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The Voice - April 2017

Dear <<First Name>>,

We hope you continue to enjoy The Voice, Temple Beth El's monthly e-newsletter.  The Communications Team has been working hard to highlight issues of relevance, provide important updates, and showcase how our congregants are making a difference. We incorporate feedback as much as possible, so we invite you to provide your input to our Executive Director.  Please share your ideas of what you would like for us to continue and what you’d like to see more of in our upcoming issues.
In this issue, there is a feature article on a recent resolution passed by our Board of Directors, a security update, a poignant blog by Cantor Bernard about saying goodbye, Passover reflections by our President, Ginny Rosenberg, information about our upcoming seders, and several articles highlighting congregants and how they have become involved at TBE. Thank you to everyone who enriches our Temple Beth El community.


By now you have probably learned that a suspect has been apprehended in connection with the non-credible threats Jewish communities across the country have received over the past couple months. While details about the suspect and investigation emerge, we continue to partner with Shalom Park Security and local and national law enforcement to ensure your safety. We remain vigilant in providing security to our members and guests.

At a recent community forum, we answered questions about suspicious calls received by several agencies on Shalom Park and shared some of the steps we have taken to assess and improve security protocol across Shalom Park. While safety is of utmost priority, providing a welcoming environment is also important. Although TBE now keeps our entry doors secure, we have invested in access cards for our congregants.  

TBE is your synagogue home, so during office hours, worship and evening events, members can access the building without having to ring the bell and wait outside. If you are a member and have not yet requested an access card, please call the Temple office. It will be available for you to pick up the next time you're in the building. If you have any questions about safety and security, please do not hesitate to email our Executive Director.

My Love-Hate Relationship with Passover 

by Ginny Rosenberg 

I have a love-hate relationship with Passover.  
I hate the kitchen duties required to produce the proper seder.  Getting dinner on the table fills me with anxiety. I am missing the gourmet chef gene.

On top of my personal misgivings, shopping for everything needed for the seder can be a challenge in Charlotte supermarkets.  Once, at a well-known grocery store, I asked the manager for Kosher-for-Passover horseradish.  Not to be found.  He claimed he took a workshop to learn what needed to be stocked on the shelves.  “Really?”, I thought. "That must explain the Chanukah candles.”

But I love how Passover marks my life in Jewish time and tradition.  Passover heralds in the spring.  It reminds me that I am not a slave to the drudgery of life. Eating all things matzah distinguishes the week from the rest of the year.  It brings family and friends together to re-tell the Exodus story and to hear it a new way than the year before. Read more>>

Seders Galore

Join us for one of our upcoming seders to enhance your celebration of the Passover holiday. Learn more and RSVP

Sunday, April 2 at 6:30 pm
Sisterhood Chocolate Seder

Join fellow Sisterhood members and guests to enjoy the sweetness of freedom!
To register by March 30, please click here.

Monday, April 3 at 11:00 am
S.P.I.C.E. Passover Seder

Join our senior adult group, for a delightful program rooted in tradition and sure to be enjoyed amongst friends in the spirit and sweetness of Pesach!
To register by March 29, please click here

Tuesday, April 4 at 6:30 pm
Brotherhood Men's Seder

The Brotherhood Men's Seder brings together men of all ages to celebrate Passover and create community.
To register by March 29, please click here.

Tuesday, April 11 at 11:00 am
Festival Morning Service

Join us as we welcome Passover.

Tuesday, April 11 at 5:00 pm
Families with Young Children Seder

Join The Porch and friends for a second night seder, geared toward families with infants through second graders. We will sing and laugh our way through a fun and kid-friendly celebration.
To register by April 6, please click here.

Tuesday, April 11 at 6:00 pm
Annual Second Night Community Seder

Share an evening filled with wisdom, music, and the warmth of Pesach. A complete Seder meal will be served.
To register by April 5, please click here

Monday, April 17 at 11:00 am
Festival Morning Service with Yizkor

Join us as we conclude Passover and say a prayer in memory of our loved ones.

Voice Highlights

Security Update

Aging Adults

Ginny Rosenberg on Passover

Passover Activities

Clergy Connection

Making a Difference: Stephen Phillips

Giving: Vicki Hopkins

Staff Spotlight: Dee Kridel

The Porch

Action and Justice Update

Mitzvot in Action

Discovered Traditions

Welcome New Members

We warmly welcome the following people who have recently joined our temple family:

** Matthew & Brandi Kamp
** Leon & Sandra Levine
** Stephen Prosono
** Kendra Watkins

TBE Office Closures

In observance of the Passover holiday, the Temple office will close at noon on Monday, April 10, and will re-open Wednesday, April 12. The Temple office will also be closed Monday, April 17. 

What's happening

This Month

Shabbat Schedule

Get Involved

The Porch
Youth Groups
Jewish Living Groups

Life Events

Do you have a simcha to share? Call the Clergy office at 704-366-1948 to let us know. We would love to add your announcement to our website. Click on any link below to see news from our community.

B'nei Mitzvah
Simchas & Sorrows
Birthdays & Anniversaries

Watch Online!

Can't make it to worship services? You can still participate.
Live streaming of worship services is always available using this link. 

Thank you to Lee and Jane Diamond for making live streaming possible.


Saying Goodbye by Cantor Andrew Bernard

It started off like any other vacation. A crazy week of Shabbat prep mixed with a crazier week of travel prep. Friday night services and then rushing home to pack. Several pre-dawn cups of coffee on Saturday while wrapping up things at home and loading the suitcase into the car. An early morning swim before teen band rehearsal…teen vocal ensemble rehearsal…Congregational Shabbat service. A few quick goodbyes and then the drive to the airport. Fly north. Fly west. Baggage claim at Seatac (waiting…waiting…waiting…). Escalator…skybridge…elevator…parking garage…to the transportation bay. A 30-minute ride north. Arriving at my destination at midnight (Pacific time) and collapsing into bed after a 23-hour day. Whew! Made it!!. Read more>>

A TBE Resolution: “Assuring Dignity for Aging Adults”

TBE recently reaffirmed and deepened its commitment to care for the elderly by adopting a resolution entitled “Assuring Dignity for Aging Adults.” This resolution will not only guide TBE’s policy and programming decisions, but it calls on TBE’s leaders to work with partner agencies for increased attention and resources to enhance the lives of the elderly in our community. “Assuring Dignity for Aging Adults” is another step in our longstanding commitment to provide meaningful engagement of active seniors and outreach to elderly who need support.

TBE’s Tzedek Council will take a version of this resolution to be presented and voted upon at the URJ Biennial Convention in December 2017. The proposed resolution to be presented to the URJ includes a range of advocacy options, so as to allow the 950 member congregations of the URJ to advocate in specific areas that make the most sense given their particular geographic region and congregational dynamics.

In the coming years, TBE will use this resolution as a guide to support senior-based social programs.

Stephen Phillips

Thanks to Stephen Phillips for his leadership in creating the TBE resolution "Assuring Dignity for Aging Adults." (see article above). Stephen has been a longtime liaison on issues of aging adults and an advocate for the elderly in his volunteer work and service to TBE. 

When asked about why the resolution is so important, Stephen said, "I’m excited about the approval of the Resolution, because it reinforces Jewish teachings from Leviticus 19:32 to the more recent words of Rabbi Heschel. But most importantly, this will translate into assistance for Seniors who need additional transportation options and chronic illness education/support.” 

Stephen is thankful for the support of the Tzedek Council.

Giving in Her Own Words: Vicki Hopkins

Leaving a Legacy Gift to the Jewish Community is an easy choice for me. It is important to me as I want to see our Charlotte Jewish community grow, be vibrant, relevant and have a presence and impact in the greater Charlotte Community. To know it will continue to be in Charlotte forever for my family and for all Jewish families from the newborns to seniors.

 I moved to Charlotte in 1975 when the Jewish community was rather small and I had to search for it. I found it and it quickly became a big part of my life. I spent years being active in all the various Jewish organizations from the Federation, JCC, JFS, B’nai B’rith Women, Temple Beth El. It was the place I learned what it meant to be Jewish, as growing up we never belonged to any organized Jewish organizations. 

Connection and community continue to be important in my life. My life has had many transitions which have been challenging to me. As I find my way now, my need for Jewish connections deepens. Continued Jewish learning, social action, spirituality and growth in new ways is the thread of continuity that breathes life into my heart and being.

Create Your Jewish Legacy.

TBE thanks all individuals and families who have planned to leave gifts to TBE through our Create a Jewish Legacy (CJL) program. To learn more about the program, click here.

Discovered Traditions Gift Shop Manager: Dee Kridel

If you have visited the Discovered Traditions Gift Shop, you may have met Manager, Dee Kridel. Dee takes great pride in her work and enjoys helping people find their perfect expression of faith. Here's more about Dee, a real gift to TBE:
  • What do you like most about working at TBE? I have the opportunity to touch so many lives as I help them in the Gift Shop to find ways to commemorate their simchas and sorrows.
  • Share something you're looking forward to in 2017? Passover season in the Gift Shop!
  • Describe what you do for TBE without using your job title. I help our congregants find everything they need to create a Jewish home and live a beautiful Jewish life. This also helps fund Religious School Scholarships and programs for the children of TBE.
  • Who is your favorite author or songwriter? JK Rowling and The Beatles
  • What is your all-time favorite TV show or movie? The West Wing
  • When you are not at TBE, how do you spend your free time? Jewelry-Making, Reading, Gardening, Keeping up with Family, enjoying my 2 cats, Scout and Jem.
  • Tell us about your family. Husband, Phillip and daughter, Michelle
  • How long have you lived in the Charlotte area? 52 years. I moved as a teenager from Buffalo, NY. (Native of Bradford, PA).
  • When did you start working at TBE? August 2015, although I volunteered as the Gift Shop buyer for several years prior.

Learn more about The Porch

Are you a young adult who is new to the TBE family, or have you welcomed new little ones to your family over the past few years? Then learn more about The Porch!

The Porch is a broad community that builds connections between Jewish adults and families- from recent college graduates to parents of preschoolers. This diverse community offers many types of community-building programming from Happy Hours, to Tot Shabbatot, to Havdalah services, all seeking to give people many portals into Jewish life where they can find deep personal meaning and build significant relationships with others engaged in Jewish living. Did we mention they have a lot of fun, too?

There is more information on The Porch on the TBE website and The Porch's Facebook page. If you want to see upcoming events, view their April newsletter. If you like what you see you can always update your email preferences to include The Porch so you don't miss the monthly email.

HOT OFF THE PRESS! Action and Justice Email

Repairing the world is second nature to our congregation. TBE takes pride in our reputation within the Jewish and the Greater Charlotte community as a passionate and powerful partner in making our world a better place. With TBE's Action and Justice newsletter, you can receive regular updates and learn how to get involved. 

View the most recent email here, and feel free to update your preferences to opt-into getting future communications. Our social action projects and advocacy efforts cover a broad spectrum of social issues including protecting the environment, interfaith dialogue, inclusion, caring for the sick and elderly, and domestic violence awareness. 

Mark your Calendar for May 21 and begin helping now!

Mark your calendar for Sunday, May 21, when we will gather as a congregation for MITZVAH DAY to perform acts of community service. Our projects will serve those in Shalom Park and the greater Charlotte community. There is sure to be a perfect project for you and your family and friends. REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN! 

It's EASY to purchase a gift card to help us buy supplies for projects and drop it off at the temple or just click here and have the cards mailed (free shipping!) to Temple Beth El, Attn: Mitzvah Day, 5101 Providence Rd, Charlotte, NC 28226. Any amount is greatly appreciated.

If you can’t join us on May 21, but you still want to help, there are many project preparations and donations needed leading up to the big day. Please contact Lisa Moreland, or Meri Siegel, for more opportunities.


Discovered Traditions has delicious handmade parve artisan chocolates that are Kosher for Passover from "The Sweet Tooth." These are a great finish to your Passover meal and make unique hostess gifts. Choose from traditional boxed truffles as well as whimsical chocolate seder plates and plagues, gift-wrapped and ready to go. If you missed the Religious School's Barton's Chocolate sale, we have those favorites as well! Stop by and see everything we have to make your Pesach celebration complete!

We are open 10:00 am to 3:00 pm Monday through Friday,before Friday night services, and Sunday mornings during Religious School. Like us on Facebook!
This monthly e-news is dedicated to illustrating how we build community and provides opportunities for us to reflect on how we connect to each other and make a difference in the lives of others.  If you have a suggestion for an article, are enjoying The Voice or have any constructive feedback, please contact our executive director. If you are looking for specific event information, please visit our website calendar

Get the TBE news you want, not what you don't. 

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Publication of this newsletter is made possible through the generosity of the Donald and Barbara Bernstein Endowment Fund.


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