
Who is the most important woman in your life?

Your mother? Your grandmother? Your daughter? Your sister? Your best friend? Your spouse?  

What if she had never made it past the 7th grade? How would her life be different? 

What if she had never received an education in spite of her best efforts, her intelligence, her good grades. Simply because she was born female.

This is the reality facing girls born in Ghana. But it doesn't have to be.

We're competing to win $10,000 to empower 150 teen girls in Ghana with the support and resources they need to stay in school past 7th grade.  To become the first in their families to graduate high school. To become first generation college students!

And we're so close to winning the funding needed to take students on their first college visit!

<<First Name>>, we need your help: the competition is based on how many people donate to support our campaign - not the total amount donated - so every donation counts. The top four projects win funding, and we've been wavering between 4th and 5th.

Here's how you can help: 

  • Go to and make a donation of $10 or more to our project by tomorrow 3/15 at 11pm Central using your name, your email address, and the credit card, PayPal, or applepay account of your choice
  • Open a new browser, go back to and make a donation of $10 in your spouse's or sibling's or child's name using his/her name, his/her email address (this must be different than the one you just used), and a different payment method than you used for your first donation
  • Check the leaderboard here to see if your two gifts were the ones that got us back into 4th place and eligible for the $10,000 bonus! 
  • Help us get to / stay in the top 4 projects by forwarding the email below to friends and family who believe that all girls deserve a chance to get an education no matter where they were born and ask them to join you in making just a $10 donation to give a girl in Ghana the opportunity to achieve the future of her dreams! 
If you're one of the 244 people who has already supported our campaign, thank you for keeping us in the running!

You can still help by forwarding message to a friend and inviting them to join you by making a $10 donation before 11 PM tomorrow, March 15.
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Check the leaderboard to see where we stand
Questions? Give us a call at 319-352-4040.
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