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What's New at Absolute

A Busy Start to 2017

We were so excited to have been contacted by a major direct sales company who asked us to produce one of their products for them under private label.  Because of a confidentiality agreement, I'm not at liberty to say who they are, but from late December to mid-February, we were able to fulfill their request of 5,000 pieces!!


This was a huge accomplishment for our business, since there are only two of us.  We did receive assistance from our neighbors during the labeling process (or we might STILL be working on it). 

After this pallet went out the door, we began working on another private label venture of 1,000 bars of soap, shrinkwrapped and labeled.  That order left the building last week.  This might be the first time in many months that we actually have a few moments to work on other things.  NOTE:  As I sit in the recliner with my feet up typing this newsletter, Tom is in the office scraping carpet glue off the 100-year-old hardwood floor!!

Vegan Lotion - Our Loss Is Your Gain

Absolute carries a wonderfully thick and creamy Vegan Lotion - but we made a mistake.  We received a large store order for lotion and, instead of making Goat Milk & Honey Lotion (from our Kreative Kraftwerks brand), we made a huge batch of Vegan Lotion.  Because lotions have a shelf-life and we don't want this good stuff to go to waste, we are offering you a special deal.  

For every 8 oz. lotion you order, we will send you a 2 oz. lotion in the same scent FREE ($7.50 value).  Order five 8 oz. lotions?  We'll send you five 2 oz. lotions FREE.  No coupon code is needed; the freebies will just show up with your order.  So share this offer with all your friends and family.  This offer is good through March 31 or until our current batch of lotion runs out, whichever comes first.


Sale Items

We have discounted several items - either because we will no longer be making them or because we made too many and they are seasonal.  I don't know about you, but it doesn't need to be Fall for me to bathe in soap scented in Pumpkin Spice...YUMMY!

So hop on over to Absolute and check out all of our current sale items.  Get your soy candles while they last - we will be working on new packaging for them in the near future.

We Love Our Pets!

The problem is, we love ALL pets.  So when a friend of ours was trying to find a together and forever home for two kittens that showed up at her house over the winter, we just had to take them in.  

They lived on her porch from November through most of February.  She had provided them with shelter, a heated water bowl and plenty of food (it gets cold here in Wisconsin!).  Just a few weeks ago she finally earned their trust.  She immediately took them in to be spayed and neutered.

They have already adapted so well to their new forever home.  Meet Charley and Suzi.

Well, my break is over.  Time to peel myself off the recliner and get some dinner made.  If you have any comments, concerns or special requests, please feel free to email me directly.

Copyright © 2017 Absolute Soap | Kreative Kraftwerks LLC, All rights reserved.

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