WORSHIP AND EVENTS This Fifth Week in the Season of Lent …
NOONTIME TODAY, Wednesday, March 29, 12:15-12:45 - Lenten Organ Recital
Brooke Joyce, our organist and music director, and Jonathon Struve, baritone, will offer a short program of works by Bach, Wolf, and Vaughan Williams
WORSHIP This Week …
March 29, 5:30 p.m. - Wednesday Evening Lenten Service – HOLY BAPTISM
“What Does This Mean? Insights from Martin Luther for Our Faith Today”
Preaching – Pastor Steve Zittergruen: Pastor Zittergruen is an ELCA pastor on leave from call while he cares for his young children. He and his family have recently moved to Decorah.
A Simple Soup Supper and Sue Blair’s Puppet Ministry for Children follow the Service
April 2, 9:30 a.m. - Fifth Sunday in Lent - Worship with Holy Communion
From Pastor Amy – Being in relationship with Jesus means facing death and grief with him and learning that, in spite of death and anger and sorrow, he can still be said to be life. Nothing is ever so dead that it keeps Jesus from being life and working life for us and for our world.
Offertory Music provided by the Choir - “Out of the Depths”, Stanza 3
Adult Forum – City of Decorah Forester Robin Sailor will explain Decorah's plan for replacing diseased Ash trees and discuss trees Good Shepherd might consider for
planting on its property.
April 5, 5:30 p.m. - Wednesday Evening Lenten Service – HOLY COMMUNION
“What Does This Mean? Insights from Martin Luther for Our Faith Today”
Preaching – Pastor Marion Pruitt-Jefferson, Good Shepherd Assistant Pastor
NEWS and Upcoming EVENTS …
Saturday, April 1 - Luther College's Liberating Grace: The Power of the Reformation in the World Today – All morning and afternoon events are open to the public at no charge. Of particular note for the Good Shepherd family are:
8:45 a.m. - Plenary Address by LWF's Ralston Deffenbaugh, Welcoming the Stranger: Refugees at the Core of the Lutheran World Federation. This is a Good Shepherd
Plus event – look for Pastor Amy in the CFL lobby and join Good Shepherd folks for his address.
10:30 a.m. - Deffenbaugh's Seminar, The Global Challenge of Refugee Protection in an Age of Fear
1:30 or 3:00 p.m. - Wanda Deifelt and Amalia Vagt's Breakout Session, For the Sheer Joy of It: Luther's Theology of the Body
7:30 p.m. - J.S. Bach's Mass in B-minor (Tickets are required.) Complete and updated schedule information, registration, and arrangements for ticketed events are available here: https://www.luther.edu/reformation-2017/conference/
Wednesday, April 5, 12:15-12:45 p.m. - Noontime Lenten Organ Recital
Five students from the Luther College Organ Studio will perform a program that includes works of Dieterich Buxtehude, Michel Corrette, Cesar Franck, and Jacques-Nicolas Lemmens. This is the last in this year's organ recital series.
Wednesday, April 5, 7:30 p.m. - Immigration and Unaccompanied Minors – Susan Schmidt, Visiting Assistant Professor of Social Work, and Yer L. Vang, immigration attorney with Catholic Charities, will speak about their work with unaccompanied minors from Mexico and Central America and host a panel discussion. Sponsored by the Luther College Center for Ethics and Political Engagement, the event will be held in the College's Olin Building, Room 102; it is open to the public at no charge.
Second Quarter Ministry Team Signup Is Underway – Click on the SignUpGenius link in the sidebar to the right to volunteer for service in April, May, and June and to review your assignments during the quarter.