Happy MARCH, families!    
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Hi Parents!

Daily routines can be great for kids, helping to form good habits.  Routines also help kids know what to expect and creates security.  Doing the same things in the same order and way can be beneficial with a lot of things ... from getting ready for school in the morning, to doing homework, to bedtime. 

But for parents, it's easy to get lost in the monotonous day to day routines with kids. Sometimes it feels like you just hit the pillow at night and it's time to get up and rolling again.  Making sure your kids eat their veggies, brush their teeth, set up good study habits, have playtime with friends... and on and on. It's hard to not wonder sometimes, "Am I doing this right?  Is it making a difference? Is anything I'm saying or doing helping my child grow?", especially if you can't see the growth or change.  And especially when it comes to their relationship with God and their faith life.

Many years ago, when I knew even less about growing flowers in my yard than I do now, I had one plant that no matter what I did to care for it, it never grew.  It came with the house when we moved in.  I didn't know what it was let alone what the flowers would look like. The plant was alive - it was green and healthy looking, but no flowers, no new growth.  I watered it and it soaked it up.  I added some plant food.  But it never got any taller, never budded.  I wondered if I should keep tending it or just stop.  It was a little frustrating.  But I kept at it.  All of a sudden one day... boom!  I went outside and there were bright red flowers exploding all over that little plant.  It wasn't until later I learned that flowers bloom at different times in different parts of the country.  Who knew?

While kids and flowers are very different, they're also kinda the same.  In parenting, some days are hard.  Other days are really hard.  You can't always see results to know if what you're tending in your kids' lives is making a difference.  Routines, while good, can get in the way of being able to step back, watch and wait, really look. I love the quote above ... "Being a good parent is hard. In the short term, there's not a lot of glory to it. But if anything is worth the effort, it's your children."  

Keep at it, parents!  Keep planting seeds of faith, watering them, caring for them.  We're here every Sunday to partner with you.  And get ready.... there will be those days when... boom!  You'll get to experience something amazing in the lives of your kids!

Praying for you and cheering you on,

                                             Jan Hanson
                                 Kids & Families Director

Here's your chance to run away from home... or something like that!


Parents need a night off every now and then... to date their spouse, or hang out with friends, or just chill out.  And kids need a place they belong to have some fun, too!

Friday, March 10 from 5:30 - 8:30 p.m.

We'll provide pizza dinner & snacks, movies, games, crafts and FUN in 4 different age group environments:  babies/toddlers; preschool (2/3s and 4/5s), elementary; middle school.

And... it's FREE!!
Don't forget to register here or on the FCC app!
Easter's on the way ... who will your family invite?

Here's an EGGCELLENT way to help your kids invite their friends and families to join your family on Easter, April 16 at FCC!  Start thinking and praying together now who to invite. Think of school friends, neighborhood friends and sports team friends whose families are not connected with a church home.  We've created EGGACTLY what you need.... some fun invitations with treats for your preschool and elementary kids to give to friends!  Pick some up on the last Sunday in March and first weeks of April.

Here's an opportunity for parents with little ones – babies through 3 year olds – to say yes to the partnership between home and church that will encourage you, provide resources, and ultimately help you lead your child into developing a faith of their very own.  Our Annual Child Dedication Celebration is coming up on Sunday, May 14 (yes, Mother's Day!) during 8:45 and 10:30 services.  And we'd love to have your family participate.  Contact Jan for more information. 

June may seem far off, but we want you to get this on your calendar so you don't miss this fun experience for your whole family as we KICKOFF SUMMER!

Sunday, June 4 from 5 - 7:30 p.m.

FamNite Live has always been a go-to awesomely fun highlight for FCC families with kids in elementary & preschool!  But this time we're kicking it up a notch....

* Large group fun with stage games & audience participation!
* Pizza dinner for your family!

* Gadgety fun activities led by Scientopia!
* Create your own family gizmo to take home!

All free... all fun for the whole family!

If your family has middle or high school kids, or younger than preschool kids... bring 'em!  
Watch for registration coming on Easter,
save the date and "get geared up" for some family fun!
Sometimes it's hard to know just where to begin when it comes to talking to your kids about life as a believer and follower of Jesus.  They (and you!) might have questions about why Jesus had to die on the cross,who gets to go to heaven, what does salvation mean, and more.



We have a helpful and easy tool for parents to use to gauge where their kids are at in their faith journey.  And when they're ready to pray that amazing and simple prayer of faith to receive Jesus as Lord and Savior, START HERE will walk you through it together.
If you don't have your USB of Start Here yet, CONTACT JAN and get one or just ask on a Sunday!

The next step after salvation in obedience to Jesus is water baptism, for any age person who puts their faith and trust in Him.  A family meeting with Jan is all that's needed in advance, and together we'll help your kids (and/or you!) discover the who, what, where, when and how of baptism at FCC.  Let Jan know if your child - or you! - are ready for that next step! 

For elementary age kids, spending time with God during the week with age appropriate activities that reinforce and help them reflect on what they learn on Sundays can help grow an every day faith!

We have a new twist to help parents of elementary kids ... a monthly God Time bundle!  Beginning in  March we'll be bundling all 4 weeks of God Time (devotional) pages in a handy-dandy booklet. No more bringing home 1 page a week which is easy to lose.  Now you'll have the whole month in one, which also includes parent how-to tips by grade, other resources, and our upcoming news.  Parents will get the God Time bundle for the month on your family's first Sunday with us in March, along with a Parent Cue card for your fridge and your kiddos's gizmo for the month. 

Let your kid's Small Group Leader know how you like it and if we should keep bundling!  We're here to partner with you so your kids know Jesus and their part in God's Big Story! 
Babies & Toddlers are safe and secure in the Nest on Sunday mornings at 8:45 and 10:30!  Our Small Group Leaders in the Nest are always ready and waiting for your littlest ones to arrive to play with them, rock them, and pray over them! 

Parents, please make sure to check the "If I'm sick" sign on the check-in counter ... we want all kids and Small Group Leaders to stay healthy!

March discoveries for preschoolers!

Last month our 2/3 and 4/5 year olds in Ahava Valley found out that God's love is SO BIG!  In March they'll discover that they can BUILD a love for others.  Through four true stories in the Bible, we'll see how others showed love to one another.  And with lots of fun activities they'll learn that ... "I can love everyone!"

The GIZMO this month is a fun block kit that builds a heart with the words to the Bible memory verse on it: 
Love one another. John 13:34. 

Parents, click HERE for a preview video!

And click
HERE for the motions to help your preschooler learn and live the Bible verse at home, too!

Elementary kids K-5th will be working on a
FIX it UP project....

Forgiveness is a reflection of the character of God. Throughout Scripture, we are reminded about God’s grace and forgiveness toward us. Since we are created in God’s image, we have the ability to offer forgiveness when people in our lives hurt us. God’s love in us makes it possible for us to forgive others and work towards fixing our own relationships that break down from time to time.

Through 4 parables Jesus told about forgiveness kids will discover that while forgiveness is not always easy, it's always the right project to work on!  This month's GIZMO - a cool tool keychain - will be a daily reminder, for your whole family, to keep on working on forgiveness.  

Parents, click HERE for a preview video!

Don't forget to check out this amazing resource for both kids and parents that syncs
with our Sunday mornings for weekday fun!

NEW CONTENT every month ....

Parent Cue is both a blog and an app ...
with some really great stuff to support parents through every phase in their kids' lives.  And it synches with what we're doing on Sunday mornings!  Check out these great new posts:

The most important minutes we often miss .... a chance to connect

Avoiding the comparison trap (podcast) .... just don't do it

And this one is worth repeating.....
Discovering Your Child's Love Language - a podcast with
Dr. Gary Chapman, speaker and best-selling author of The Five Love Language reveals the secret to loving children effectively. He talks through the 5 unique ways kids receive love and helps parents discover and speak in the love language their child will understand.

And much more!  Parent Cue is for parents like you who want to be intentional about their family! 
Check it out:  www.theparentcue.org    Sign up for the weekly email, get the free app, check out their facebook page, listen in on podcasts!
Our free FCC app will keep you up to date with content to connect you with the life of our church through events - and quick & easy registrations - along with Sunday sermon message podcasts, prayer requests, online giving and lots more!    Just search FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH OF NAPA in your app store!
Our Small Group Leaders in THE NEST (babies/toddlers), AHAVA VALLEY (preschool) and LARGER THAN LIFE (elementary) can't wait to see your kids this Sunday ... and the next ... and the next ..... !!!

Copyright © 2017 FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH OF NAPA, All rights reserved.     

Our mailing address is:
2659 First Street, Napa, CA 94558


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