It might be time.

Join a Spring Personal Retrospective

What are the prevailing winds taking you into Spring? How will you reach the flow to take you where you need to go?

Steve Holyer is your Hot Air Balloon Retrospective facilitator.

This week we are offering you two retrospective cocktails to choose one, so we hope at least one one is falls in a timezone that's perfect for you.

A Retrospective Cocktail is a live two-hour personal retrospective among friends. We keep it light, with times for private reflection and also some group discussion. We think it's important and valuable to take two hours out at the start of the year to set your direction. If this sounds good to you, then join us! Read more about Retrospective Cocktails...


Visit our web page to RSVP for the one that works for you:

Thursday, April 25th 
San Francisco 9AM, which is
NYC at noon, which is
Berlin 18:00, and 
New Delhi 22:30

Saturday, April 1 (no joke!)
San Francisco 7:30AM, which is
NYC 10:30AM, which is
Berlin 16:40, and 
New Delhi 21:00


Be sure to RSVP 
to get call details and reminders.

We love these calls. We’re not hosting a series of webinars - we're creating space for passionate people to meet, especially since we’re far apart

See you later this week!
Riding peacefully in the baskets of our metaphorical balloons, we’ll reflect on what gives us lift – and also examine the ballast  keep which us closer to the earth. How will you find the prevailing flow of air that will take you into Spring?

Also in April... Agile Cocktails

Mark you calendars on April 25 to celebrate 
April's Agile Cocktail Meetup with Rich Sheridan and Ellen Grove.

Two friends, Ellen and Rich, will have a laugh, share a beverage, and chat about building and sustaining organisations that are Agile to the core.

Then, of course, we'll all join their discussion with some Lean Coffee™ Talk.  We've been looking forward to April's Agile Cocktail for many months. Come and share the time with us and join the lively discussion. You won't want to miss this one.

RSVP for April's Cocktail Meetup Now
(hmm, what is Lagniappe?)Know someone else who would love to join us? Then please forward this invite.

Until we meet again, be good to yourself!
Remember to breathe deeply, enjoy nice drinks, and do good things for you! Shifting culture begins with who you are... and be certain, folks will get curious when you are the most joyful person in the room!
Happy Culture Shifting!
   Steve and Deb
(say, what's up with that cupcake?)

Holding space for culture shifters, building skill, confidence and community. Together, online, one conversation at a time.
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