Bring Back the Banksias workshop held at Lake Bolac on Friday 24 February 2017
Held in conjunction with Glenelg Hopkins Catchment Management Authority and supported by the Norman Wettenhall Foundation, the workshop brought together almost 70 interested people from across Victoria and interstate including landowners, landcare practitioners, seed collectors, nursery suppliers, propagators, researchers, project officers and consultants. It outlined what has been happening recently with regards to Silver Banksia (Banksia marginata) research, mapping, genetics and seed orchards - for example Dr Adam Miller (Deakin University) reported on his preliminary findings on the genetic structure of the scattered populations of Silver Banksia on the Victorian Volcanic Plains. Download the workshop report here.

Participants at the Bring Back the Banksias Lake Bolac workshop. (Photo: Martin Driver)
Watch this terrific ABC Open video by filmmaker Richard Snashall, of the Sandhill Paddock Walk near Hay NSW held in September last year, organised by the ANPC and Riverina Local Land Services, and led by ANPC Project Manager Martin Driver. It focused on 'Sandhill Pine Woodland in the Riverina' which is listed as an Endangered Ecological Community in NSW. The aim was to increase plant identification skills and highlight the importance of revegetation. The extraordinary rainfall in the Riverina last winter resulted in an explosion of native plant growth and germination at both properties visited.

ANPC Project Manager, Martin Driver (left), discussing remnant sandhill vegetation at the fenced reserve at “Zara” on the Sandhill Paddock Walk on 15 September 2016. (Photo: Sally Ware)
Reminder: ANPC survey on the Australian native seed industry closes 28 April 2017
Due to popular demand, the Australian native seed industry survey, undertaken in October 2016 prior to the APCC11 seed industry workshop, has been re-opened. Anyone who is interested in completing the survey, and missed out last year, can email Martin Driver and he will send you the survey link. Australian seed collectors, growers/sellers/suppliers, purchasers/distributors and other interested parties are invited to participate in this survey on the status of the Australian native seed industry. Read more here.

Participants brainstorming at the Australian Native Seed Industry Review workshop at the 11th Australasian Plant Conservation Conference (Photo: Martin Driver)
Murray Wild Orchids Project
This Saving our Species Partnership Grants Project between the ANPC and Murray Local Land Services (lead agency), Office of Environment and Heritage (OEH), Department of Primary Industries - Lands, Royal Botanic Gardens Victoria, Forestry Corporation of NSW, NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service, and landholders, is contributing over a 10 year period to the long-term viability of three endangered orchid species in the Murray region: the Crimson Spider-Orchid (Caladenia concolor), the Sandhill Spider Orchid (Caladenia arenaria) and the Oaklands Diuris (Diuris callitrophila). These highly threatened orchids now only occur in very small numbers in the wild, and are at considerable risk of extinction from natural events or human-induced disturbances. Activities include propagation, weed control, reintroduction and pollinator surveys. Project factsheets are now available. Read more here.

L-R: Crimson Spider Orchid (Caladenia concolor), Sandhill Spider Orchid (Caladenia arenaria), Oaklands Diuris (Diuris callitrophila). (Photos: Matt Cameron).
Join the ANPC for 2017 and help us promote and improve plant conservation in Australia.
ANPC membership entitles you to discounts and benefits including: subscription to the ANPC’s quarterly bulletin Australasian Plant Conservation; the FREE e-version of Plant Germplasm Conservation in Australia; discounts to ANPC workshops, conferences and forums; and discounted subscription to Ecological Management and Restoration (EMR). Joining is one of the most solid contributions you can make to our work. Membership fees are an essential part of our financial base, and members and member-organisations are the lifeblood of our network. Online membership payments are now available. For your convenience, you can also register for secure automatic annual renewal of your membership using your credit card.

Other news:
NESP Northern Australia Environmental Resources Hub – Mapping to help management of tropical littoral rainforest
Hub researchers have produced cutting edge mapping of critically endangered littoral rainforest types in Queensland’s Wet Tropics. Littoral rainforests help protect coastal settlements, infrastructure and other assets from threats such as erosion and provide critical habitat for biodiversity such as the endangered cassowary. The maps produced under this project identify three different types of littoral rainforest – Refugial, Leading-edge and Buffer – by their frequency of inundation. They also show inundation associated with sea level rise and a range of storm-surge scenarios. The project, led by CSIRO’s Dr Helen Murphy, significantly improves our understanding of the threat to littoral rainforest from increasing exposure to storm-surge, sea level rise and extreme weather events. The project also addresses key gaps in understanding where, when and what management action is required to help maintain and recover the forest, and how it might adapt to climate change. This work is now being used by local government and has informed the draft recovery plan for the EPBC Act listed ‘Littoral rainforest and costal vine thickets of eastern Australia ecological community which is open for public comment until 26 May. You can read a summary of the research findings here and a more detailed report including a full list of proposed management actions here.
Common Assessment Method for Threatened Species
In 2015 environment ministers agreed to introduce a Common Assessment Method for Threatened Species across Australia. The objective is to ensure consistency, with each species being assessed once and listed in the same threat category by relevant jurisdictions. This is a significant step towards achieving accurate and aligned lists of nationally threatened species. There has been progress with an intergovernmental Memorandum of Understanding signed by six jurisdictions, the development of a policy framework, and work to resolve the misalignment of lists across the states, territories and the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act). The initiative reached an important milestone in February. The Common Assessment Method was used for the first time by Western Australia and New South Wales to assess 15 plant species and these assessments are now available for public comment under the EPBC Act until 10 April 2017. These species include some of Australia’s unique and beautiful threatened flora like Caladenia hopperiana (Boddington spider orchid), Eremophila glabra subsp. chlorella (an emu bush) and Banksia vincentia. The Common Assessment Method, which is a target in the Australian Government’s Threatened Species Strategy, will have positive outcomes for both the conservation of species and for efficiency of regulatory processes, and is a great example of effective interjurisdictional collaboration.
Other conferences and events:
National Eucalypt Day is on 23 March 2017
25 events are being held in 6 States starting the 5th March and ending in April. We are celebrating with our friends and partners in many States of Australia over the month of March. You can find out about an event near you by visiting the web page or Facebook page. Most events are free and children friendly. Family participation is encouraged.
Rainforests of Subtropical Australia - A Symposium of Science and Practice - Robina (Gold Coast), QLD, 23 to 24 March 2017
It has been a decade since the last major rainforest conference in eastern Australia, and ROSA promises to bring the very latest in subtropical rainforest science and restoration practice to you in one exciting event! Special guest speakers include some of Australia's leading rainforest experts such as Tim Low, Prof Roger Kitching AM, Prof Carla Catterall and Prof Ralf Buckley among many others. Thematic presentations will fall into 4 streams – rainforest restoration, values, threatened species and climate change. In addition, ROSA will redefine the sometimes fraught relationship between fire and rainforest in a dynamic Q&A style discussion with 6 amazing panellists. ROSA is designed for anyone managing and conserving subtropical rainforest communities, and includes over 30 presenters that are leaders in their respective fields. To be held at Robina Community Centre & Auditorium, Gold Coast. Register here.
International Plant Progagators' Society Australia region, 2017 Conference - Perth, 11 - 14 May 2017
'Propagating for Health, Wealth & Good Times'. Registration NOW OPEN. An essential event for anyone in the plant propagation industry.This 45th Annual Conference will be held at the Parmelia Hilton Perth CBD and includes Josh Byrne outlining his 2020 Vision, George Lullfitz on his propagation innovations, Julienne Zhu (Secretary General IPPS China) on the latest from the region, Ben Croxford - Nuts About Natives and his boutique tissue culture work, and Nigel Swartz on his native orchid work and the retail potential. Plus a full suite of technical and management subjects with nursery/ tourist visits. Pre-conference sunset coast/lobster tour 9-10 May. Conference information and registration form available here.
To be held at Mt Coot-Tha Botanic Gardens, Mt Coot-Tha Rd, Toowong, QLD. Speakers and topics include: Key Note - Dr Elizabeth Tasker NSW NPWS 'Vegetation change over four decades associated with reduced fire frequency in Border Ranges: loss of grassy forests and associated decline of the endangered Eastern Bristlebird'; Susie Fifoot (PhD Candidate UQ) 'Multiple objectives, multiple tenures: How can we better integrate fire management across SE Qld’s fragmented landscapes'; SEQFBC Scholarship Students: Orpheus Butler (PhD candidate Griffith University) 'Fire, carbon/nitrogen cycling within soils'; and Brooke Williams (UQ Honours Student) and Prof Kerrie Wilson (Supervisor from UQ) 'Fire for Biodiversity Conservation & Asset Protection'. Register here.
NSW Nature Conservation Council 11th Biennial Bushfire Conference - Sydney, 30 May - 1 June 2017
'Fire, Fauna and Ferals: From Backyards to Bush'. The conference will explore how fire management can support ecological values across the landscape from our backyards through to the bushland interface and beyond. The program will examine the interactions between fire and fauna across a range of ecosystems; integrated approaches to managing fire, native fauna and flora, weeds and pest animals; on-ground fire and restoration projects and Aboriginal burning initiatives. There will also be a field day inspecting fire, restoration and fauna projects at North Head, Manly. Speakers will include: Justin Leonard from CSIRO - supporting community adaptation to fire; Alan York from University of Melbourne - managing fire for fauna conservation; Ross Bradstock from University of Wollongong - reimagining the APZ; Chris Dickman from Sydney University - fire and ferals. A draft program will be announced in late March including presentations from NSW Rural Fire Service, AFAC, NPWS, Councils, Aboriginal groups, contractors and environmental NGOs. Early Bird Discount rates are available on conference registrations until 31 March, 2017. Visit the conference webpage for further details
Save the date - AABR field trip to Broken Hill, 22-24 August 2017
The Australian Association of Bush Regenerators is holding a 3-day bush regen field trip to the internationally significant Broken Hill Regeneration Reserves, to visit local sites and attend an Awards dinner. The dinner is to inaugurate a major restoration industry award to honour the late 1930s work of Albert Morris and others who pulled off a visionary regeneration project - the first of its kind in the world. Options for travel will include train, minibus or private cars. Within the next couple of weeks they will send out a survey to be filled in by anyone interested in going to give them some idea of numbers, so stay tuned.
The ANPC gratefully acknowledges the support of the following Corporate Members:
The production of ANPC News is assisted by the New South Wales Government through its Environmental Trust
