Best Conditions of the Year!

March 8, 2017


It has been a tough season for the club with cold temperatures followed by rain and snow melt, followed by more cold, then more rain. Ups and downs for sure. Bit of an emotional roller coaster for us all. Our groomers have done a fantastic job ensuring we are able to maximize the snow available. But, now, here we are, it is March 8 and we have some of the BEST conditions of the season. Fresh classic tracks cut this morning, beautiful skate lanes, lovely temperatures. You could not ask for a better day out there.

We strongly encourage everyone to spread the word. The trails are still in great shape and skiing is amazing. Don't start pulling out bicycles and golf clubs just yet, we are not done. We look forward to seeing everyone out here soon.

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P.O. Box 1243
Prince George, BC
V2L 4V3

Phone: 250-564-3809

Physical Address:
8141 Otway Road
Prince George, BC
V2M 7B4

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Caledonia Nordic Ski Club · P.O. Box 1243 · Prince George, BC V2L 4V3 · Canada