Do not let fear hold you back from achieving your dreams!
APRIL IS - Go Blue for Autism - Awareness is to spark positive change by increasing education and understanding of autism in Australia. It is hoped that efforts will lead to earlier diagnosis, access to effective interventions and more meaningful supports to help people on the spectrum reach their full potential. Find out more here

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BUSINESS INSIGHTS More business owners are seeking to use social media for brand awareness and sales, however those new to the platforms have trouble understanding what all the different terms mean.
It can be so confusing - who knew that PM IM and DM all mean the same thing!

This Social Media Glossary will help get your head around what means what in the world of social media. 

ENTREPRENEUR REVIEW - I have followed Lisa Burling's journey for some time now and her optimism and excitement for what what she does is inspiring.  Lisa shares some things about herself and her business.

Business name - LBPR 


How did the business originate?  I set up LBPR after my partner left me with a 3-year-old and a premature baby. I was an unexpectedly single mum, and unemployed as I thought I’d be enjoying maternity leave. The Universe had other plans! I knew I had to do something, and with 20 years of PR experience under my belt I decided to use that as the basis for my new life. Against all logic and sensible advice, I decided to set up a PR consultancy during one of the most devastating times of my life. My motivating factors were flexibility to care for my boys, Luca and Nate, and to buy us a house one day. Four years on, I never miss a single moment of their little lives and my new house is 5 weeks off completion. Fortune – and a truckload of hard work and self-belief - truly does favour the brave.

How long have you been in this business? I’ve been in the PR industry for 20 years, and LBPR just turned 4


What do you love about your business?  I have such a passion for words and storytelling; as a degree-qualified journalist I always loved finding out what makes people tick. I feel completely blessed that I get to help businesses and individuals all over Australia tell their stories every day, with the goal of igniting behavioural change. My life purpose is to create compelling human connections and LBPR facilitates this. I also have a team of four talented PR people, all of whom are graduates of the University of Wollongong. To be able to pay them as well as myself, seeing their dreams comes true, is hugely motivating for me. As my Pa always said: “Find what you love, turn it into a career, and you’ll never work a day in your life.” Wise words.


Is there anything you dislike? No; I think if you run a business and dislike it then you’re in the wrong game! Anything I don’t like – accounting for example – I outsource. I learnt early on that it costs my business more money to try and do the things I’m not good at or interested in, rather than paying someone who is into it to take care of it!

Favourite food: Chocolate. No question.

Favourite colour:  Lime green of course! It’s my primary brand colours and always make me smile and feel energised.

Favourite drink: Non-alcoholic: Watermelon juice. Alcoholic: Prosecco

Favourite movie: This changes almost weekly! Right now it’s The Intern. I love the main character; her story really resonates with me. I also often watch The Shift by Wayne Dyer and my boys and I adore Kung Fu Panda 3. So many important spiritual messages hidden amongst the flying dumplings!

Favourite time of the day: Morning – I get up at 5am to give myself an hour to journal, reflect and set my intention for the day. I’d go insane without that quiet hour to myself before the world wakes up.

Favourite item in your office: Our disco ball! A present from one of my best friends, it really creates a fun atmosphere. We work really hard, so turning on the light and having a dance under it alleviates most of our  stress.


Favourite app on your phone/tablet/computer: Lucky Bitch. This app helps you track your earnings – predicted versus actual – but it includes cash plus in-kind gifts. It’s amazing how many “free things” we get but just take for granted. This app helps me account for how lucky I truly am and fosters gratitude.

What book are you reading right now? The Untethered Soul by Michael A. Singer.

Which 3 people (dead or alive) would you invite to a dinner party? Why?    Michael Jackson, Nelson Mandela and Shakespeare. All fascinating men who created a movement, changed the world, and did so through the power of words.

Name 3 things on your bucket list:  I love to travel, so it’s definitely see the Northern Lights, trek the Inca Trail to Machu Picchu, and Mexico

What do you like to do for yourself? I’m a massive fan of pamper days J I also love reading, being by the beach and snorkelling, and of course travelling.

Who do you seek advice from?  I am so blessed to have a range of people I can speak to depending on what I need. I also really value a mix of in person and virtual mentors – Sir Richard Branson is my absolute guru when it comes to being an entrepreneur and taking risks.

What advice would you give to someone thinking of starting their own business? Just do it. If it feels right, and you love what you’re going into business to do, then you won’t fail. There is never, ever a right time – you’ll always come up with reasons not to take the leap.

What is your tip for a work/life balance? Firstly, you are in control of your time. Nobody is going to tell you to take time out as only you know when that is needed. I have to structure time in my diary to ensure I get some time out of LBPR; when you run your own business, it can be very hard to switch off. I don’t put any meetings in on Monday or Friday where possible, I do yoga twice a week, and get to the gym a couple of times too. An hour out of the work headspace can feel like I’m wasting time, but it actually makes me more efficient and switched on.

Apple / AndroidApple

Beach / Bush: Both – I take myself down to Mollymook on the NSW South Coast and Leura in the Blue Mountains regularly. There’s nothing like some time with nature you  give you clarity, perspective, and a renewed sense of purpose.

Lisa also volunteers for the Share and Care for Autism organisation and has recently been inducted as a an official global ambassador for Inspiring Rare Birds.

APP REVIEW - All the banks now have apps to allow you to do your banking on the go.

Some are very good while some can be a bit clunky.

All should allow you to view account balances and recent transactions. Most have the option to transfer funds between accounts and to pay anyone. 

  • check the reviews provided by other users to determine if it is going to meet your requirements.  
  • use secure pin/passwords.
  • update app regularly to ensure security
SMALL BIZ TIP - A contract is a legally binding agreement between two or more people. It may be between you and your customer or between you and another business.

A contract can be anything from a formal written document to a purely verbal promise, including a handshake deal to do a job where the only thing in writing is a quote on the back of an envelope.  The agreement is able to be enforced in the courts.

If you agree to provide a service for money, you have entered into a contract. You are promising to do a job for the hirer and the hirer is promising to pay you for it.

However, even for relatively straightforward arrangements, it is recommended that you have a written contract as it minimises misunderstandings and leads to fewer disputes.

For more information on contracts visit 

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The Fishbowl will be meeting again for a casual coffee morning on Thursday 27 April at 10am. Venue TBC - keep an eye out in the Facebook Group.

There are also many other networking groups in and around your area - get out and get noticed. It will do wonderful things for your confidence and your business.
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