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March 2017 Carpentries Community Newsletter


From the Software and Data Carpentry Community Calendar


April Community Call - Join us April 20th for our next community call. Our calls are open to everyone, and topics range from instructional practices to community development. This month’s community call was on mentoring--we had a great discussion! If you missed the call check out the notes on the etherpad.

Instructor Discussion Sessions - Did you know our instructor discussion sessions are for new and seasoned instructors? Share how well your workshop went, or get advice on preparing for an upcoming workshop during one of our discussion sessions. Sessions are held every Tuesday. Information about upcoming sessions can be found on the instructor discussion etherpad, and remember, we are always looking for volunteers to lead a session.

Community Calendar - With so many activities and subcommittee meetings, we’ve begun to keep a community calendar up-to-date. Consider subscribing to the calendar so you can participate in the activities and events that interest you.

Community News

Data Carpentry Ecology Lesson Release - Data Carpentry Ecology Lesson Release A big thanks to all of you who joined us for the Issue Bonanza March 16-17th! Our community made great progress in proof-reading the Ecology lessons in preparation for planned publication in April. The Issue Bonanza will be followed up by a Bug BBQ April 6-7th to resolve issues that were identified. Stay tuned for more news about the Bug BBQ and how you can help!

DataCamp Subscription - We have received an exclusive offer from DataCamp. If you enroll now your first month’s Datacamp subscription will only be $9! DataCamp offers lessons on data manipulation, big data, data visualization, and more. Click here for more information and to take advantage of the offer.

New Instructor Trainers in Training - Ten Carpentry community members have now started the training program for becoming Instructor Trainers. Please join us in welcoming Aleksandra Nenadic, Alix Keener, Chris Hamm, Jeffrey Oliver, Jonah Duckles, Karen Word, Kari L. Jordan, Maneesha Sane, Mark Laufersweiler, Martin Callaghan, and Naupaka Zimmerman to the Trainers team!

Take a Survey - Win a “Swag Bag”! - Software and Data Carpentry have launched a Long-Term Assessment Survey. The goal of the survey is for us to learn what has transpired in our learners’ work and careers since completing a Carpentry workshop. If you took a Carpentry workshop (Software or Data) before December 2016, please complete our survey. You can be entered in our drawing for a Carpentry “swag bag”! We will collect data until April 4th.

What you may have missed on the blogs and mailing lists

Long-Term Assessment Strategy - DC blog post
Our first work cycle, Prometheus - DC blog post
Updates from the Data Carpentry Steering Committee annual in-person meeting - DC blog post
Get involved with Mentoring - SwC blog post

Job postings

The National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON) is looking for a scientist passionate about data science, ecological data, and education for the open position of Data Science Educator Lead.

Other places to connect

If you can't get enough Software and Data Carpentry. Here are a few other places to connect with our community.

Have something you’d like to have included in the next newsletter, please send it to

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