WORSHIP AND EVENTS This Third Week in the Season of Lent …
THIS AFTERNOON: March 15 at 3:30 - SUNDAY SCHOOL and YOUTH SPECIAL EVENT for AGES 3 - 16. All are encouraged to gather in Good Shepherd’s kitchen to make soup for tonight’s Lenten Simple Soup Supper. Crafts and games related to the care of God’s creation will be part of the afternoon’s activities.
WORSHIP This Week …
March 15, 5:30 p.m. - Wednesday Evening Lenten Service - THE CREED
“What Does This Mean? Insights from Martin Luther for Our Faith Today”
- Presiding -- Pastor Marion Pruitt-Jefferson
- Preaching -- Pastor Amy Larson
- Special Music - Luther College Cantorei, directed by Jill Wilson
- A Simple Soup Supper and Sue Blair’s Puppet Ministry for Children follow the service
Worship Leaders and Ministry Team
- USHERS: Don Berg and Jonathon Struve
- ASSISTING MINISTER: Megan Buckingham
Copies of Free Indeed: Devotions for Lent 2017 are available in the Narthex. It brings Luther’s Small Catechism into our homes and devotions and provides insights into our Lenten theme and journey.
March 19, 9:30 a.m. - Third Sunday in Lent - Worship with Holy Communion (Service is broadcast on KWLC)
- From Pastor Amy - This week we'll encounter the woman at the well and be nourished by living well.
- Offertory Music provided by the Choir - “Out of the Depths”, Stanza 2 - a 2017 composition by Brooke Joyce
- Adult Forum - Accompanying Migrant Minors. We will listen to and discuss part of a podcast about the plight of unaccompanied minors and learn and discuss how we, as an AMMPARO Welcoming Congregation, can respond to these needs. AMMPARO (Accompanying Migrant Minors with Protection, Advocacy, Representation and Opportunity) is an ELCA initiative and strategy. Our Council voted to become a Welcoming Congregation at its February meeting.
Worship Leaders and Ministry Team
- CANTOR: Jason Rausch
- ACOLYTE: Karla Erdman
- USHERS: Karla and Lindsay Erdman
- GREETER: Joyce Epperly
- ALTAR GUILD: Chris Hick, Bob Larson, Linda Wolfs
- FELLOWSHIP SERVERS: Kathy Buzza, Lindsay Erdman, Liz and Jim Fritz, Diane Kruse
March 22, 5:30 p.m. - Wednesday Evening Lenten Service - THE LORD’S PRAYER
“What Does This Mean? Insights from Martin Luther for Our Faith Today”
- Presiding -- Pastor Amy Larson
- Preaching -- Pastor Tom Buresh (Pastor Buresh is a recently retired Presbyterian pastor living in Decorah.)
Worship Leaders and Ministry Team
- USHERS: Ed Epperly and Jonathon Struve
NO Choir or Band Rehearsals this evening
Upcoming EVENTS ...
Special Lent and Easter Offerings will be given to The Campaign for the ELCA and Northeast Iowa Path to Citizenship. Sunday School’s Lenten Tree Project offerings will be divided between Good Shepherd’s Reformation Grove and LWR’s Sustainable Response to the East African Drought. To date, $428 has been received in support of the Sunday School Project.
Lutheran World Relief Personal Care Kits - The congregation is invited to participate in WELCA’s Lenten Project to aid families in need around the world by providing selected Items for the Care Kits. A check of our inventory indicates that we need: dark-colored, lightweight bath towels; wrapped bath-size soap; and metal nail clippers. Collection continues through April 2.
Luther College’s Conference Liberating Grace: The Power of the Reformation in the World Today, Friday, March 31 - Saturday, April 1, includes exhibitions, seminars, workshops, key-note speakers, a special dinner, and a musical performance. All events are open to the public. Tickets are required - most at no charge. Registration, schedule information, and ticket arrangements are available here: https://www.luther.edu/reformation-2017/conference/