In the image of yourself, Christie is, remember.
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Great Scott!

Don't time fly! And of course, you're all wondering how we could possibly top last month's especiale molto treat, well... in just under a fortnight we've got the six-cylinder naturally aspirated Kevin Cadwallender alongside the limited slip differential-equipped Rose Condo!

Kevin Cadwallender...

Kevin Cadwallender is a poet, writer, film maker, radio producer, composer and promoter. He's had about a dozen or more collections out, been shortlisted, awarded, heartily commended, and was the 2012 Scottish Slam Champion.

He's been the writer in residence in loads of places, and organises 10RED, a night of spoken word at The Persevere on Easter Road, Edinburgh (first Wednesday of the month), and is Producer for 10RED Out Loud, a monthly poetry podcast. Has edited various magazines including the award winning SAND, HYBRID and DREY and many anthologies. Forthcoming poetry from Red Squirrel Press ‘Polishing Demons’ March 2017

You can twitterstalk him here:  @cadwallender
He doth be in Facebook!
Oo ab welcome ath video:  HAIR!

Rose Condo...
Rose Condo is from Canada, just like Neil Young and tundra, although she's currently based in West Yorkshire. She's toured fabulous one-woman shows at the Edinburgh Fringe and the Canadian Fringe, and won slams in places, although her appearance as a finalist at the 2017 Hammer & Tongue National Final must surely rank as one of her finest achievements.

She can be followed:  @prairiepetal
She can be informational:  it's a web site, doh!
And don't forget, there's the Open Poetry Slam - 8 places available for folk to perform their best piece of work in a three-minute slot. Go on, come and see and be seen.
Spring is here! And with it the erratic nuisance of Rain? or Sun?, Rain? or Sun?, Rain? or Sun?, Wind!, Rain? or Sun?, Rain? or Sun?, HAIL!!, Rain? or Sun?, closely followed by Summer: Rain? or Sun?, Rain? or Sun?, Rain? or Sun?, Wind!, Rain? or Sun?, Rain? or Sun?, HAIL!!, Rain? or Sun? Here in the elevated north of the county we really feel the extremes of this meteorological spasming, in much the same way as you'll find quite temperate conditions in, say, Malmo, compared to the harsh weathery experiences of Kiruna; I've had to buy another jumper and heavier shoes. We have a new addition to the pack, Pasha Bosco Peregrine Shackleton, after the recent and deeply sad loss of the legendary Pasha George Peregrine Shackleton. They are big boots to fill.

So, join your bejumpered hosts Neil Spokes and Tina Sederholm for the sixth episode of their tenth season with the gig that offers the finest spoken word available on a Tuesday night in Oxford, certainly the whole shire, and all at OS grid reference SP513061!

Oxford Hammer & Tongue
7.45pm for 8pm
Tuesday 11th April
The Old Fire Station
George Street
LAT: 51.752022
LONG: -1.257677

Click on the poster at the top for tickets, or simply click this.

That's all for now, buy tickets for yourself and your funky friends, sit back and relax, frame a picture, or simply sand down some nice oak, and on the 11th April go wild!

Smrt facizmu, sloboda narodu, kids.

We do love you,

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