Let’s make some magic!
NEWS FROM CHULA LEAGUE | Mar 2017 find Chula Leage on Instagram find Chula Leage on Pinterest find Chula League on Facebook follow Chula League on Twitter email Chula League
Contribute to Chula League

Today is the day!


Amplify Austin kicks off today through tomorrow. You have 24 hours to AMPLIFY the Arts in Austin by donating to our Little Artist BIG ARTIST (LaBA) program!

Our BIG ARTISTS build deep relationships with our Littles through the simple power of creating together. Taking a concept, turning it into art, then learning how to turn it into a business gives these kids the tools they need to envision a successful path forward. Our program helps elementary school kids in East Austin become engaged, empowered, and confident. All it takes is a helping hand from someone who cares, someone who gives their time and heart. Won’t you be that helping hand to fuel the arts in East Austin?

Drum roll please – we have a $2500 challenge match from Pentagram Design and DJ Stout! The first $2500 we raise will be matched dollar-for-dollar! The arts contribute to the success of our city, and YOUR contribution to Chula makes it all happen. Schedule your donation now!


We also have a matching grant of $500 (Thank you anonymous donor!) that will be used to match the FIRST FIVE $100 gifts we receive across one of the 12 Donor pages DURING the 24Hours of Amplify. Our beautiful board members are aiming to blow the roof off our goal and kick it up a notch. Read why our program matters to them (you can even choose to donate to the board member that speaks to you the most!)...

Board Member & Staff Donation Pages

$50 will provide art materials for a child to explore and create
$100 will support one Art Teacher at one school
$250 will cover expenses associated with one (1) Little Artist

If you can’t afford starting at $50, know that the minimum is $10, and that your $10 could turn into $20 with our donor match! Every dollar matters, your donations will strengthen our program and make a difference in a child's life.

AMPLIFY the mission of Chula League and advance Austin’s next generation of creatives today!

Maplewood Elementary 2017
Maplewood Elementary 2017


Chula League

Fueling and sustaining the arts in East Austin since 2005. Our Austin-based nonprofit supports and preserves the local arts through art education, professional development and artful outdoor spaces in East Austin communities.

LITTLE artist big artist

Today’s artists mentoring tomorrow’s. Our LaBA program pairs East Austin elementary school students with professional artists who show kids how to turn ideas into art and art into a business that ends with an art exhibit, and pieces are auctioned at the fair.

Cherrywood art fair

Our 16th annual Fair will take place December 9-10, 2017. Featuring over 85 Texas artists exhibiting unique and varied art and handmade goods. Food trucks, music, and family entertainment makes it the perfect holiday season outing. Applications open Summer '17.


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Copyright © 2017 Chula League, All rights reserved.

info@chulaleague.org | Chula League PO Box 4283 Austin, TX 78765

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