Important Notices 26th March 2017
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Sunday, 26th March 2017!

We're OPEN this Sunday at the usual timings of 10am - 130pm
Dear parents/guardians,
Salaam Alaykum

Kindly take note of the following important messages regarding Sunday 26th March 2017.

The Clocks Go Forward THIS SUNDAY.
Spring is here! The UK British Summer Time starts tomorrow. Please remember to change your clocks so everyone is on time to Madrasah.

Executive Committee Parent Survey.
Religious Observance is very important to many parents.  On a day of Religious Observance many parents choose to keep their child(ren) off school to celebrate/commemorate the day.  This survey has been created to build a picture of how many parents of children in Local Authority Schools observe a day of religious importance by keeping their child(ren) off school.  The survey can be accessed from this link.

Student Fees are now late - the final date for payment has passed and late fees are now applicable.
Late fee payments will incur a £10 charge applicable per student, per month until the balance is paid.

2017 Student Handbooks
All students have now received their textbooks and homework diaries. We encourage all parents to check the homework diaries for important notices and ofcourse, homework.  Please ensure that all books are labelled, unless instructed otherwise.  Replacement costs are available on our website here.

Madrasah Newsletter - Coming Soon
We are excited to announce that a Muhammadi Madrasah Newsletter is on it's way soon, and we are looking for some creative and enthusiastic people to help us put it together.  It's a commitment that doesn't require you to come to Madrasah every Sunday, which means you can work to your own timings! Perfect for those of you who really want to get involved but can't commit to Sunday attendance.  If you're interested please contact our Media & Public Relations Administrator Sister Zohra Janmohamed by replying to this email.

The weather is getting warmer! Please bring a water bottle.
With the sun shining and the temperatures going up, the classrooms can get quite warm.  Please remember to send in a water bottle with your child - kindly ensure that only water is provided in them, they are clearly named and are of the sports-cap type to minimise spillages.

Don't Forget....

Lunch time....

Parents/guardians are reminded to ensure they send children in with a suitable lunch every Sunday.  Students, including secondary/gcse will not be permitted to leave the Madrasah premises during Madrasah hours.


Parents/guardians are reminded not to park in the Main Compound Carpark after 10:10AM.  This includes visitors for workshops, assembly or meetings.

Madrasah Communications

From time to time we send letters home with students.  These contain important information and we urge parents/guardians to keep an eye out for them and action them where necessary.

Late Arrivals

Teachers and Staff have noticed that many students are arriving late to Madrasah.  If your child is late to Madrasah you must accompany them to the Madrasah Office when you arrive.


Madrasah ends at 130pm - parents are reminded to keep this in mind as the number of students being collected after 1:45pm is now a growing concern.


Parents/guardians should not instruct children to leave the compound at home-time, even if it is to cross over to the CAVE carpark.
Students who have not been collected should come to the Madrasah Office, and parents/guardians collecting them will need to sign the late collections book.

We've had an email upgrade!

We've been upgrading our email mailing list.

Muhammadi Madrasah communicates primarily with parents/guardians via email.  We have recently upgraded our mailing list.  

You are receiving this email from us as your email address is registered as the contact email for a current student.  In order to make the most of our communications we would like you to Update Your Personal Details We are asking for  parents/guardians to submit their most up-to-date mobile numbers too.

Your information will only be used by Muhammadi Madrasah.

Please add our email address to your address book so that you don't miss out on future important and interesting Madrasah emails.

Our Madrasah address is:
17 Clifton Road, Balsall Heath, Birmingham, B12 8SX

Contact Us on:
tel: 0121 440 8661 (term time, Sundays 10am - 1:30pm)

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