials for healthcare providers about prescribing and distributing naloxone. 

Click here for online training resources about how to respond to an opioid overdose.


Upcoming Task Force
Committee Meetings:

Treatment and Recovery
Friday, April 7th 10-11:30 am
GCC Downtown
270 Main Street in Greenfield

Please email Deb Neubauer at if you would like to join for this meeting.

Healthcare Solutions

Please email Phoebe Walker at if you would like to join for this meeting. 

Housing and Workforce Development
Friday, March 24th 10-12 pm
Olver Transit Center
12 Olive Street in Greenfield

Please email Tess Jurgensen at if you would like to join for this meeting. 

Law Enforcement and Justice Committee
Monday, March 20th 1-2 pm
Franklin County Sheriff's Office
160 Elm Street in Greenfield

Please email Tess Jurgensen at if you would like to join for this meeting. 
Save a Life. Call 911.
You are Protected by the
Good Samaritan Law.


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Opioid Task Force of Franklin County and the North Quabbin Region · 43 Hope Street, Room 1705 · Greenfield, MA 01301 · USA

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