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RCC News: March 2017

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Can Zooniverse help your research project?

Cam AllenCampbell (Cam) Allen of Oxford University’s global citizen science Zooniverse platform will be a guest at UQ’s Hacky Hour on Tuesday, 4 April.
Mr Allen (pictured) is a core developer in the Zooniverse team. 
Zooniverse is the world’s largest platform for volunteer-powered research with potentially hundreds of thousands of people worldwide assisting professional researchers. Zooniverse makes it easy to create experiments and recruit people to perform tasks that are difficult for computers to do alone.
Mr Allen will be available at Hacky Hour to work with UQ researchers to develop Zooniverse applications. This is a unique opportunity to implement novel citizen science projects. Read more

IMB researchers cut compute time significantly using FlashLite and Tinaroo

The use of high performance computers FlashLite and Tinaroo cut usual compute times to a fraction of what it normally would have been for a study at the University of Queensland’s Institute for Molecular Bioscience on the genetic variation underlying human complex traits and disease.
For the study, the researchers analysed a large number of variants on the DNA sequence across many people. To perform the analysis, the team developed a Bayesian model that Dr Jian Zeng, a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at IMB, described as “a very challenging task computationally.” Read more

Circular Manhatten
A model used in the IMB project showing the posterior probabilities that the genome-wide genetic variants have non-zero effects on a human complex trait. (Image: IMB).

Join the HPC FlashLite info session

Prof. David AbramsonNeed a high performance computer for your data-intensive research? Join the online FlashLite information session on Wednesday, 5 April, 2–3pm.

RCC Director Prof. David Abramson (pictured) will conduct the free session via Zoom videoconferencing for QCIF members, which includes staff and students at the following Queensland universities: UQ, JCU, Griffith, QUT, USQ, CQU and USC.

FlashLite supports data-intensive applications and research. Read more

Learn how to access Pawsey resources at UQ-based roadshow

RCC and QCIF are co-hosting the free Pawsey National Roadshow at UQ St Lucia on Monday, 20 March and Tuesday, 21 March.
The event will showcase the services and resources the WA-based Pawsey Supercomputing Centre provides to researchers across Australia.
Researchers or students interested in high performance computing, or who would like to see if their work could be taken to the next level by using Pawsey’s powerful computing resources, are encouraged to come along and meet with Pawsey users and staff. More information and RSVP.

Pawsey Roadshow

Students: apply now to participate in SC17 in Denver, Colorado

SC17, the world’s largest supercomputing conference, is encouraging students to attend with a handful of programs targeting their participation.
SC17, which will take place in Denver, Colorado, U.S., from 12–17 November 2017, has the following programs for students: Read more

SC17 logo

April Tech Talk to focus on data maturity and the data life cycle

The data maturity model and data life cycle are the topic of next month’s Tech Talk.
Dr Andrew Janke of UQ's Centre for Advanced Imaging and Dr Philippa Griffin of Melbourne Bioinformatics will speak at the informal event, which will be held in RCC’s seminar room on UQ’s St Lucia Campus on Friday, 7 April, 3pm–5pm. Please register for this event so refreshments can be catered accordingly. Read more

Tech Talk
The monthly national Tech Talk as seen from RCC's seminar room. (Photo: Dr Nick Hamilton, RCC/QCIF/IMB.)

RCC Director gives seminar at Oxford University

Oxford UniversityRCC's Director will give a seminar at Oxford University's e-Research Centre on Friday, 17 March about UQ’s compute infrastructure for data science.  
Prof. David Abramson will talk about high performance computer FlashLite and data fabric MeDiCI in the seminar titled: ‘Caches all the way down: Infrastructure for Data Science’. Caching underpins both FlashLite and MeDiCI. Read more

RCC's Dr Makunin to give sequencing data talk at IMB

Dr Igor Makunin RCC’s Dr Igor Makunin (pictured) will give a talk to IMB’s research staff and PhD students on Monday, 27 March on the analysis of high-throughput sequencing data.
The seminar, 12.30–1:30pm at IMB, is aimed at scientists who are new to genomics and nextGen sequencing, and is designed as a theoretical introduction to planned Galaxy workshops. It does not require IT knowledge or programming skills.
Dr Makunin, who trained as a geneticist and molecular biologist, is a RCC Research Officer. He provides support for biologists working with nextGen sequencing data on the Galaxy platform. Read more

RCC events in pictures

Hacky Hour
Hacky Hour UQ is growing in popularity, which RCC is thrilled to see. At the Hour on Tuesday, 7 March, Biological Sciences researcher Iva Popović (pictured below, right) received help with R and genomics pipelines. Hacky Hour is held each Tuesday, 3–4pm at Café Nano, UQ St Lucia. Bring your research-related IT questions. All welcome.

Hacky Hour
Prof. Bronis R. de Supinski RCC seminar
Prof. Bronis R. de Supinski, Chief Technology Officer for Livermore Computing at California’s Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, discussed HPC and his work in a RCC-hosted seminar at UQ on Tuesday, 28 February. Read more

Galaxy-qld workshop
The first RCC-led Galaxy-qld workshop of the year was held at the Research Bazaar Brisbane on Wednesday, 8 February.

All photos by Dr Nick Hamilton, RCC/QCIF/IMB.
people and technology

What's On

Hacky Hour, each Tuesday, 3–4pm, Cafe Nano, UQ St Lucia. More info
Pawsey Natonal Roadshow, 20–21 March, UQ St Lucia. More info
World Science Festival 2017, 22–26 March, Brisbane. More info
Intro to Analysis of High-Throughput Sequencing Data , 27 March, UQ St Lucia. More info
Introduction to HPC, 31 March, 10am–1pm, UQ St Lucia. More info
FlashLite Information Session, 5 April, 2–3pm, online. More info
Tech Talk: Data Maturity Model and Data Life Cycle, 7 April, 3–5pm, UQ St Lucia. More info
Open Repositories 2017, 26–30 June, Brisbane. More info
eResearch Australasia 2017, 16–20 October, Brisbane. More info
eScience 2017, 24–27 October, Auckland, NZ. More info
SC17, 12–17 November, Denver, U.S. More info

View videos from the 2016 / 2015 seminar series

2015 RCC seminar series videos on YouTube

All RCC events

Subscribe: RCC Seminar Alerts

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Things you need to consider before publishing your data sets in UQ eSpace

UQ researchers are encouraged to publish the data sets underpinning their publications in UQ eSpace. But before you do so, make sure you read UQ Library’s Data Deposit Checklist. This will ensure your data sets are well prepared and you have met all permissions, licenses, policy or other data agreements. 
You may have to refer to documents such as UQ Library’s Research Data Management Guide, ethical approval forms, funder agreements, collaboration agreements, any contracts relating to the project, disclosure forms, sensing forms, and patents.
Your Research Partnerships Manager would be the first point of call for advice on some of the issues. Also contact if you need further assistance. 

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