The following is a timeline of key American Manufacturing Industry Moments & Innovations up to present day. The purpose of this timeline is to show how manufacturing has evolved over time.
1785: Beginning of Modern Bulk Material Handling
An Automatic flour mill is built by Oliver Evans and uses a leather belt bucket elevator, screw conveyors, belt conveyors, and other devices
1801: Eli Whitney Demonstrates Interchangeable Parts
Whitney owed the US government 10,000 contracted muskets and needed a quick way to produce them.
1820: US Industrial Revolution Begins
Coal power and machine production change the world
1830: 1st American Steam Locomotive Completed
The "Tom Thumb" raced a horse-drawn cart to prove the superior power of steam engines.
1850: American System of Manufacturing
The American System of Manufacturing becomes popular. Interchangeable parts and mechanization galore.