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March 2017

Welcome to our March newsletter.

The latest copy of our printed newsletter 'Centrelines' can be accessed from our office or on our website here.

We would like to share the following information with you:

* Neighbours' Day
* Early Learning Centre News
* Free Legal Education Seminar Series
* New Yoga for All Classes
* ANZAC Service Reminder

GCC Facebook PageDon't forget to like us on Facebook and keep up-to-date with what is happening in your local community.

Hub Logo  Neighbours' Day Aotearoa

Neighbours Day LogoNeighbours' Day is an annual celebration of neighbourliness that happens all over New Zealand in the last weekend in March.

Neighbours' Day encourages all people to get to know their neighbours or spend time with them to build connections that last all year round.
Check out activities that are happening around Auckland here or for more information and resources, visit the Neighbours Day website here.

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Hub Logo  ELC - Dates and Reminders

GELC LogoLast day of Term 1 is Thursday 13th of April and first day of Term 2 is Monday the 1st of May.

Currently we only have short waiting lists for all ages of children – feel free to pop in and visit if you are thinking of enrolling your child.
No need to make an appointment, but 9.30am is a good time to see our morning sessions and 1pm a good time to visit in the afternoons.

Please remember all Centre users to take care in the car-park and check for children.

Check out the website for more up-to-date information around upcoming activities, booking sessions, times and prices or ring us directly: 09-4140818.

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Hub Logo  Free Legal Education Series - "Know Your Rights"

Auckland Community Law CentreAuckland Community Law Centre continues its FREE Legal Education Series starting next week.

All sessions run for 2 hours starting at 1.30pm.

* Thursday 23 March - Immigration Law
* Thursday 30 March - Residential Tenancy Law

Bookings are on a first-come, first-served basis so register now.
For more information, call Maddox Ahuja, Community Education and Information Officer: (09) 3779449, or email:

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Hub Logo  Yoga for All

9.15am Mondays and Fridays in the Mission HallYoga for All Logo

Witness the healing of soul through Yoga with Meeta Singh.  Learn Surya namaskar (king of all asans), Cat, Tiger and Camel poses which can help you to control your thyroid, backache and knee problems, and poses to assist with asthma.  Bring your own yoga mat and water bottle. 
$10 per class, or $40 for a block of 5 classes.
Call Meeta on 027-7525989 or just drop in.

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Hub Logo  ANZAC Service Reminder

ANZAC ServicesThe Glenfield ANZAC service will be on Tuesday 25th April at 11am at the Glenfield Memorial Hall in Hall Road.

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