Smart Panda SmartThinking Newsletter || March to June 2017
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SmartThinking || March - June 2017

Message From Wade:

Oh my, how did Canada day get here so quickly? I had the March newsletter all ready to send and I was just waiting on some pictures and now it's almost Canada Day. So what can we learn from this? Clearly, I am good at managing computer systems, but managing communications on a schedule - not so much. Verne Harnish, who has a great book on "Scaling Up," talks about this in great detail. Focus on what you do well and for the rest of the stuff get people that are good at those things and let them focus on getting those tasks done.

I am not sure why I tend to forget that all the time, but it couldn't be more true.  If you are great at managing projects, development, administration, day to day operations or something other than technical managed services and you are doing technical managed services duties - maybe it's time to get somebody that can do technical managed services for you?!
>>> Talk To The Panda <<<

The Real Reason You're Not Allowed To Work From Home

So you might be saying what does not working from home have to do with Cloud Computing, but think of it more as a metaphor. Why are you not using cloud services more, why do your systems need to stay on-premise? There maybe good business reasons for your business case, and maybe it does make sense to "have people come to work," but maybe there are opportunities to change and grow too... [Read More]

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Apache: DoS & DDoS Attack

Firstly, what is a DoS or DDoS Attack?  A DoS attack is a "Denial of Service" attack which typically is a computer being used to flood a target system or resource in an attempt to overwhelm it thus making the target system unable to service requests. A DDoS attack is a "Distributed Denial of Service" attack which are often global in nature and are distributed via botnets using multiple systems and/or resources to flood a target system. Both are bad.

Unfortunately, it was our turn to...[Read More]

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Panda + Community
March to June 2017

Curling, Bowling, Dancing, Conferences, Running, Biking, Cooking, Field Trips, the question may be what haven't we done over the past couple of months.

This July will find the Panda out Riding to End MS again for the 3rd time with Team Butt Ugly. We have almost 50 riders on the team and we are on a mission to be at the top of the fundraising board this year. Please Support The Ride!

As for March to June well...... [Read More]

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The Smart Panda - Thought of the month


The first rule of any technology used in a business is that automation applied to an efficient operation will magnify the efficiency. The second is that automation applied to an inefficient operation will magnify the inefficiency.

― Bill Gates

About The Smart Panda(s):

With experience spanning three decades, The Smart Panda Team designs and implements solutions allowing our clients to "Connect with Confidence", and now combined with OurOnline.Company we provide services so you can:
"Own Your Web"

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