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Our list of this week's Q&As from around Australia:

NSW Fair Trading Reminder: Loose-Fill Asbestos Program

Pre-1980 Strata premises may contain loose-fill asbestos insulation. Free testing for loose-fill asbestos is available if your strata scheme was registered by last year’s deadline.

For free testing to go ahead, the owners corporation needs to approve the decision through a special resolution. Complete the owners corporation special resolution form (Word document size 20kb). Then email the form to Fair Trading by 31 March 2017 at

Queensland - Did You Know?
Gates to swimming pool areas should not be propped open. Any person who props open a pool gate is liable to an on-the-spot fine of over $450. Find out more here.
Queensland Building and Construction Commission

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Latest Articles

NSW DIY Strata Report

NSW: 10 Steps to a DIY Strata Report

Paula Byrnes, The LookUpStrata Team
So your keen to carry out your own strata inspection report? Here’s a guide to help you get started … but be warned, carrying out a DIY Strata Report is not an easy task!
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VIC companion pets

VIC: Q&A Companion Pets in Apartments

Tony Overell, The Knight
Question: Am I able to have a companion pet in my Victorian apartment? Is it possible for companion animals to be banned at my scheme?

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NSW A/C Maintenance

NSW: Q&A Strata Maintenance Responsibilities - Air Conditioning Unit

Leanne Habib, Premium Strata
Question: When it comes to strata maintenance responsibilities, who is responsible for maintaining an individual unit’s ducted air conditioning systems when their main components are located outside the Lot’s boundaries?
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SA Visitor Parking

SA: Q&A Strata Visitor Parking Rules

Tyson D'Sylva, Ace Body Corporate Management
Question: Strata visitor parking rules - Is the driveway for resident use only? Or can visitors come and go at will?
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NSW Window Locks

The Guide to Window Locks Legislation NSW

The LookUpStrata Team plus a host of contributors
Did you know - this week marks just 12 months until the new legislation for window locks in NSW comes into play. Owners Corporations must have safety window devices installed on all common property windows by 13 March 2018. Need assistance getting organised? We provide all the tips and information in one of our most popular articles.
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QLD stop airbnb

Can a Queensland body corporate stop Airbnb?

Frank Higginson, Hynes Legal
What can a Queensland body corporate do about Airbnb and body corporate issues? We won’t keep you all in suspense. The answer is nothing. For us, it all starts at a very macro level.
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WA Strata Noise

WA: Q&A Strata Neighbour Noise

Strata GP
Question: I have noise issues from my neighbours above. Most of the disturbance is caused during the day. Can I do anything about this strata neighbour noise?
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Living in a strata community

Know Thy Neighbours - PODCAST

Amanda Farmer's Your Strata Property podcast series
Amanda reads out a blog post covering many of the frustrating aspects of living in a strata community. This is a story about how one person can change their mindset and make a difference in their community. Well worth a listen.
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Last Week's Star Article

NSW parking

NSW Q&A Strata Parking Laws

Leanne Habib, Premium Strata
Question: My elderly mother is being locked in by the other strata title owner’s visitors. What should our next steps be?
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News of the Week

Apartment smoking

Smoke-free apartment living is every resident’s right

Shayne Connell, Cancer Council NSW for The Newcastle Herald

Do you live in an apartment building and struggle with smoke from the neighbours drifting through your open windows? Exposure to secondhand smoke in strata scheme apartment complexes is a common and frustrating issue.

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Help Create a National Sustainability Rating for Apartment Buildings - Survey

You’re invited to participate in a Data Collection Survey to facilitate the creation of a new national sustainability rating for apartment buildings.

For more information, see Green Strata's article. The Survey is open until the 22nd March. Great prizes are on offer for participating. Get involved! 

QLD: Body corporate reforms up for discussion

The Palaszczuk Government has called for public submissions on an independent report setting out 29 recommendations on body corporate by-laws, debt recovery and community titles scheme terminations.

Queenslanders have until 5 May 2017 to have their say on the Government Property Law Review report, prepared by the Queensland University of Technology (QUT).

“Before considering any changes to the current laws, the Palaszczuk Government wants to hear people’s views on QUT’s recommendations,” Mrs D’Ath said. 

“These include improving the ability of bodies corporate to make and enforce by-laws dealing with vehicle towing, pets and second-hand cigarette smoke drift between units."

The full media release from Attorney-General and Minister for Justice and Minister for Training and Skills
The Honourable Yvette D'Ath can be read here

The report and information on how to make a submission can be found here.

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Breaking News

Australia's most comprehensive stream of strata news -
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Nearly 80% of Chinese buyers can’t settle on apartments bought off-the-plan Your Investment Property

50% off the plan apartment foreign buyer limit to return Property Observer

NSW: Some Sydney apartments being bought just for Airbnb, MP claims The Daily Advertiser

QLD: Apartment prices weaken in Brisbane: REIQ Property Observer 

Smoking to be banned in units and apartments across Queensland  The Cairns Post

VIC: ‘Forest of towers’ approved for Melbourne’s Docklands  ArichectureAU

ACT: Multi-unit developments push for months to clarify green bins collection The Canberra Times

SA: Elon Musk speaking with Jay Weatherill about SA power fix ABC News

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