40 years of Solutions 
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Since 1977...

We are proud to be celebrating our 40th year. So much has changed since the early days. Harbec has grown tremendously from 2 part time people machining and repairing tools in their garages. It is now a team of nearly 140 CNC machinists, engineers, injection molding machine operators, quality technicians, material experts,  maintenance/repair men, supervisors, managers, and support staff, striving to provide tightly toleranced prototypes, tooling, machined components and quality injection molded parts in a sustainable manner with a social conscience. This has all been under the guidance of Bob Bechtold. Learn more about the beginning of Harbec in this first of 4 blogs that will be written through the next year telling the story of Harbec.

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Bob Bechtold of HARBEC · Ontario,NY

HARBEC of Ontario, New York makes tightly-toleranced prototypes, tooling, machined components, and injection molded parts for a range of industries. Now celebrating its 40th anniversary, the Rochester-area company is also a leader in additive manufacturing (AM) and is so committed to sustainability that it’s regarded as one of the country’s most environmentally-friendly manufacturers.

For Bob Bechtold, HARBEC’s founder and president, the journey began long before CNC machining, which, along with mold manufacturing, is one of the company’s core capabilities. As a child, Bechtold was fascinated by what he calls “the magic of energy”. Kites, balsa wood model airplanes, and wood-burning projects with a magnifying glass and the sun’s rays captured his attention. Then he discovered toolmaking.
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How Technology Has Changed The Way We Finance Business

40 years ago, corporate finance was a different world. Knowing the right people was often the difference between a good deal and a bad deal. Valuations were pegged to an industry benchmark, and it was difficult to find someone who was willing to deviate from the standard. When venture capitalists looked for investments, they’d seek out industries where they could leverage their connections to streamline business processes. The process was specific and calculated. It wasn’t the numbers that needed to be bent to suit the business, but the business that had to adapt to meet the numbers.BCW

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VIDEO: "Inside look at a local energy efficient manufacturing plant"

Check out our feature on Rochester's Good Day Live!

HARBEC, Inc. Expands Machining Capabilities With 7 Axis Turn/Mill Center

The Super NTMX, built by Nakamura Tome combines capabilities of both a lathe and a 5 axis milling machine which produces complex and highly toleranced machined parts in a single operation.

As part of its efforts to continually improve and expand capabilities, HARBEC recently purchased a Super NTMX built by Nakamura Tome, a highly reputable world class machine tool manufacturer. The Nakamura Tome machine was selected because it is known to be among the very best in the industry. The 7 axis turn/mill center compliments Harbec’s existing 40+ CNC machines, lathes, and wire EDMs.


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Imagine you went to sleep and woke up to a work day in 1970's. How different is your work life today, compared to what it was 40 years ago? Clearly, there would not be a Starbucks on every corner or a cell phone in every pocket—but what else has changed and why?

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Public Perception of & A Brief Timeline of Moments from the American Manufacturing Industry

The following is a timeline of key American Manufacturing Industry Moments & Innovations up to present day. The purpose of this timeline is to show how manufacturing has evolved over time.

1785: Beginning of Modern Bulk Material Handling
An Automatic flour mill is built by Oliver Evans and uses a leather belt bucket elevator, screw conveyors, belt conveyors, and other devices

1801: Eli Whitney Demonstrates Interchangeable Parts
Whitney owed the US government 10,000 contracted muskets and needed a quick way to produce them.

1820: US Industrial Revolution Begins
Coal power and machine production change the world

1830: 1st American Steam Locomotive Completed
The "Tom Thumb" raced a horse-drawn cart to prove the superior power of steam engines.

1850: American System of Manufacturing
The American System of Manufacturing becomes popular. Interchangeable parts and mechanization galore.

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We are experts in designing, prototyping and manufacturing products of the highest specifications, tightest tolerances and greatest quality.

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