The Greatest Journey Is Within
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The oldest, most widespread stories in the world are adventure stories, about human heroes who venture in the myth-countries at the risk of their lives, and bring back tales of the world beyond men…It could be argued… the narrative art itself arose from the need to tell an adventure; that man risking his life in perilous encounters constitutes the original definition of what is worth talking about.  – Paul Zweig, The Adventurer

Dave McIntrye, a West Michigan Wilderness Survival Instructor, successfully lived alone in the remote wilderness of Vancouver Island, British Columbia for 66 days, winning History Channels survival series - ALONE. 

How does someone survive such brutal loneliness? How do you change unchangeable terrain? Perspective.

Perspective is everything. When you're faced with unchangeable circumstances your only option is to change your perspective. And when perspective changes, our problems find redemption.

Do you feel lost? Overwhelmed? Unable to find your way out? Good. It's time for another perspective.

What if the wilderness of your life exists to get you so lost all you can do is sit still and listen to your life? The wilderness will spit you out when your dreams have been digested into destiny - an Authentic Life. 
David McIntyre on History Channel's Alone.

BASE CAMP - The Place of Stories for Men

Thank you to all who attended our BASE CAMP launch! It was SOLD OUT! 

The response was so overwhelming, we will be offering TWO SESSIONS: 5:00-7:00pm & 7:00-9:00pm. We anticipate a SOLD OUT event again so RSVP today!  

We Brew What Men Thirst - AN AUTHENTIC LIFE.



Take a journey to Israel this fall with World-Class Spiritual Life Coach, Pablo Giacopelli and World Explorer, Kevin DeVries. As you tour ancient ruins, we believe God will resurrect something new in you.

There are tours you take and there are tours that take you. This tour will take you to places not found on any map. Places that can only be found on the greatest journey - The Journey Within. Join Pablo and Kevin where every epic journey begins: ISRAEL. Space is limited to 16 men. Make Your Reservation Today HERE


We believe BASE CAMP has unlimited potential for men, and someday women and couples as well, but we need your help to make this happen by March 5th.

BASE CAMP'S Annual Budget will be approximately $10,000. 

All we're asking from you today is a one-time gift of $20 or more. Would you click on the link below and join us in helping men explore grace?

Sure, we can climb faster alone. But we can climb further together with your gift towards BASE CAMP. Thank you! 

(Not from Grand Rapids, MI? Stay tuned to hear about a Grace Explorations event near you.)
To Donate by Check, please make checks payable to:
"Trailblaze Now" and mail to:
Grace Explorations

PO Box 888782, Grand Rapids, MI 49588 

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