Can There Be A Better Way?

Chiropractic Care Shown To Reduce Need for Opioids

A recent review of 33,000 cases of Back Pain in New Hampshire, those that utilized chiropractic care used 56% less opioids than those seeking other treatment options.

Video from WMUR - New Hampshire

The last time I was prescribed, or took, any pain medication was 1994 after a biking injury.  I took one dose the first night so I could get some sleep. The next day I had my spine adjusted, this alleviated some of the pain and I was able to sleep without any medication from there onward.

If someone you know is in pain, let them know there are options like Chirpractic or Accupuncture. Spinal Adjustments shift the state of the body from "flight or fight" to "Rest, Rejuvenate & Recover", allowing you to recover from injury and chronic conditions.

Dr. Brian
Copyright © 2017 Brian Dickert, Doctor of Chiropractic, All rights reserved.
Dr Brian Dickert
Integrated Life, LLC
103 South Pantops Dr., Suite 105
Charlottesville, Virginia