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March 10, 2017

Stopping Scammers from Phishing HR and Payroll Personnel for W-2s and Other Private Employee Data

Nothing is certain except death and taxes—and phishing scams every tax season. "Phishing" is defined as identity theft taking place over the Internet. According to the IRS, phishing and malware incidents rose 400 percent in the 2016 tax season. Based on recent IRS alerts, these incidents have not diminished in the 2017 tax season. Both this year and last year, the IRS has discovered phishing schemes targeting tax professionals, payroll workers, human resources personnel, schools, individual taxpayers, and more.

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Established in 1979, AALRR is a 170-attorney, full-service firm serving California employers from offices throughout the state, including Cerritos, Fresno, Irvine, Marin, Pasadena, Pleasanton, Riverside, Sacramento and San Diego. The firm provides practical legal solutions in the areas of employment, labor, construction, education, real estate, general business, business litigation, corporate, taxation, bankruptcy, and immigration.

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