stanford center on poverty and inequality

News and Opportunities
Geography of Child Poverty in California

Where in California are rates of child poverty especially high? Especially low? Find out in this interactive map that uses the California Poverty Measure to calculate poverty rates among young children. 
Upcoming Deadlines

Don’t miss these great opportunities:
Summer Institute in Survey Research Techniques

The summer institute at the University of Michigan teaches state-of-the-art practice and theory in the design, implementation, and analysis of surveys. Applications are due by May 15, 2017. 

America’s Poverty Course
The Rise in the Income Achievement Gap

In this video from our online course on poverty and inequality, CPI research group leader Sean Reardon poses a simple but key question: Has the test score gap between high-income and low-income children widened over time?

Summit on Technology and Opportunity
The Future of Online Education

CPI affiliate John Mitchell and edX CEO Anant Agarwal discuss how digital technology can serve learners.

Talks and Events
Exploring Equity Within Teaching

This workshop explores issues of gender, LGBTQ needs, and the racial and ethnic dynamics between teachers of color and white teachers.  

Saturday, March 18, CERAS 101 Learning Hall, 12pm
Race and Intimacy on Divided Campuses

CASBS fellow Jonathan Jansen explores how interracial student couples handle intimacy on hostile campuses.

Tuesday, March 21, Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences, 5:30pm
Why Are All the Black Kids Still Sitting Together in the Cafeteria?

Beverly Daniel Tatum, president emerita of Spelman College, discusses race relations on campuses and across the nation.

Wednesday, April 5, Paul Brest Hall, 5pm
A Radical Proposal for a Free Society and a Sane Economy

University of Louvain professor Philippe Van Parijs compares the idea of a basic income with rival ideas for guarding against poverty and unemployment. 

Wednesday April 12, Cubberley Auditorium, 5:30pm
Musical Urbanism in Los Angeles and San Francisco

University of Southern California professor Josh Kun examines how a city’s music reveals histories of marginalization, displacement, cultural change, and community place-making.

Wednesday, April 19, Margaret Jacks Hall, Terrace Room, 12pm
Urban Marginality After Mass Incarceration

San Jose State University professor Alessandro De Giorgi draws on a study of ex-prisoners in Oakland to explore the cycle of incarceration and reentry.

Thursday, April 20, location TBA, 12:45pm
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The Stanford Center on Poverty and Inequality, a program of the Institute for Research in the Social Sciences, is partly supported by the Corporation for National and Community Service, the Elfenworks Foundation, The James Irvine Foundation, Laura and John Arnold Foundation, and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation).

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