
Dear members of Jupiter Family Chiropractic,
In case you haven't heard yet, I got married on March 18 to a wonderful person named Juan Carlos! I would like to thank everyone who sent us blessings and well wishes. I feel very grateful to have found someone to share my same values and passion in life.  The honeymoon is planned for early June, so for now there are no office closures. We will give you plenty of advance notice about any changes in office hours. Thank you for your continued support as we grow together!
Lots of Love,
Dr. Helia


Testimonial of the Month

Parkinson's and Chiropractic
"I was diagnosed with Parkinson’s in 2006, but have been able to live a fairly active life until injuring the iliopsoas tendon in my left hip in October 2016. While convalescing from my hip injury (which ended up being a very long and painful, maddeningly slow, recovery!). I decided to try some chiropractic treatments. So enter Dr. Helia Dashtkian! After starting treatments with Dr.Helia, I noticed an immediate improvement in my posture, have been able to walk more easily with just my cane instead of my walker, I can turn my head more freely side to side without pain (which is new!) and overall I am just feeling better. I am so glad I found her! Dr. Helia is very knowledgeable and caring."

-Retired Military Veteran, Fred K.

Another Successful Year of the Shamrock Campaign

Thanks to your generous donations, our annual Shamrock Campaign raised $150 which will be donated towards The Learning Center, a non-profit Palm Beach County charter school educating children under the autism spectrum disorder. The school accommodates children ages 3 through 14 and offers social and life skills, as well as quality education for all students and support for parents.

There were two winners who picked the shamrock with a golden star behind it which won them each a 60 minute massage with our licensed massage therapist, Tiffany Long. Those winners were Susan M. and Larry S.!
Chiropractic Care of a Patient with Harrington Rods, Scoliosis & Back Pain During Pregnancy

A recent study published in the Journal of Pediatric, Maternal, & Family Health Chiropractic found that chiropractic care benefited a 28 year old pregnant woman with Harrington Rods due to scoliosis.

The patient presented with shoulder and neck pain secondary to scoliosis and pregnancy-related musculoskeletal complaints. Her pain complaint was constant and rated at 6/10 on the numeric rating scale for pain. The patient’s surgical history 7 years prior included insertion of rods from approximately T2 to L3 vertebral bodies, with the last freely movable vertebra at T2 and L5 vertebral bodies. Subluxations were detected in the upper cervical and sacral regions and the T5 rib head. The patient received care using a combination of Gonstead, Diversified and Webster Techniques utilizing Drop technique. Each visit resulted in a reduction of her pain rating by 2 points from baseline rating.  After completing 13 visits over 6 weeks of care, her pain level rating reduced from 6/10 to 2/10.  She delivered a 7 lbs., 5 oz, 20” baby vaginally.

Dr. Helia Dashtkian has additional training in chiropractic care of pregnant women. Like this study, Dr. Helia has seen great results in low back pain, pelvic discomfort, and general movement with chiropractic care. If you or someone you may know is interested please contact our office at 561-277-9087 or visit our website at to see if we can help!


Cool off with Lemons

This crossbreed between a lemon and possibly an orange or a mandarin was named after Frank N. Meyer who first discovered it in 1908, and is only found in early spring. Meyer lemons have a sweeter and less acidic taste than more popular lemon varieties like Lisbond and Eureka. Of course, they are an excellent source of vitamin C, which keeps our immunity in check. But they are also full of antioxidants that are believed to have a ton of health benefits which include protection against heart disease, cancer and the aging process in general. Use for salad dressings, fresh juices, smoothies, and desserts—or just add a few sliced into a glass of water.
Tax day got you stressed?
 Get a relaxing therapeutic massage to calm those nerves! ☺

Therapeutic Massage Therapist, Tiffany Long, LMT

Any Day by Appointment Only
45 Minutes - $55
60 Minutes - $70
90 Minutes - $100


Chiropractic Adjustments - Dr. Helia Dashtkian

Monday, Wednesday, Friday          8am-12pm


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