March 2017
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Federal Budget and Appropriations Update 
Earlier this month, President Trump released a Blueprint for Fiscal Year 2018 (FY18) Federal Spending. Being called a ‘skinny budget,’ this document outlines a wish-list of spending requests for Congress. A full budget proposal detailing specific funding levels is expected to be released in May.

Some highlights of the current proposal include increases to military spending by $54 billion; equal decreases in discretionary programs; the complete elimination of 19 agencies including the Corporation for National and Community Service, which AmeriCorps and the Social Innovation Fund fall under; a 14% decrease in funding to the Department of Education; a 21% cut to the Department of Labor; and an 18% reduction in Health and Human Services Funding.

These cuts to discretionary spending were identified to address a desired increase in the defense budget but Administration officials also argued that many of the programs suggested for elimination or reductions were done so because they are poorly performing or did not have data to support their impact.

While it is important to remember that a President’s budget cannot be enacted into law and that this document, as written, will more than likely not get any votes in the House or Senate, it is an important messaging document for how the Administration views the role of the federal government and the resources needed to achieve the goals of federal agencies. Ultimately, Congress has the final word on funding levels and it is just beginning the FY18 appropriations process.

At the same time as the FY18 appropriations process is beginning, Fiscal Year 2017 (FY17) is still underway. The timing of action on FY17 spending is critical for many in national service, education, and other program areas. There are real implications for continuing to engage in short-term legislative action, or of the potential cuts that may be made at this point in the funding cycle to programs and organizations.

America Forward is deeply engaged in the FY17 and FY18 appropriations process.  We are working with our Coalition and Network members to share our collective funding priorities with key Congressional appropriators. We are also kicking off our Evidence in Action blog series in April, highlighting the results-driven solutions our community has to our country’s most pressing social problems and the evidence-based federal programs that are critical to scaling the impact of this work. Please follow us on Twitter for updates on these efforts. Additionally, if you are interested in engaging in this work, please contact Nicole Truhe.


ESSA Implementation

This month, the President signed four Congressional Review Acts (CRA) into law, repealing four regulations put in place by the Obama Administration. These included two Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) resolutions, H.J. Res. 58, the Teacher Preparation Rule and H.J. Res. 57, the Education Accountability Rule.

Additionally, the first deadline for states to submit their ESSA state plans is April 3rd. Seventeen states, plus the District of Columbia are planning to submit their plans for review by this deadline. The rest plan to submit their plans by September.

America Forward and its Education Task Force are ready to work with the new Administration and 115th Congress to ensure our collective K-12 policy priorities are advanced upon and implemented effectively. Contact Jessica Crawford to learn more about our collective K-12 policy work. 


Secretary of Labor Nomination  

Last month, President Trump announced Alexander Acosta as his new pick to head the Labor Department. A confirmation hearing was held on March 22nd by the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee. View Acosta’s testimony from the hearing here. Next, the nomination will move to the full Senate for a final vote. Follow us on Twitter for additional updates on Acosta’s nomination and contact Nicole Truhe for additional information about America Forward's Workforce Development work.


 America Forward's Collective Policy Platform Revision Process  

In February, America Forward kicked off its collective policy platform revision process, working with its Workforce Development, Pay for Success, and Education Task Forces and Working Groups to update our collective policy and funding priorities. This month, we added Career and Technical Education (CTE) as a policy focus area for the Coalition, and launched our Education Task Force's CTE Working Group. The CTE Working Group is currently developing the Coalition's CTE policy platform which will outline our CTE policy priorities. If you are interested in learning more about or engaging in our collective advocacy work, please contact Jessica Crawford.


Social Media Highlights

America Forward works to amplify the inspiring work of America Forward’s Coalition organizations through the virtual pages of this America Forward Insider newsletter, the America Forward website, and our Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Google+, and YouTube platforms. Please follow us for the latest America Forward and Coalition Member news and updates.

Additionally, check out our this month's Twitter round-up to see what America Forward and the America Forward Coalition are working on.

Please welcome our two newest America Forward Coalition members, America’s Future Workforce and  Nonprofit Finance Fund!
Recently, the Center for Research and Reform in Education (CRRE) at Johns Hopkins University formally launched a new, searchable website with easy-to-use information on programs that meet the ESSA evidence standards. The free site, Evidence for ESSA, currently contains information on K-12 reading and math programs and interventions that fall into the evidence standards included in the law with the goal of adding additional topics over time. America Forward is proud to be a member of the CRRE’s Stakeholder Advisory Group (SAG), which provides input and feedback throughout the creation and development of the site. Read more about the database in our recent blog post.
Earlier this month, America Forward Coalition organization Citizen Schools released its 2016 Impact Report, demonstrating it is helping to close the gap in middle school performance, high school graduation and post-secondary enrollment. Read the report here and learn more about the work Citizen Schools is doing here.
America Forward Coalition organization, Opportunity Nation recently held its first event in its “Restoring the American Dream” series, which focused on re-engaging Opportunity Youth. The two-hour event at the Capitol hosted 100 cross-sector leaders and young adults, including 20 Opportunity Leaders. Read a full recap here and learn more about Opportunity Nation here.
America Forward Coalition organization PowerMyLearning works to ensure all children are able to power their learning through a combination of technology and the people who matter most to their success – parents and teachers. Step inside a PowerMyLearning partner school with this new video and learn more about PowerMyLearning’s work here.
America Forward Coalition organization REDF recently hosted a webinar entitled, Building Financial Capabilities for Social Enterprise Employees, to provide insight on research from REDF’s first portfolio on why navigating the transition from subsidized social enterprise employment to entering the workforce is essential to individuals’ success. REDF also shared examples of how social enterprises can integrate this work into their programs and businesses, and introduce leaders in the space who are bridging the gap between financial literacy and financial capability. View the webinar here and learn more about REDF’s work here.
Earlier this month, America Forward Coalition organization Third Sector Capital Partners formally announced Caroline Whistler, co-founder of Third Sector, has been promoted to President and Chief Executive Officer (CEO), and George Overholser has transitioned from his role as CEO to Board Chair. America Forward is thrilled to work with George and Caroline in their new roles. Learn more about the work Third Sector is doing here.

A Mother and Son Go from Homeless to College [Hechinger Report / Albany Times Union] - Article highlights Coalition organization, College Summit and one of its peer leaders, Moises Urena and his mother.

Barriers to Success [America’s Promise Alliance - Special Report] - In this special report, Coalition organization America’s Promise Alliance shares what we can do to increase the likelihood youth will complete high school, go to college, or have a stable job.

Can Social-Emotional Learning Be Measured? Contest Seeks Ideas [ Ed Week] - Article details a new contest seeking proposals for measuring social-emotional skills in students.

Curriculum ‘Playlists’: A Take on Personalized Learning [Ed Week] - Article spotlights Coalition organization New Classrooms and its take on personalized learning.

Lamar Alexander: US Dept of Ed’s role is ‘cheerleader’ for schools [Ed Dive] - Article provides highlights from Sen. Alexander’s speech to AEI this month.

Student Agency: Why Aren’t We Asking Students to Do More? [Ed Week] - article co-authored by Coalition organization College Summit’s CEO and Co-founder, Keith Frome and Board Member Irvin Scott highlighting the importance of putting students in charge of their own learning.

Supporting the Use of Evidence in Education [America Forward Blog Post] - Blog post discussing the launch of the Evidence in ESSA database this month and the importance of evidence in education.

State of Play: Pay for Success and Evidence-Based Policy, February/March 2017 [America Forward Blog Post] - Blog post sharing the latest developments in the Pay for Success and Evidence-Based policy space.

White House proposes $3B ED cut for remainder of current fiscal year [Ed Dive] - Article outlines White House proposal for current FY17 education spending.


America Forward
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Suite 400
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