OAMT Monthly Blast - April 2017
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Happy April! 

We need your feedback! Please complete this brief survey to assist us in planning upcoming OAMT conferences, CMTEs, and events.

We have updated our website to include a list of music therapists in Oregon. To be included in the OAMT directory, please fill out this form.

Voice of Equality Choir
April 8, 2017 - 9am-5pm
Montavilla United Methodist Church
232 SE 80th Ave Portland, OR 97215

AMTA National Conference
November 16-19, 2017 
St. Louis, Missouri

Periodically, we feature an OAMT member on our Facebook page. Do you know an interesting music therapist in Oregon who should be interviewed and highlighted in our monthly newsletter? Email Jess Hart for more information.


Seeking music therapist to work with adult recovering from prostitution/sex-trafficking.

Contact Brian Willis:

Josh Wilson, MT-BC, is training to become a Fellow of Guided Imagery and Music and needs to do some practice sessions. If you are interested in either a single session and/or a series of sessions, email Josh at 

Stefanie Fisco, MT-BC, is training to become a Fellow of Guided Imagery and Music and needs to do some practice sessions. If you are interested, email Stefanie at
Songs for Kids on the Autism Spectrum
Music therapists, Angie Kopshy, Kate Harris, and a mom worked together to create an album to support kids with autism and their families. Please share with anyone you think could benefit.
For more information click here.
AMTA 2017 National Conference 
Call for papers
Submission deadline: April 10, 2017
Do you have information you would like featured in our newsletter? Comments? Concerns? Please email
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