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Erick's Insights


The Importance of Empowerment

A great system, organization, leader, mentor or coach is one that empowers people to do great things, and to be their best.   I sometimes find myself with a leadership dilemma, where I think I may have the right answer, or I think my call to action would be better than the one someone in my organization is about to take.  Note I said I think....I also believe the group in nearly any room is always smarter than I am on my own.  It is critical that I recognize that great leaders and organizations empower people to make decisions and take action, and unless I plan on being in all places at all times to direct all actions to my liking I better get good at casting vision, and creating systems that provide my people with the right information at the right time, and the right resources to do their jobs well.  
My job as CEO of Absco Solutions is no different than that of a great Chief Security Officer.  Creating a vision for how we interact with people, what our mission is - keeping people, property, and the intellectual assets of the organization safe and secure and utilizing our resources to empower other departments of the organization to have greater success in their area of operations; then providing the right information quickly, accurately and efficiently to my team, with the corresponding tools and systems to respond to situations as they encounter them.  
If I have the wrong vision or the wrong mission I will miss the mark.  If my systems don't provide the needed information, or conversely provide an overwhelming volume of information that isn't actionable, I miss the mark (e.g. I have a video surveillance system that has blind spots to critical events or I have a video surveillance system with 400 cameras and no automated alarm events to let me know when to actually pay attention).  And if I don't provide the tools and systems for response - like automated lock down or automated dispatch - then I will likely fail to achieve even the best mission.  At the end of the day few people get paid for their intent.  Most of us earn our living through the outcomes we produce for those around us.
Which brings me to the last point in all of this: it is critical to have great people and build great leaders in our organizations.  I am thankful that we have great team members and leaders at Absco Solutions, and that we get to work with so many amazing organizations that do too, from whom we are able to learn and grow with.

Make it a great day!

Trends and Technology


IdentiFlex 100 Product Discontinuance

Gamewell-FCI periodically reviews and streamlines its product portfolio to ensure we are offering our customers the right solutions. After careful consideration, Gamewell-FCI will no longer offer the IdentiFlex 100 (p/n: GIF-100) and related accessories. For a full list of discontinued models, read the full announcement below.

Immediately Gamewell-FCI will no longer fill orders for these products. Please contact your Regional Sales Manager or Gamewell-FCI Customer Service Representative at 800.633.1311 regarding this announcement. Thank you for your business and continued support
Visit their products page -- CLICK HERE

What's New


ACC™ 6.0 Software
with Avigilon Appearance Search™ Technology


Avigilon Control Center (ACC) 6.0 software with Avigilon Appearance Search technology will be available on February 6, 2017. This latest version of our video management software combines a powerful and intuitive interface with an advanced search function technology.

Some additional ACC 6.0 Key Features:

  • Licensing can be set up remotely
  • Licenses can be aggregated and not tied to individual servers within the site
  • Standard edition now has 20 rules for increased analytic detection
  • ACC 6.0 Enterprise edition adds a new license type that includes 48 channels of video,  making it possible to license larger installations with fewer product keys
  • Designated ONVIF® conformant for easy integration with third-party cameras and specialized support when required.
Full Article - ACC 6.0 Software

What's Happening

We're Open in


Beaverton, Oregon


As of February 9th, we will officially have a stronger presence in Oregon! Here are a few Abscoians that will be in the office to help support your needs!


Team Spotlight

Chad Smith

Senior Account Executive - Eastern, WA

Chad is one of our Senior Account Executives and primarily works out of Spokane, WA. He joined the Absco team just under a year ago and he is building and growing relationships every day!
People are and will always be our greatest assets at Absco Solutions. Chad’s abilities and contributions are an important key to the success of our Spokane operations. The short time he has been at Absco, he has already shown a positive contribution. His work ethics are excellent and he is always ready for new challenges. He is a wonderful leader and inspires others to give their best, too.

Customer Testimonial


Autumn Snow

The Trike Stop Childcare Center & Preschool

Who We Are

Our Spokane Crew:


We are very excited about the great things to come out of our Spokane office, and are looking forward to building a wonderful team and great relationships with existing and new clients.


We've heard from several of our customers, and the people their businesses affect, about how their systems have saved lives, saved money, impacted efficiencies or been creative solutions to unique challenges.  We'd love to hear your story if you've got one, and would like to have it published in an upcoming Absco Speak, send it to


Ken at Mardi Gras during Fat Tuesday!

The Absco Solutions Team has been having fun with an "Absco - Knows No Limits" #KNL campaign for a few months.  Check out some of the crazy places you'll find our team... we'd like to get you on our page too!!!

Service Suite

What Other Services Can Absco Help You With Today?


Keep In Touch With Us!

F R I E N D on F A C E B O O K
V I S I T our W E B S I T E
S E N D an E M A I L
Lynnwood Office:
19023 36th Avenue West, Suite E  ▪  Lynnwood, WA 98036

Spokane Office: 
3020 North Sullivan Road, 
Building S -- Suite D  ▪  Spokane, WA 99216

Beaverton Office: 

8366 Southwest Nimbus Avenue, Building 1/B  ▪  Beaverton, OR 97008