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Edition 3.4  | March 2017
For the Love of NPR
“And He opened His mouth, and taught them, saying, ‘Blessed are…’" (Matthew 5:2-3a)

My wife and I tend to spend a lot of time on the road, averaging anywhere from 300-400 miles per week. Thankfully, our primary vehicle is a paid-for Honda that, even at the over 200,000 mile mark, has given us a return on its value many times over. In those times, our vehicle has served as a mobile conference room, office, audio library, and music room.
But while we talk, type, & travel, there’s another form of entertainment we enjoy: Talk Radio. Yes, the evidence is abundantly clear....we are nerds.

Though it may not be as popular in South Georgia as it is in other areas of the country, one thing we share in common is our love of NPR. She enjoys it as a self-proclaimed “news junkie.” I enjoy the variety of opinions, the interesting stories, and programs that make me think. Sometimes we listen in agreement, later joyfully recounting the stories we’ve heard. Other times, we openly debate against the blaring radio, all the while it plows forward, seemingly oblivious to the valid arguments, discussion points, and plot holes we’ve brought to light.

Either way, it makes the journey more enjoyable.

But on a recent weekend, we came across a rather harrowing broadcast. The theme of this particular week’s program was “Personal Jesus.” As the stories were spun and the minutes ticked by, among the details of the host’s imaginary refuge in the land of Tolkien and the description of Maine’s North Pond Hermit, a common theme began to rise to the surface. This program’s “Personal Jesus” was just an exit plan from a problem, a coping mechanism, an escape hatch for those times life just got too hard.

Realizing this, I couldn’t help but zone out a bit as we rode. I began to think about this perception of Jesus and was almost immediately reminded of the Beatitudes and Jesus’ word of choice of "blessed" in that passage.

The Greek word translated “blessed” means “divine joy and perfect happiness.” But before Jesus, in common practice and literature, the word was never used for living, breathing humans. In the Greco-Roman mindset, “blessed” was reserved for only two groups of beings: the gods and the dead.

The reason these beings were seen as “blessed” was because of the one thing they held in common—they were both unaffected by the hardships of life. Sorrow and sickness didn’t touch the gods. They were above it all. And the dead? They were…dead. So those things didn’t affect them either.

But Jesus, in his opening series of statements, turns that whole idea on its head. As He’s speaking to the crowds, the undercurrent of His words proclaim:

“According to your idea system, false gods and the dead are blessed because they aren’t affected by life. But the blessing I give you is better than their blessing. Because I bless you IN life, right where you are, in the middle of what you’re going through. Whether the state is spiritual or natural in nature, I’ll bless you in sorrow, in poverty, in pain, hunger, thirst, and oppression. You’re not blessed by getting out of life. You’re blessed while you’re in it...because you have Me.”

It’s a beautiful thing to yearn for glory. Heaven is our home and so it’s only natural to want to be there. The hope of heaven, many times, helps increase our momentum and the reality of Hell stirs up real, raw compassion and a deep burden for the lost, but one of the greatest blessings of salvation is that it is more than an escape hatch.

Our “Personal Jesus” is a God—the ONLY True God, in fact—and He chooses to also bless us now. No matter what NPR or the rest of the world may say, He is more than a way to ignore life when it gets too hard or a psychological coping mechanism. He is, instead, the answer for every question in life, the meaning of life, and life itself.

No matter where you are or where you stand. No matter the pitfalls of life or ministry. Right here. Right now. You are blessed. God has turned the world’s version of blessing on its head…for you.

Yours in Service,

Jeremy Gove
Section One Youth Director
LifeUPC Youth Worship Night // LOCAL EVENT
March 31, 2017, 7:00pm. LifeUPC, 1301 Pipkin Rd, Hinesville. A local worship service event followed by games and activities, put on by the LifeUPC youth group.

Coastal Power Conference // LOCAL EVENT
April 7-8, 2017, The Pentecostals of Brunswick, 5608 New Jesup Hwy., Brunswick. The theme for the third annual conference is "C is for Committed." Special speakers will include Michael Williams, Michael Ensey, Tim Cole and Paul Pamer. Cortt Chavis will be leading worship. Click here to view the event page on Facebook.

May 5, 2017, 7:30pm-9:00pm. Life UPC, 1301 Pipkin Rd., Hinesville, with special guests, Nathan and Rachel French. The theme is "ChinaTown." Click here to view the event page on Facebook. PLEASE NOTE: This event is for high school students ONLY.

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