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Latest Articles

NSW Asbestos

NSW: Loose Fill Asbestos Hazard: Important Update for Strata and Home Owners 2017

Bannermans Lawyers
If you are a strata plan that has lodged an intent to register prior to 1 August 2016 you now have until 31 March 2017 to pass a special resolution confirming your strata plan’s registration with the Office of Fair Trading program.
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VIC water leak

VIC: Q&A Water Leak From Balcony

Stuart Mellington, Select OwnersCorp Management
Question: I have a drain on the balcony the comes from the roof. There is a leak as it channels the roof water down from the third floor to the ground. Who is responsible?
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QLD BM Qualifications

QLD: Q&A What Building Manager Qualifications Are Required?

Frank Higginson, Hynes Legal
Question: Does our Building Manager need any specific qualifications like a resuscitation certificate or any OHS qualifications?
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NSW parking space

NSW: Q&A We've been using the wrong allocated car parking space

Leanne Habib, Premium Strata
Question: We have been using the wrong parking space. What rights do we have to get our allocated car parking space as per the contract for sale?
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Buying strata

What You Must Know Before Buying Into Strata - PODCAST

Amanda Farmer's Your Strata Property podcast series featuring Nicole Johnston, Deakin University
Why is the point of purchase such a critical stage for people who are buying a strata title unit. What information are or aren't your receiving at this stage of the transaction?
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Last Week's Star Article

NSW Stairwells

NSW: Q&A Safety Regulations for Stairs / Common Stairways

Deborah Sullivan, QIA Group Pty Ltd
Question: I am looking ( without success) for any requirements regarding safety regulations for stairs / common stairways.
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News of the Week

WA Nightmare

Apartments turn ‘nightmare’

Nick Butterly, The West Australian

State Government MPs are demanding better protections for apartment owners after the collapse of one of WA’s biggest builder-developers turned Perth’s biggest apartment complex into a “nightmare” for its residents.

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Have Your Say

QLD: Body corporate reforms up for discussion

The Palaszczuk Government has called for public submissions on an independent report setting out 29 recommendations on body corporate by-laws, debt recovery and community titles scheme terminations.

Queenslanders have until 5 May 2017 to have their say on the Government Property Law Review report, prepared by the Queensland University of Technology (QUT).

“Before considering any changes to the current laws, the Palaszczuk Government wants to hear people’s views on QUT’s recommendations,” Mrs D’Ath said. 

“These include improving the ability of bodies corporate to make and enforce by-laws dealing with vehicle towing, pets and second-hand cigarette smoke drift between units."

The full media release from Attorney-General and Minister for Justice and Minister for Training and Skills
The Honourable Yvette D'Ath can be read here

The report and information on how to make a submission can be found here.

Breaking News

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NSW: Winners and losers – the five main options for proposed NSW Airbnb laws Domain

VIC: Stock-starved apartment builders boost value of tired office sites SMH

QLD: Super Slender Tower Planned for Surfers Paradise  Brisbane Development


WA: Airbnb 'hotels': Concerns over Perth apartments leads to rule review PerthNow

NZ: Man cuts off power to next door unit during dispute over power bill

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