
"It is not more bigness that should be our goal. We must attempt, rather, to bring people back to...the warmth of community, to the worth of individual effort and responsibility...and of individuals working together as a community, to better their lives and their children's future."

-Robert Kennedy

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"Miami Beach Mayor’s Race Shaping up to be Heavyweight Match Between Old and New Blood"

By Joey Flechas, The Miami Herald
Dear Fellow Miami Beach Resident,

Please take a moment to read the very impartial and well written article in The Miami Herald about our campaign for Mayor of Miami Beach. Link is here:   

A quote I’d like to highlight in this article is as follows:

I continue moving forward with my simple message of city government serving you better, protecting us and our quality of life, and standing up for the taxpayers.

Please visit my campaign website or reply to this email and join our effort by hosting a Friend Raiser, signing my candidate petition, placing a yard sign, or volunteering. We are also having an event this upcoming Tuesday, hosted by over fifty Miami Beach women who support our campaign, details below.


Thank you.

Michael Grieco

Your City Commissioner for Mayor of Miami Beach


Copyright © 2017 Michael Grieco Campaign For Miami Beach Mayor, All rights reserved.

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Political advertisement paid for and approved by Michael Grieco for City of Miami Beach Mayor.